Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cetaphil DermaControl Oil Moisturizer with Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Review

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by Cetaphil. All opinions are my own.

Today I have a product review for you. Cetaphil sent me this DermaControl Oil Moisturizer with Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30 to test out.

About the Product and Claims

Cetaphil DermaControl Oil Control Moisturizer SPF 30 is clinically proven to manage oily and acne-prone skin. It soothes sensitivities like redness or dryness caused by using some acne treatments and controls shine while protecting and moisturizing skin. 


- Specially formulated for oily and acne-prone skin to relieve dryness and soften skin

- May help soothe the drying effects of some prescription acne treatments

- 3-in-1 formula to help control oil and shine, hydrate and provide broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection

- Contains Oleosome technology™ which uses a lower concentration of sunscreen filters for less irritation and greater hydration

- Micropearl technology absorbs surface oil, helps reduce shine and gives skin a matte finish

- Lightweight, non-greasy, absorbs quickly

- Recommend by the Skin Cancer Foundation

- Works well alone or under makeup

- Non-comedogenic, oil-free and fragrance-free

- Clinically tested for tolerability with acne medications

- Dermatologist recommended

My Thoughts

Very moisturizing! I like using this moisturizer on my face before going to bed. It applies smoothly, moisturizers well, and lasts long after application. If I wear this moisturizer during the day, my face is protected since it has SPF 30 protection which is always beneficial. Even though this product is supposed to be fragrance free I noticed that I had a slight sunscreen scent when I applied it on my face. I also noticed that it stated in the claims section this moisturizer is supposed to be non-greasy. my opinion it depends on how much you use. It felt a little greasy on my face, but it doesn't take a lot of the product to get full coverage. Even though this moisturizer felt a little greasy, I did try it try it under my makeup a few times. Since this moisturizer has a matte finish, I think it worked well after I applied my makeup. My makeup applied smoothly and face didn't look shiny. I can see myself continuing to use this moisturizer from time to time before I apply my makeup. Like I mentioned earlier, I think it all depends on how much you apply on your face that makes the difference on your face feeling greasy and or looking shiny.

Overall, I think this is a good moisturizer. For me, this moisturizer controls acne more than it controls oil. When I had a few acne bumps, this moisturizer cleared it right up. I would purchase this product in the future especially since it's good for multiple uses that I listed throughout the post. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog! 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Hello Everyone! 

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a wonderful day! This just a quick little review of my day. I spent Thanksgiving with my mom and this is the food we made for dinner (even though she made majority of the meal lol) The day was pretty quiet and laid, watching movies, and eating yummy Thanksgiving dinner. I also did my makeup and I include those pictures in this post as well.

Thanksgiving FOTD


Products Used

(my apologies for not listing all the products, if you have any questions about specific details on my fotd,  feel free to ask me in the comments section)


How was your Thanksgiving? Are you doing any Black Friday or Cyber Monday shopping? 

Happy Holidays! 


Friday, November 21, 2014

The Blogger Recognition Award/ The Sweater Weather Tag

Hello Everyone!

Today I was tagged for The Blogger Recognition Award by my friend Ashley@ashleysuemakeup Make sure you go check out her awesome blog!! Thanks for nominating me Ashley! 

I also wanted to thank those who left me such kind comments in my lasts two posts! I missed you all as well! I will responding back to your comments soon and I also will my last two posts for those who want to check it out!



Thank the person who nominated you and give a link to their blog.Write a post showing off the award. Give a brief summary of how your blog started and a piece or two of advice to new bloggers Select 15 blogs to do this award.Comment on their blogs to inform them of the award.

How I got my blog started 

I love answering this question :) lol, but I will try to keep it short. I always wanted to write a blog so, I finally just went for it. First I was going for fashion hence my link, but then I realized I probably would focus more on beauty. Then the blog name Beauty and more by Pilar was born. By doing this I would let my audience know they could expect read a variety of topics on my blog.

My advice to new bloggers

1. Stay true to yourself and be authentic

I love reading blogs where I get a sense of the person's personality. It's your blog, so discuss the things that interests you! 

