Wednesday, May 31, 2017

My Life in May 2017

Hello Everyone!

Even though this month has been super busy for me with moving etc, I was still able to get a monthly post up and I posted it a day early! May's 2017 is a little short, but let's get started!


First selfie in the new apartment. Side note: I'm only wearing lipstick all the pictures. It's just been too hot to wear makeup lol. 

I borrowed my mama's glasses to take a selfie. I really like these frames.

Captain America Tee on Memorial Day.

Vintage Style Sunny Yellow dress for a cloudy/rainy day

Classic Vintage Style 

The sun came out for a little while today

Random mirror selfie 


Ok at first I loved this ice cream. It tasted just like a orance creamsicle, but I noticed a weird after taste. The orange was good, but the vanilla tasted kinda sour. 

Since moving and unpacking can be tiring, I wanted to make a easy homeade meal. I made a homemade crockpot lasagna with a glass of white grape juice. 


I had a few extra care bucks and coupons so I picked up a few Milani Liquid Lipsticks. I'm so happy my local CVS started selling thrse lipsticks. I just wish the selection wasn't so limited.

My current makeup set u for some of my makeup. I'm going to have to get a vanity table.

As you can see I moved some of my lipsticks to the bathroom counter.

A few PR Samples. Reviews coming soon!

How was your month? Also, I'm still catching  up on responding and visiting your blogs. 

May 2017 Post

April 2017 Posts (I'm linking my April posts since I haven't posted that much in May)

My Life in March 2017

Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Facial Products Preview

Pilar in the Pantry: Healthy Foods

Feeling Blue

Sultry Eyes

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Inspirational Post: Self Love

Hello Everyone!

Today's inspirational post is all about self love. I already had this post drafted, but this morning I woke up wanting to post something inspiring and helpful for my readers.

Love yourself
I'm no expert here,  but I think many people will agree that in order have self love you have to love yourself. Flaws and all. Flaws are what makes people unique. Embrace them!

Know your self worth

Incase no one ever told you this, or someone has made you feel inferior etc, YOU ARE ENOUGH! Always remember that. When someone treats you like you're not good enough or not enough in general do yourself a favor and remove those types of people from your life. Sometimes you have to readjust your crown and remember who you are.

Do things that make you happy

First let me say do things that make you happy that dont endanger your life or well-being. We all have activities we enjoy or you can take up a new hobby that you find interesting.

Remove Toxicity from your life.

I'm currently in the process of doing this myself. Let go of people and things that aren't good for your well being especially people.  If something or someone is working for you, you have the power to make a change.

Take time to see things clearly.

Sometimes you have to take a step back to clearly see yourself. It's ultimiately up to you to live the live you want to live and be who you want to be.

Forgive Yourself

Stop beating yourself up about past mistakes and decisions. You're only human. You can't change the past, so stop dwelling on it. Life can truly be the best teacher.  If something wasn't a blessing, let it be a lesson.

May 2017 Post

April 2017 Posts (I'm linking my April posts since I haven't posted that much in May)

My Life in March 2017

Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Facial Products Preview

Pilar in the Pantry: Healthy Foods

Feeling Blue

Sultry Eyes

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Life Updates

Hello Everyone!

Moving and Life 

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been posting that much on Instagram. Well today I'm sharing with you a few life updates. First off I moved today, I know you must be saying again?! Lol Well if you've been following me, you may have remember the whole moving drama started after the South Carolina flood back in 2015. Next I moved into a house that I thought was going to be in for years to come became another nightmare. The landlord was just too much to take and never fixed anything. Henece it was time to move. I'm at a point in my life that I don't have the tolerance for unnecessary drama and constant BS. I'm loving the new apartment and I'm thinking that 3rd times a charm :)

I look at all of this as a blessing. The one thing I love about moving or starting over, you get a fresh start. Honestly I needed a new start! Sometimes you're pointed in directions that you should've taken a long time ago, and that can be a good thing.

Whether it's moving or starting something new etc, never settle for something in your heart that you know or doesn't feel right. Keep going, you'll get to where you need to be in life. As always not to push my reglious beliefs on anyone. If you let God lead the way, you'll be on the right path.


I have a few new collaborations and reviews I'm excited to share with you all! Hopefully really soon! During the settling in process I still plan on posting, but I'm not sure of a set schedule right now.  I'll be reading and commenting on your blogs.

