Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Simple Things In Life

Hello Everyone! 
We all know that life can keep us busy, and sometimes our daily schedule can be hectic and stressful. Today I bring to you all another inspirational post about what I consider the simple things in life. I guess I consider this as an inspirational post because it's positive.

1. Praying and Reading the Bible
I actually consider this a major part of my life.  I pray daily and when I need encouragement, peace, and inspiration I read the Bible.

2. Have a Girls Day with my mom

What can I say I'm a mama's girl lol. I love spending time with my mom. Whether it's watching movies, shopping, or just talking,  I cherish the mother and daughter bond we have.

3. Spend Time with my Best Friend

I actually just mentioned my bestie two posts ago on June 8 since it was National Best Friend's Day. Even though life can make people busy, I make time for my bestie (and other people I love and care about) Spending time with him is always awesome!! My other best friend from college lives in another state I talk/text to her often as well.

4. Eat Ice Cream

Ice cream is one of my favorite cool treats to eat especially during the Summertime!  There's nothing like a yummy bowl of cookies and cream ice cream!

5. Watch a Good Movie or Read a Good Book

Who says you have to have to go to movie theater? Sometimes I like to stay in and watch a DVD from my collection. I'm not neglecting reading, but I just haven't read a book lately lol.

6. Take a Selfie

This is pretty explanatory, there's nothing wrong with embracing yourself! 

7. Sleep in on a Rainy Day/ Take a Relaxing Bath

When possible I try to sleep in when it's raining outside. If that's not possible I like to take a relaxing bath from time to time. 

8. Laugh and Smile

Life is full of enough stressors, so I try to see the good in life. It's good to incorporate laughter and smiles because life isn't supposed to be filled with misery.

9. Work on a Project (or finish a project)

Crocheted Granny Squares before I finished my mom's Mother's Day gift last month. See Mother's Day post for the full blanket


Project can't be so fun! For those of you who follow my blog, know that I love to crochet. I also drafted a cookbook containing my recipes and my mama's recipes. Now I just need to print the pages and put it in a binder. Who knows what project I'll work on next, I love to stay busy with homemade and DIY stuff!

10. Do Something Nice for Someone

I find one of the most gratifying and humble things in life is to do something kind for others. I think it's awesome when people pay it forward. The smallest nice gesture just might make someone's day.

That's my list of my simple things in life. What do you consider the simple things in life? 

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Stay connected with me through my other social media


Jackie Harrison said...

The bible is on my top list good post.

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Nice post! The simple things in life count for so much. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I love this post it is very inspirational.i really enjoyed reading. Great post!

Marie said...

Beautiful written post! So inspirational!

Kristen said...

no matter how busy your life gets you can not forget about the people in your life and the little things as well. I enjoyed reading this post, it is a post to live by.

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

This is such a great post! Have an amazing weekend. :)

I AM ALSO ON: Instagram @kennydaily, Bloglovin and Facebook

What Kenny Hearts a Fashion and Decor Blog

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

This was a great post Pilar!! I love everything on this list and try to do all of them as well! My simple things are very similar...taking time for my spirituality, being with my momma (i embrace being a momma's girl as well haha) and catching up on my favorite TV. Have a great weekend!!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Pilar, these are so important to do! I practice these all the time. They make you feel so much better.

willsingformakeup said...

I love this! Great list! Some of my favorite things are one here.
xoxo Lauren

Unknown said...

Pilar! This post is so great, and I'm still in love with your curly hair! I totally agree with a lot of these things you are talking about!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I agree the simple things in life are important!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I'm glad you found my post inspirational!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I wanted to write something inspirational to start the weekend off in a positive way!

Pilar said...

Thank you I'm you glad enjoyed my post! The simple things in life are so important, and I agree with you what you wrote as well!

Pilar said...

Thank you, and same to you!

Pilar said...

Thank you! Glad you liked my post It doesn't matter how old I am, I'll always be a mama's girl lol! You have a great weekend as well!

Pilar said...

I engage in the simple things in my life all the time, and the make me feel better and enjoy life even more!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I really like my hair curly too! That's great you can relate to a lot of the things I mentioned!

Leavepillow said...

really nice post

Pilar said...


Elle Sees said...

a good movie or book

Pilar said...

Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Such a nice post!! I loved reading it! :)


Pilar said...

Thank you! I Glad you enjoyed my post!

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