2. Try to avoid the "follow for follow" requests

I have to agree with Miriam and Ashley on the whole "follow for follow" requests. I actually find it rather rude because it comes off as your looking for numbers of followers  rather than the quality and time the person put into the content of their blog. I think most people who blog can relate to what I'm saying. It's true if you liked my blog, I would think you would already be following instead of bartering for follow requests...Instead  of only asking for follow for follow, people could at least write "I enjoy your blog and would you mind taking a look at my blog?" and just leave a link. I don't mind links in the comments because it gives bloggers an opportunity to check out other blogs. It's  the whole follow for follow can be impersonal and annoying.

3. Don't get discouraged

Blogging should be for fun! Try not to get discouraged if your blog isn't taking off like you thought it would. If you enjoy blogging keep at it!

Who I nominate for this award! 

Everyone! Leave your link if you want me to check out your responses!

The Sweater Weather Tag

I've seen this tag going around lately, so I decided to participate as well!


1. Favorite candle scent?

I haven't been candle shopping lately, but Bath and Body Works usually wins me over with their candles!

2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?

I don't really drink coffee, I like hot lemon tea and Hot Chocolate is my absolute favorite!

3. What’s the best fall memory you have?

Thanksgiving hands down! I used to love going grocery shopping with my mom and watch her cook dinner. Now I usually help her make Thanksgiving dinner. So much fun!

4. Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged eye liner?

dark lips!

5. Best fragrance for fall?

I really like Dream Angel Heavenly by Victoria's Secret

6. Favorite Thanksgiving Food?

My mom's stuffing and Sweet Potato Pie! Yum!!

7. What is autumn weather like where you live?

It's usually cool to mild, but lately it's been very cold. If I didn't know any better I would have thought it was Winter! SC weather has been very unpredictable lately lol

8. Most worn sweater?

I have quite a few! I usually wear cardigans, or my white fur hooded sweater-coat

9. Must-have nail polish this fall?

Anything dark or neutral

10. Football games or jumping in leaf piles?

I would jump in leaf piles lol. Im not that interested in watching football

11. Skinny jeans or leggings?


12. Combat boots or Uggs?

I would probably wear Uggs if I had a pair since I like warm boots.

13. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?

To each its own...I don't like anything pumpkin

14. Favorite fall TV show?

I really don't know..I guess the new season of Law and Order SVU

15. What song really gets you into the fall spirit?

I really can't think of any Fall themed songs lol

Here are the links to my two latest posts

Are You Happy?
I'm Thankful 

Thanks for reading and stopping by my blog!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

I'm Thankful

Hello Everyone!

We're exactly one week away from Thanksgiving!! Today I wanted to write a post about the things I'm thankful for in my life.

1. My Mom

What can I say? Except I love my mom so much!! She's  my rock and I wouldn't be the woman I am today without her love, support, and guidance.

2. My Bestfriends

I've known my first best friend since I was 16 he's awesome!! I met my other best friend in college, shes great as well! I'm glad they're in my life and I appreciate their love and support as well!

3. Life

Even though life can have its challenges, I still appreciate life in general. After all, life is what you make it.

4. The Basic Necessities

This includes food, clothes, and shelter etc. I'm very thankful for these things because sadly so many people are not fortunate to have basic necessities.

5. Health and Wellness

I may suffer from allergies all throughout the year, but I'm still thankful for my overall health.

6. My Blogger Friends, Followers, Readers, and Instagram Followers

You know I can't forget you all! I appreciate all my blogger friends, followers, and readers for stopping by my blog, reading and commenting on my posts! I also appreciate all my Instagram followers!

I try to be thankful all of the time, not just for Thanksgiving. There are so many people in the world who have it tough, so I think about that when I feel the need to complain. No one is perfect, but we should be thankful for things we do have instead of focusing on the things we don't have.

I unsure if I will post next week, but I hope you all have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

here's the link below for my first inspirational post

Are You Happy?

Side Note: I know that I've been absent from blogger and Instagram, but I plan catching up on blog reading, commenting, and responding before or by next week!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Are You Happy?

Hello Everyone!

Today I have not one, but TWO inspirational posts! I will link my second post at the end of this post! Have you ever thought or asked yourself "Am I happy?" Well, I know I have at some point or another. I think being happy is one of the best feelings in the world. If you think about it, when you're happy you're likely to be in a good mood and feel good in general. 

