Friday, August 29, 2014

Letting Go of Emotional Baggage

Hello Everyone! 


It's time for a long over due inspirational post. Today I want to write about emotional baggage.  Harboring emotional can really have a negative affect on a persons overall wellbeing. Letting go of hurtful things or negative feelings can sometimes be difficult. Speaking from personal experience, I've had emotional baggage in the past. I realized that carrying around emotional baggage just brings about negative thoughts and feelings. I came up with a list that helps me let go of emotional baggage. 

1. Accept the things I can't change

In life people are going to do or say things that get to us, or things aren't going to go as we planned. The best things I've learned is to not give people or situations etc. control over how I feel. 

2. I'm allowed to feel upset/sad, but not for too long

Being upset, sad, disappointed etc. is understandable when you're dealing with emotional baggage. However, dwelling on your negative thoughts will only make you feel worse. I try not to dwell on things that make me feel bad.

3. (When possible) Remove people or things that cause emotional baggage

When I see people or things that aren't good for me, I remove myself. That's the great thing about life, we get to make choices.

4. Find an outlet

Piggybacking off number 3, when I have to deal with people or things that cause me to feel distressed, I try to focus my attention on hobbies or activities that make me happy. Sometimes we have to deal with unpleasant people or situations becuase it's a part of life.

5. Look forward to the future, and let go of the past.

This is pretty much explanatory. Letting go of the past can be hard, but it's the only way to move on. I try to look forward to positive things in the future. 

I hope these tips help! How do you deal emotional baggage?

Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award, My Writing Process, and The Secrets of Blogging Tags

Hello Everyone! 

So I have a few tags for you today that I was tagged in last week.

I want to thank Jackie @ for tagging me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I haven't done this tag in a while so let's get started! Hopefully I won't repeat my previous responses!



Thank and link the person who nominated you.

List the rules and display award.

Share seven facts about yourself.

Nominate 15 amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

Optional Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.


1. I have a B.A. in Psychology. 

2. My favorite food is Mac and Cheese, especially when my mom cooks it!

3. I really like most coconut scents and fragrances. However, I hate foods that contain coconut lol.

4. My favorite Disney Movies are The Little Mermaid and The Lion King. 

5. I rarely wear makeup during Summer except maybe lipstick. It's just too hot!

6. I love to watch movies 

7. I have two favorite seasons Spring and Fall.

I was also tagged by Lauren for My Writing Process and The Secrets of Blogging. Thanks Lauren!

My Writing Process

1. What am I working on?

I'm working on a few different things that include some sponsored products reviews, inspirational thoughts, and crocheting projects. I have so many things I can't wait to share with you all!

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Well, even though most blogs I come across are beauty related, mine fits in the beauty and more category (thus my blogs name), because I wanted to talk about all the things I'm interested in. I figured that by adding the "and more by Pilar" part in my blogs name would let my audience know you can expect to read a variety of subjects. I also try to be honest especially when I write reviews. Whether I'm sent items to review or I purchase items with my own money I give an honest review.

3. Why do I write what I do?

Blogging is just like keeping a journal. I look at it as sharing my thoughts with others and the audience gets to know the author behind the blog.
When it comes to beauty, I like to write about makeup and other cosmetics. I know some people think it's superficial, but I look at makeup as a way to enhance beauty, and a means of artwork.

4. How does your writing process work?

I keep a journal and spiral notebook incase I'm not at the company and I jot down my ideas. I wrote a post about this last year :) I take photos of my items first so that way I won't forget to leave anything out when I write my posts. Lately I've gotten better with keeping to a posting schedule. So I'm really happy about that!

The Secrets of Blogging

1. When did you start blogging and why?

My blog first anniversary was actually last month July 27. I wanted to share my thoughts on various subjects and interact with people who share my same interests.

2. How many people in "real life" know about your blog?

My mom, my two besties, and companies that sponsor my blog. I don't really keep it a secret, I just haven't told many people.

3. What are your favorite posts to read?

Inspirational posts, beauty reviews, and arts and crafts. These are a few of my interests and I like to read these kinds of posts.

4. List a blog you have discovered recently.

I need to check out more blogs. I've been working on some posts and other things, so I haven't had much time to discover new blogs. I will soon though!

5. Which posts are you most proud?

I would have to say my inspirational posts! I like all the topics I discuss on my blog, but I feel everyone can benefit from words of encouragement etc.

6. What advice would you give to future bloggers?

Don't worry about numbers of followers you have and be yourself. Blogging should be something you truly enjoy, not a number game etc. It doesn't matter about numbers. You should always be yourself whether it's on social media or in real life in general.

