Saturday, May 1, 2021

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

 Hello Everyone!

May is mental health awareness month. Mental Health is an area that hits close to home for me because I have depression and anxiety. Many of you that read my blog know that I have shared my struggles, inspiration, and hope for coping with mental health issues.

I mentioned in 2018 that I started going back to counseling. The first counselor I had was very pushy with his beliefs on mental health and he wasn't listening to anything I was saying. I actually started feeling worse after my counseling sessions. After the 3rd session, I switched counselors. One of the best decisions I made. I keep my circle small, but sometimes people give bad advice. Ultimately it's up to you on how you deal with coping with your overall mental health. 

I tend to overthink a lot. I can admit trusting the process can be struggle for me. Sometimes I question did I make the right decision or why something bothers me the way it does. I have let things bother me until I have anxiety. In life things happen beyond our control. 

I'm learning to trust myself more. Your worst critic can be yourself. I've learned that a lot over the years. When you trust yourself you should be able to do so without judgment or guilt.  

You can't run on empty. One of my goals has been eating more foods that help combat anxiety and depression. Since I have severe nutrient deficiencies (i.e. Iron Deficiency Anemia etc) low iron levels can also be a factor for some of my mental health symptoms. I take medication, but eating right, exercise, and getting rest does help. I still suffer from insomnia, but some nights are better than others. 

You have to take each day one by one. You can't be fully sure of what tomorrow will bring. You have to take the good with the bad. It's okay not to know all the answers. Sometimes you have to figure out things as you go along, and that's okay.

Over the past few years I've realized that taking a mental health day(s) are necessary for me to cope with my depression and anxiety. I can't always stop what I'm doing to take a break, but once I fulfill important obligations etc. I take a few days to myself. Life can be overwhelming, but it helps to take a mental health day. Remember, self care isn't selfish.

It's 2021 and mental health still comes with stigma, and that is something I don't understand. Honestly with all the things going on in the world, it can become overwhelming to cope especially when your dealing with your own issues. If you're struggling with mental health issues, know there is help and hope to feel better. 


Billie Jo said...

Hello! And thank you for sharing your story. As a fellow anxiety sufferer, I agree with your words and thoughts. I am happy you are finding ways to work through your anxiety. And know that by sharing our stories, we find comfort in knowing we are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Well written!

Mica said...

This is good advice and thank you for sharing your story! I'm glad you are able to manage things a lot better now you have supports in place :) I didn't know it was mental health awareness month!

Hope that you are having good weekend. It's a wet long weekend here.

Away From The Blue

Marie said...

Thank you for sharing your story Pilar. I've read your posts over the years and you're helping so many people. I think the stigma should end on mental illness and there should be more awareness.

Kinga K. said...

Good to know your story, nice quotes ❤

Red Rose Alley said...

Your mental health awareness posts are good for those who suffer with it, Pilar. Yes, I think diet is important. I keep my circle small too, Pilar. Too many thoughts of others can not be a good thing. It's best if we listen to our own hearts. And you do, dear Pilar.


Pilar said...

Thanks Billie Jo, and you're welcome. I try my best to work through my anxiety and depression issues. It does feel comforting to know I'm not alone and I hope others know they're not alone either.

Pilar said...

Thank you

Pilar said...

Thank you Mica, and you're welcome. I take each day at a time when managing depression and anxiety. It's a process, but I try to cope as best I can. I hope you have a great week ahead.

Pilar said...

Thank you, and you're welcome Marie. I hope one day there will be no stigma on mental health.

Pilar said...

Thank you

Pilar said...

Thank you Sheri. I have a small and I'm okay with that. I notice that diet does impact my mood. It's hard for me not to overthink sometimes, but I work on controlling it.

Hena Tayeb said...

Well said. Mental health is an important topic that should be discussed more openly.

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

I also have mental health problems and I understand your struggle very well !!

Pilar said...

Thank you Hena, and I agree.

Pilar said...