Here is a list of things I do to keep happiness and my life.

1. Engage in fun activities 

This could be a new activity or something you enjoy in general.

2. Listen to music

Upbeat music always puts me in a good mood.

3. Read inspirational books and articles.

Words of encouragement and inspiration helps me think happy thoughts :) It gives me a sense of peace.

4. Exercise 

Endorphins make you happy lol. I haven't  worked out in a while, but when I did I felt good afterwards.

5. Be Optimistic and look forward to the good things in life.

I've  mentioned  this in the past, but you can't expect to be happy if you're constantly negative. 

As people we're not going to be happy 100% of the time, but you have to try  to find some joy out of life.

Here's the link below my second inspirational post

I'm Thankful

Side Note: I know that I've been absent from blogger and Instagram, but I plan catching up on blog reading, commenting, and responding before or by next week!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Rapid Mositure Spray (Cocoaiew Butter & Shea) Review

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

Disclaimer: The product in this post was sent to me from Palmer's for review purposes (See First Impressions Post). All opinions are my own. 

I've noticed that spray lotions seem to be very popular this year. So today I want to share my thoughts on Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Rapid Moisture Spray Lotion.

About the Product and Claims

- Cocoa Butter & Shea Butter
- Deeply Moisturizing
- Fast Absorbing
- Non-Staining
- 24 Hour Moisture
- Non-Greasy
- Even Application
- Paraben & Phthalate Free

My Thoughts

I have to agree with mostly all the claims I mentioned, it's a pretty good spray lotion. After I applied it on my skin, it felt so light weight. Which is a good thing since I really don't like really heavy feeling lotion. I noticed that the lotion does smell like the other Cocoa Butter Formula have from Palmer's in the jar, but it has a stronger cocoa butter smell. To me the smell is overwhelming, but it does decrease as time passes by. This is a great lotion to use when you're in a rush since it absorbs quickly, and it's not greasy. As for the 24 hour moisture claim, my skin does feel moisturized for most of the day, but not all day. I usually apply more of this spray lotion once or twice throughout the day depending on the weather. Even though I like this spray lotion, I think the jar and regular lotion bottles from Palmer's keep my skin moisturized more throughout the day. The main con I have is that the spray nozzle can leak lotion sometimes which can cause the dispenser to clog. When it clogs, rinsing the dispenser in warm water fixes the problem. Overall I would purchase this spray lotion, but I would rather use this spay lotion during the warmer months since the formula is light weight.

Have you tried any products from Palmer's? 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Liebster Award Part 7 :)

Hello Everyone! 

I'm thrilled that I've been nominated for another Liebster Award! I've been nominated several times and each nomination is like receiving the award for the first time! It means so much to me that my followers and readers enjoy my blog! I received today's nomination from Hillary@ She is a fairly new blogger and she is so kind! Make your you stop by her blog! Thanks for nominating me Hillary!

The Rules:

The rules are quite simple :) 

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog in your post.

2. Display a picture of the Liebster Award in your post

3. Answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.

4. Provide 11 random facts about you 

5. Nominate 5-11 blogs who have less than 200 followers.

6. Make up your own 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer.

7. List the rules in your post (you can copy and paste these ones if you'd like)

8. Don't forget to let the people you nominated know that you nominated them. Send them the link to your blog so they can get the information.

Hillary's Questions:

1. How long have you been blogging?
Over a year now. Since July 2013

2. Why did you start a blog?
I wanted to share my interests with others and interact with other bloggers who share my same interests for the things I discuss on my blog.

3. Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

I'm definitely an optimist! I try to look for the good in situations.

4. If you could, what would you tell your younger self?

Not everything is always what it seems.

5. When you were younger, what did you picture your life to be like at this time?

I pictured my future at this time would include: finishing college, live in New York, have a husband, and have two kids. I at least have my college degree!!! The other stuff will come when it's supposed too!

6. Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Just s'mores They're so yummy so I eat them every once in a while so I don't over indulge lol.

7. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

I really like that I find blogging as de-stressor. I enjoy writing  in general!

8. What keeps you motivated (to blog)?

I keep blogging because it's generally something I love to do! I also feel that my posts, specifically my inspirational posts may brighten someone's day or help encourage someone who is going through something etc. 

