Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Gift of Giving Back

Hello Everyone!

*Disclaimer: The mirrors provided in this giveaway are provided by

Giving back is one of the best feelings in the world to me.  I'm truly a believer in the saying it is better to give than to receive. For my upcoming 7th Blogiversary next month July 27th (a month from today!) I wanted to do something special for local healthcare workers, particularly nurses.

All my life I've seen my mom work in healthcare as a nurse, so I've seen up close how essential healthcare workers are to the community. I wanted to give back to three local nurses here in South Carolina.

This is one of the baskets I put together. During this pandemic I've been focusing on self care. I think self care is so important especially during this pandemic.

For the other two gifts I'm going to add 2 bath bombs to go along with each mirror. The black mirror shown is mine, but I wanted to show what the mirror looks like. Isn't it gorgeous?! Once I finish getting the items together I'm going to place them in cellophane with a bow.

I want to give a special thank you to Original Beauty Box for providing the mirrors that are included in the local giveaway.  I chose nurses for this giveaway, but I want to thank all the essential workers for all that you do!


  1. This is a wonderful idea Pilar! The lucky recipients will surely be grateful. Nurses are always heroes not matter what they are facing.

    1. Thanks Val! I agree nurses and all essential workers are heroes :) The nurses were so surprised by the gifts!

  2. excellent the mirror.
    have a wonderful weekend

  3. Such a cute mirror and what a good idea! I'm sure the nurses will really appreciate the gift, it's so thoughtful of you! :) Happy blogaversary too!

    Hope you had a great weekend! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thanks Mica for the early Blogiversary wishes! The nurses loved their gifts! Have a great week!

  4. This is so sweet and well deserved for them too!! Beautiful xx

  5. Replies
    1. The mirror is amazing! Pefect for a vanity!

  6. This is such a sweet idea Pilar and the gift baskets you put together are lovely. I can't even imagine getting through this pandemic without all the tireless work of our healthcare workers. They deserve all the gifts and our eternal gratitude and respect.

    1. Thanks Rowena! You're so right! I have so much respect for nurses and all essentials workers especially during this pandemic!

  7. Pilar, that was so thoughtful to create baskets for the health care workers in your area. I appreciate them so much too. I didn't know your mom worked in health care. You're right, self care is important, and sometimes we take care of everyone else that we forget about ourselves. It's nice to pamper ourselves once in awhile, and I want to thank you for the reminder. That mirror is so cool. I think they will love these wonderful baskets, especially because they are made with appreciation from you.


    1. Thanks Sheri! Yes, my mom has worked in health care all of my life! Since this pandemic started, I try to have at least 2 self care days a week. It's so important to take care of yourself especially during a time like this. I was so happy that the nurses liked their gift baskets!

  8. I have a similar mirror and I love it!!
    Thanks for you comment! What about following each other?

    The World Of A Vet

    1. You're welcome Stefania! I already followed! Thanks for following my blog :)

  9. No word of a lie, I got that bluetooth mirror for Christmas from my sister.
    I think it actually the best gift that I got. I love the lighting and can jam out at the same time. But my makeup takes linger because I spend half the time dancing. hahahahah
    The only downside is it looses battery so quickly.
    But that's it.
    Love this post and I would definitely recommend it.

    1. Thanks Omaye! I don't think this is a Bluetooth mirror. It's probably a similar mirror.

  10. Wow, how wonderful of Original Beauty Box and you too put this together to donate to the health care workers. My friend and I were just speaking about this, how the pandemic really shinned a light on what is important. And how the jobs and people that matter are the health care workers, farmers, and people who deliver/transport food etc. Not the people who work on Wall Street who make a ton of money out of thin air and do nothing for society or the good of the economy.

    Allie of

    1. Thanks Allie! I loved creating the baskets and collaborating with Original Beauty Box for such a great cause! During this pandemic I think it's so important to include grocery store workers etc. as essential workers because they do so much as well!

  11. These are wonderful gifts Pilar. I'm sure the nurses will love it! What a thoughtful thing to do!

    1. Thanks Marie! The nurses were surprised and happy about the gifts!