There are so many people that have mental health struggles. The topic should be discussed more.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Beautiful honesty Pilar. Wouldn't it be amazing if depression and anxiety were curable? Trying to find ways to cope is a constant struggle. Being self aware seems to be most important. :)

J.P. Alexander said...

siempre es bueno luchar con los estigmas en especial los de la salud mental. Te mando un beso
Enamorada de las letras

Pilar said...

Thank you Val, and welcome back. It would be amazing if there were a cure for mental health. Coping can be a struggle, but you're right being self aware is most important.

Pilar said...

Debería haber más discusiones sobre cómo romper el estigma de la salud mental

Jackie Harrison said...

Great information here so many people in this situation a YouTuber that travel in mini van took her life due to this mental illness being an advocate and having support. It just show to prove how powerful this mental illness is they should have some cure by now unfortunately it might never come.

Ivana Split said...

I think insomnia and anemia can be interconnected too. I struggle with both too. It's almost impossible not to feel anxious and depressed when you have severe anemia because the lack of oxygen in the blood creates this feeling of panic. My anemia has gotten worse lately. I'm allergic to iron supplements and iron transfusion but my doctors convinced me to try different kinds of iron supplements again. I had severe allergic reaction to both new medications I have taken. I could NOT breathe properly for a few days and I couldn't get out of bed, I was that ill. It was very scary, I was gasping for air. I really don't understand doctors pushing me to take it when I have a documented history of severe allergy to iron supplements and infusion. Sometimes the doctors just don't listen. It is not like I enjoy being anemic. I cannot help having a breathing allergy to iron supplements/infusion. I'm trying to cure my anemia with natural products right now but it's hard because I have a chronic illness that causes me to bleed internally. I think your mental health tips are great. It is important not to let anyone in our inner circle, only the people we can trust. Some people are pushy and give wrong advice. Most of my experiences with medical professionals have been positive, but sometimes they make mistakes too. That is why self-care is important.Even therapist can be pushy. You were right to make that switch to another counselor. We have to take care of ourselves- as you say, you cannot pour from an empty cup. I wish you a lovely May dear Pilar!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Mental health awareness is so important and really needs to be talked about without stigma especially during this past year where people have been dealing heavy things like illness, loss of lives, loss of income and racism.

Królowa Karo said...

I think it was during the time of the pandemic that we realized how important mental health is and started talking about it.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful post, so inspiring!
Kisses, Paola.


My Instagram

Pilar said...

I heard about that, so sad. Mental illness can be challenging. I'm an advocate for mental health and I suffer with it as well. I notice or at least for me self care helps a lot. If I need rest I try to get rest etc. I wish there was a cure for mental illnesses.

Pilar said...

Thank you Ivana. I hope that you find relief with you health issues. I take iron pills,, but the pills tend to make me sick. Another option is iron infusion, but I might be allergic. At one point when I first was diagnosed with severe Iron Deficiency Anemia I was at my worst with anxiety and depression, especially anxiety. I went into complete meltdown mode. When my doctor told me what was going on, I had a better understanding of why I felt the way I did at the time. I still struggle with anxiety and depression. I won't lie it's hard especially on days I have deadlines and have to get things done. I also have to remember not overwhelm myself. Except for the doctor at the ER that night and that counselor, my experiences have been positive. It's so important to have medical officials that you can trust and feel they're listening to your concerns. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the month.

Pilar said...

I agree, There are so many issues going on in the world right now. Now is time to end the stigma on mental health.

Pilar said...

I agree. I noticed more people started talking about mental health awareness. I can only hope that people will keep the conversation going.

Pilar said...

Thank you Paola

Lovely said...

Brilliant suggestions! It's important to take it one day at a time.

Pilar said...

Thank you Lovely

Anonymous said...

Nice post!

Pilar said...

Thank you

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

Great post Pilar!
That's why I always take care of me, I do my beauty routine, I dress up, I never stay in my pajamas. I feel better this way and yes I have some mental issues too!!

Pilar said...

Thank you

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...