9. What are your goals in life? 

I have so many! I know it may seem cliché, but I'm determined to be successful. Failure isn't an option! 

10. Are you following your dreams?

Yes and no. I have a degree in Psychology, currently I'm not pursuing it, but I plan on changing that in the future! 

11 Facts About Me (some of these are repeat facts from previous posts)

1. I love to Crochet and make DIY products.

2. One of my favorite shows is Law & Order SVU! It's an awesome show!

3. I'm so glad it's Fall, Time for boots, sweaters, and scarves!

4. One of favorite salad dressings is Ranch, but I won't eat it on salad lol

5. When I cook/bake, most of my dishes are homemade.

6. I like to write.

7. One of my favorite fashion decades was the 1950's. I love the glamour.

8. I love photography, pictures can capture life's most memorable and significant moments.

9. I'm a neat freak! Organization is very important to me.

10. I think I'm one of the few people I know who hates anything Pumpkin lol. I just hate the taste and smell.

11. I love the holiday season!

Here are my 11 Questions

1. What is your favorite color?

2. What is one essential bath/beauty product you must have?

3. What is your favorite hobby?

4. Who inspires you the most in your life?

5. Where is your favorite place to visit?

6. What is your best memory of 2014 so far?

7. What is your favorite season?

8. Do you have a secret talent?

9. Why did you start a blog?

10. What is your favorite store?

11. What is your favorite makeup brand?

I tag anyone who wants to participate in this tag!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Incomplete Infinity Scarf/Red Heart Medley Yarn

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

Disclaimer : The only yarn mentioned in this post that was sent to me is the Red Heart Medley Yarn. Everything else was purchased and made by me.

Today's post is going to be somewhat short. I usually don't show my unfinished projects a lot especially scarves, but I'm making an exception today. This is one of the yarns I was sent from Red Heart Yarn (see first impressions post). I wanted to show what I was working on because I'm unsure of when I'll finish lol. I said that because I'm having a hard time finding this yarn! I've looked on the other websites, and in stores and it's out of stock! I can understand because this yarn is so beautiful and so soft. I don't have any cons except I can't find it and this yarn is constantly out of stock and I wish the yarn had more than 4oz to a skein. Well I won't stop my search until I find it :) You've already probably figured out that this is a definite yes that I would purchase this yarn!  I just have to find it!

Here is part of my infinity scarf I'm working on. I'll show the rest in a later post and on instagram as well! 


Other Products Used
- Boye Hook Size N

Thanks for reading! 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Vampy FOTD ft. The Balm Nude'tude Palette Review

Hello Everyone! 

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

I'm loving Fall so far and my neutral/dark colors. As much as I love my colorful makeup, I missed wearing dark and neutral colors. So today I bring you my Vampy FOTD and the Balm Nude'tude Palette Review

The Balm Nude'tude Palette





- Classic/vintage design
- Sleek smooth cardboard design with magnetic closure
- Large mirror
- 12 Beautiful neutral colors that have a satin finish
- Naughty theme "nude" presents the name of the palette and censorship of the ladies with each shadow
- Two sided brush

My Thoughts

This is a good palette if you like neutral and dark colors, but honestly I'm not too impressed with it. I've only used this palette about four times since I bought it last Christmas. I guess I don't reach for all that much. As for fallout, my palette has a lot of it which I don't like. I think that I may have received a bad palette since I don't hear to much about fallout issues. I also don't really like the brush because I find it a little difficult to apply eyeshadow on my lids. My brush actually came apart! (I was able to fix it) Even though you can create different looks with this palette, it's definitely not one of my favorites.





Products Used



MAC Paint Pot in Painterly

The Balm Nude'tude Palette


- Sultry as a transition color in the crease
 - Sexy in the tear duct and on half of lid and crease
- Sleek on other half of lid and crease near the outer V.
 - Serious (slightly) on outer V.

Clinque High Impact Waterproof Mascara

Fashion Fair Fast Finish Foundations Stick in Butterscotch
Fashion Fair Pressed Powder in Fawn

MAC Prep+Prime Lip Base
MAC Media
NYX Lip Liner Burgundy

Thanks for stopping by my blog! 

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...