Saturday, January 13, 2018

Dry Skincare Routine: Face Edition

Hello Everyone!

The weather here in South Carolina was VERY cold week before last (and the cold weather has returned), and if you're anything like me your skin might feel a little dry. The other day I went to rub my eyes and I realized my skin felt so dry! I don't have dry skin that often, but when I do this is the skincare routine and skincare products that I use. I was undecided if I was going to do a morning or night skincare rohtine, so I went with doing both! Side Note: This skincare routine and skincare products are also good to use to prevent and maintain moisturized skin. 

Facial Cleansing

I always cleanse my face in the morning and at night. The products shown above are some of my go to cleasnsers I use at night. The cleansing balm is great for removing makeup and the cleansing oil is great for moisturizing my face.

Use a Clean Washcloth

I use a clean washcloth to rinse off my face.  You should use a clean washcloth to wash your face because a dirty washcloth harbors bacteria.

Use a Gentle Face Exfoliator/ Gentle Face Mask

I haven't come across any harsh feeling exfoliators for my face, but using a soft face exfoliator helps keep my face feeling smooth. If use the charcoal mask twice week then, I'll skip the facial scrub or vice versa.

Face Cream and/or Face Oil

I typically use a face cream before I go to bed to keep my face moisturized throughout the night.  I like to use a face oil during the morning to keep my face moisturized during the day.

Lip Care

Whether my lips feel dry or not, I always try to use a lip balm before I go to bed.  I use different balms,  but my SoftLips Blueberry Pomegranate is my favoirte lip balm. It's so hydrating!

Also check out  my post from last month for more hydrating skincare products that I'm currently using in my skincare routine.

Derma E Hydrating Cleanser and Hydrating Night Cream

January 2018 Posts


Sarah F said...


The weather here is excruciatingly cold right now as well. My skin gets super dry because of it. Thanks for the recommendations!! I've used Palmers cocoa butter lotion before, but I didn't know they made a facial line as well! I definitely have to try it out now.

xo, Sarah
Hustla, baby.

Naturalle Drea said...

Yes it is so cold and my skin gets dry as well.I make sure to drink plenty of water too. I have to use a heavier moisturizer. I didn't know Palmers had skincare, I'll have to check them out!

Lisa said...

I need a good exfoliator for my skin. My face often looks oily but I have noticed that after I apply my makeup, my face looks dry and flaky.

Marie said...

I remember the reviews you wrote on these products. The face oil is something I need to try. Sometimes the cold weather makes my skin feel extremely dry!

Jackie Harrison said...

The face oil and this brand rock.

Pilar said...

You're welcome! The skincare routine I use during cold weather really helps keep my skin hydrated. The Palmer's Facial Skincare Line is pretty good!

Pilar said...

Drinking water is so important! I try to drink a few bottles of water daily. The Palmer's products that I mentioned in this post are pretty good!

Pilar said...

I've had that problem before with my face looking dry and flaking after applying makeup due to dry skin. The exfoliator really helps. I typically exfoilate my skin at night and use a face oil. By morning my face is hydrated and feels smooth. I also notice my makeup applies better.

Pilar said...

The face oil works wonders to prevent dry skin! I've been using it more since the weather has turned colder!

Pilar said...

I agree!

nerline said...

I have extremely dry skin during the winter, too. These are all good tips.

PhotosbyCris Travel Fashion Lifestyle said...

I love Palmer's products and I need to try the face oil I have not used it yet. The lip balm sounds great as well I also use it before I go to bed. Great products here. Thanks for sharing. xoxo Cris

Anonymous said...

Nice list of products!

LoveT. said...

Great Products! Especially your Cleansing Routine sounds very good. :)

lovely Greetings <3

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

My skin is also dry especially in this season. You have picked some good products. I love Palmer products as well.
Have a great day <3 Kisses <3

LINDA said...

Great products!


Linda from Beauty And Tips

Susie said...

Pilar, I feel so dry and itchy from my dry skin. I would love to sleep in a tub of creamy lotions. I was just telling my daughter yesterday about your beautiful complexion. We were talking about smooth skin. :) Blessings to you miss beauty. xoxo, Susie

Adriana Leandro said...

Great products. I need to try the face oil.

Red Rose Alley said...

These sound like nice products, Pilar. And I couldn't help but notice the Purple hand towel, as Purple is my favorite color. Is your bathroom Purple as well?


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Cold weather is almost always bad news for dry skin but it sounds like you've developed a foolproof routine to keep dry skin under control. I've been all about oils this winter.

Unknown said...

I definitely need to try out some of these products, Pilar!! My face usually doesn’t get too dry in the winter, but this winter is has been! It’s not something I’m use to so I’ve been having to switch up my products! I’d love to try that derma e cleansing oil!

Pilar said...

Thanks! My skin isn't too dry during the Winter. It's those extremely cold days that I notice a little dryness with my skin!

Pilar said...

You're welcome! The face oil is one of my favorite products. It's so hydrating! The lip balm is hydrating as well!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks, and same to you!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Aww thanks Susie! I try take care good care of my skin! I've had a skin routine since I was a teenager and I try to drink plenty of water! Blessings to you as well my friend!

Pilar said...

Thanks! The face oil is a great product!

Pilar said...

Over the past few months these have been my go to products. Now that it's cold these products work well for my skin! This was just a clean purple washcloth I used for this post lol. Funny you should mention that because I was thinking about doing changing the color towels etc. in my bathroom. I'm so indecisive! I want to pick a color by Spring. I'm about thinking yellow or lavender.

Pilar said...

I agree! I'm glad I don't have extremely dry skin, but I try to prevent dry skin in cold weather! Oils are good to use during the Winter!

Pilar said...

I think you would like the cleansing oil Ashley! It cleanses and keeps your face hydrated. I notice that face feels dry only in extremely cold temperatures. I'm not used to this either!

Kristen Alpert said...

I hear you on the dry skin in the cold weather. I have issues with dry skin and I know palmer's brand is good for dry skin. Also gold bond brand is good too.

Pilar said...

I haven't tried Gold Bond, but I hear it's a great brand on keeping your skin hydrated!

Love Your Selfie!

 Hello Everyone! During the month of February I want to focus on all things good and love. In order to show love to others you must first sh...