May 2017 Post

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Palmers Coconut Oil Formula: Coconut Facial Scrub, Hydrating Facial Mask, and Facial Moisturizer

Hello Everyone!

* Disclaimer: This post contains PR Samples from Palmer's for review purposes. I want to thank Palmer's for sending these products. All opinions are 100% my own.

Today on blog, I'm reviewing the last three products from the Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Facial Line.

1. Coconut Oil Formula Facial Scrub

Since I have sensitive skin, I like to use scrubs that aren't harsh on my skin. This scub feels very gentle on my face, and it exfoliates my skin very well. The bottle is small, but you only need a small amount of the Scrub to exfoliate your entire face. I to have dead skin cells and small blackheads on my nose. This Scrub helps reduce the blackheads and I also noticed I don't get as many dead skin cells on my nose. I typically don't exfoliate everyday since my skin is sensitive, but I've been using this scrub 2 to 3 times a week.

2. Coconut Oil Formula Hydrating Facial Mask

I've used so many different types of facial cleansers in my skincare routine over the years, but this is my first time really using a facial mask. This mask also has a sweet coconut scent similar to the facial oil I discussed in the last post. The mask is pretty lightweight and goes on my skin smoothly. I noticed in the 10 minutes that I leave the mask, my face started to tingle a little. It's not an uncomfortable tingle, more like a slight tingling feeling. I love how there isn't any residue left from the mask when I rinse my face. This mask reminds me of a skin moisturizer. 

After my skincare cleansing routines using a mousitrizer on my face is a must.  Since today's post is all about coconut products, let's talk about this facial moisturizer. This facial moisturizer has more of a raw coconut scent that is a little strong. Once I applied the mousitrizer on my face the scent started to fade.

I noticed the description mentioned about this moisturizer giving you a dewy look, but once applied on my skin it felt like a lightweight matte texture. My face feels moisturized, but not a dewy look. This is going to be great moisturizer (and my go to moisturizer) to use on my face as the weather gets hot.

Overall I love using all these products in the Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Facial Line. I mentioned that some of the products have stronger coconut scents than others, but I find the scent to be tolerable. Coconut Oil has so many benefits for maintaining healthy skin so these are products you may want to add to your skincare routine.

Previous Palmer's Post

Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Facial Care Line Preview

Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula: Cleansing Balm and Luminous Hydration Facial Oil

May 2017 Post

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Neutral Glam Makeup for Spring

Hello Everyone!

As much as I love to incorporate pastel colors into my makeup looks, sometimes I just like wearing neutral makeup. For today's post I wanted to share one of my favorite simple glam neutral makeup looks that I like to wear during the Spring.

Products Used 

* Eyes *

1. Transition Color
2. Crease and Lid Color

* Face *

- Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser 

- Milani 2-in-1 Conceal+ Perfect Foundation and Concealer 

- Carli Bybel 14 Color Eyeshadow and Highlighter Palette (3) as much as I love this Highlighter shade it tends to blend into my makeup when I take pictures

* Lips *

- MAC's Blankety Lipstick

May 2017 Post

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Monday, May 1, 2017

My Life in April 2017

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to April's Lifestyle Post. I've said this plenty of times before, but I swear April flew by so fast!


April 1st selfie

MAC Pink Pigeon Lipstick, and Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Lip Gloss in  Berry Love

Shower taken and hair washed

I wanted to feel taller lol

Bare face selfie 

I wanted to feel tall again. I forgot how much I loved these shoes lol


I decided to make homemade French toast on a weekday...very rare lol

Clean eating 

A few foods from healthy foods post last month. See my links at the end of the post.

Homemade Banana Pineapple Muffins. See my recipe in my links at the end of the post.

Easy baked casserole for Sunday Dinner. I'll be sharing a Pilar in the Pantry 

Lemonade on hot a day last week

Easter Sunday April 16, 2017

Traditionally most people eat ham for Easter, but this year Turkey was on the menu lol

A little veggie prep

My mom famous Cornbread Dressing

My homemade crock pot mac and cheese

Dinner made by me (except the dressing)

Happy Easter!


I woke up one morning and saw I had over 800 on instagram.

One of my favorite actors, Larenz Tate like my comment on Instagram :) Check out Deuces, it's a pretty good movie!

One of my most used palettes in April


A review on some Palmer's face products

Another PR sample and review I wrote last month for Monthly Gift

I'm going to be a little busy this week, but I'm going to try to post and visit  your blogs! Have a great week everyone!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...