Thanks Jackie and Lauren for tagging me! Check out their blogs! I tag anyone who wants to participate! Leave you links if you want me to read your answers!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Shimmery Purple and Blue Eyeshadow FOTD

Hello Everyone! 

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

So I wanted to get back into posting my FOTD posts. Who said you can't have a FOTD even if you stay inside because it's so hot outside?!?! lol I won't go into a detail review on the palettes, but I will say that both are very pigmented and good quality. Just make sure you use a good eyeshadow base to make the colors pop.







Products Used


NYX Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil in Milk I used this as a base on my lower lid
Side Note: you only have to use a little of this product for your eyeshadow to pop.

BH Cosmetics 88 Color Palette Cool Shimmer


 - Purple on tear duct and on half of lid and crease
 -  Blue in the middle of lid and crease
- Purple on other half of lid and crease near the outer V.
 - Black (slightly) on outer V.
(Eye's on the 70's Palette)


Clinque High Impact Waterproof Mascara

Fashion Fair Concealer Stick
Fashion Fair Pressed Powder

MAC Pink Nouveau (Satin)
NYX Butter Gloss Apple Strudel
NYX Lip Liner Dolly Pink

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Palmers Products First Impressions Review

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

* This is a sponsored post by Palmer's. 


Today I have a few items that were recently sent to me by Palmer's. I want to thank Palmer's for sending me some of their new products for review.  For those of you who follow my blog, know that I like to test out new products for a while so I can give a more accurate review. So stay tuned! 

Until then, let me give you a little information about the company...

Palmer's is company that sells skin and hair products. These products include Shea Butter Formula, Coconut Oil Formula, Olive Oil Formula, and of course Cocoa Butter Formula. With all these various formulas for your hair and skin regimens, you're likely to find something you like or that will benefit you.

I've used the Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula lotion since I was a teenager, and it has helped keep my skin soft and blemish free over the years. I really love the smell of this Cocoa Butter!

First Impressions

- Full size products for better testing

- Mostly new products on the market

- Skin and hair products

- I'm excited to try all the products, especially the facial toner and cleanser

Check out their website for more products and information as well as their Facebook page and local drugstores etc.

Have you tried any of Palmer's products?

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Affordable Cosmetics Under $20.00 Part 2

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

Since I received such positive feedback from the first Cosmetics Under $20.00, I wanted to do a quick part 2 edition. If you missed the first post you can view it HERE. I know that many people are getting ready to go back to school, and I know these savings can help. However, anyone can benefit from affordable cosmetics :)

I know these pictures may look familiar since I took them off of some my older posts.

Nail Polish (under $2.50)

Sinful Colors Professional 



Pure Ice


Spoiled by Wet n Wild


Bath and Body Care (Under $20)...depending on what you buy

Bath and Body Works (Prices Vary)
You can get good deals during the semi annual sale and the outside of the semi annual sale check for prices



Victoria's Secret (Prices Vary)
You can get good deals from VS during and outside the semi annual sale as well depending on what you are looking for. Side Note: The only thing is that you may spend over $25 if your want to purchase more products such as 3 for $25 etc. for some bath and body items.


You can find some cosmetic bags under $20 as well.


I picked up this trio set up for $11.00 around Valentine's Day.


Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Affordable Cosmetics Under $20.00

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
Today I want to focus on affordable cosmetics. I love high end products just as much as the next person, but I'm not going to spend all my money on pricey cosmetics. I have bills and other financial obligations like most people, so I want to share some affordable cosmetics that won't hurt your finances. I thought this would be a great post to write about since so many people are about to go back to school,  but anyone can benefit from this list :)



BH Cosmetics ( these products I have were under $15.00) *prices vary on the website
- Forever Nude Palette
- 88 Color Shimmer Palette
- 10 Color Glamorous Blush Palette
- 12 Piece Pink Brush Set

I love this website! You can get a good bit of products for reasonable prices.

Eye Makeup (under $7.00)


- Maybelline Eyeshadows
- NYC Single Eyeshadow
- Wet n Wild Coloricon Eyeshadow Palette
-NYX Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil
- Avon Glimmersticks Liqui-guide Eye Liner Pencil

Lip Products (under $10.00)


- Revlon Lip Butter
- Revlon Lustrous Lip Gloss
- NYX Lip Lip Liner Pencil
- NYX Butter Lipstick
- Avon Color Lipstick
- Avon Glimmersticks Lip Liner
- Avon Glazewear 


* I usually use Fashion Fair Face Powder and Foundation which is $25 and over. Check drugstore etc. for less expensive products. 

- Maybelline FIT Me Blush (under $5.00)


Makeup Brushes (under $20.00)


- Real Techniques Brushes
- Avon Brushes

Skin Care Products (under $12.00)


- Ponds Dry Skin Cream
- Cetaphil Moisturizering Cream
-Aveeno positively nourishing comforting cocoa + shea butters
- Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula
- Noxzema Daily Facial Scrub
- Cetaphil Facial Cleanser

What are some of your favorite inexpensive cosmetics? 

Thanks for stopping by my blog! 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Purell Products Review

Hello Everyone!


 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
Today's post is all about promoting healthy sanitation. Let's face it, the world is full of germs, so we have to try our best to keep ourselves and our surroundings clean and healthy. So when Purell sent me some of their products, I quickly started using them! I want to thank Purell for sending me these items to review.

I've actually been using Purell Hand Sanitizer since I was young, especially since my my mom works in the medical field. She made it a priority to always buy Purell to keep down sickness and germs. We always had a bottle of hand sanitizer in our house.

My Thoughts

- Purell Advance Hand Sanitizer and Purell Hand Sanitizer with pump

These small sanitizers are great for travel. For example, I always keep hand sanitizer in my purse, this is definitely one of my essential items I keep in there. The hand sanitizers that have the pump spray makes usage quick and easy.

The other hand sanitizers remind me of the pocketbac's Bath and Body Works sells because they come in different fragrances. My favorite scent is Watermelon Splash, it smells so good! I like how I can clip the hand sanitizer on my key chain or I can clip it on the outside of some of my purses. I also like how Purell Hand Sanitizer doesn't leave my hands overly dry after usage.


- Purell Sanitizer Wipes Clean Refreshing Scent
These wipes are great! I really like how I can use them for multipurposes. I've used them for my hands and wiping down objects. I think these wipes are good to keep in the car, purse, gym bag, and diaper bags etc. because germs are known for being on objects. These wipes can help reduce and prevent illnesses from germ filled items. I haven't used the wipes on my face yet, but I think it's great that Purell offers wipes that are sensitive enough to use on your face, but strong on reducing germs.


Check out and their Facebook for more information. You can also find Purell products in Drugstores, Walmart etc.

Thanks for reading and stay healthy! 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Monthly Favorites: July 2014

Hello Everyone! 

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

So I finally got around to posting a monthly favorites list. I realized that this is only my third one for the year lol 

Bath and Body


-Dial Triple Moisture Body Wash with jojaba and mango butters
-Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream

I really like both these products because they keep my skin moisturized and smell wonderful! (Even though this Cetaphil cream doesn't really have a scent lol)



- BH Cosmetics Forever Glam Palette
- BH Cosmetics Forever Nude Palette
- MAC Pure Heroine (Amplified Cream)
- MAC Crème Cup (Creamsheen)
- MAC Paint Pot in Painterly

I'm not going to go into details about this cluster of makeup products since I have upcoming FOTD's and reviews :) Just because I haven't worn much makeup since it's been so hot doesn't mean I can't create FOTD looks lol. I will say this all, these items are amazing products!


- NYX Butter Gloss (Apple Strudel)
- Victoria's Secret Bronzer in Goddess
(F16 Medium)


I'm so glad I finally tried those Butter Glosses! I only have one but I will purchase more! Apple Strudel is a pink color that goes great on top of MAC's Pink Nouveau or I can wear it alone. The Vanilla scent was a little strong to me at first, but the scent mellows out so it wasn't that strong once I applied it on my lips.


Omgosh how gorgeous is this packaging for the VS bronzer? It's so it's pretty!  I really don't wear much bronzer, but I wanted to try something new. For the few days it wasn't scorching outside I wore this bronzer and it gives my complexion a nice Summer glow. I really like that this bronzer isn't overly glittery and doesn't take much powder to achieve a natural looking Summer glow.

- BH Cosmetics Eye and Makeup Remover


Where has this been all my life?! Seriously this has to be the best eye makeup remover I've ever owned. I only have to use a small amount of this product on a cotton ball and eye makeup came off with at most two swipes for each eye lid. Another great thing about this remover is you can use it on your lips too. This remover is unscented so you if you use it on your lips it doesn't have any kind of chemical smell. I'm glad I read those reviews on BH Cosmetics website. I swear this remover has to be one of BH Cosmetics best kept secrets!

Sunglasses from Giant Vintage



-Corfu Black Cat Eye
-Corfu Cream Cat Eye
- unsure of the last pair's name

Remember when I was sent sunglasses to review for Giant Vintage Sunglasses? Well they sent me the two pair I wanted once they were back in stock (the cream and black cat eye sunglasses). I love these sunglasses, they're so stylish! That was so kind of their company!  I really like the oversized sunglasses as well! Here's the link if you missed my review Giant Vintage Sunglasses Summer Review 2014

What are some of your favorite products/items for July?

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...