Thursday, February 6, 2020

Emotional Decisions

Hello Everyone!

A few months ago I was watching something on TV (I can't remember the name of the program), but the topic discussed focused on how people tend to make decisions based on emotion rather than logic. It made me stop and think, do I make more emotional decisions? Nobody is pefect, but for the most part I try to make decisions based on what is right for my overall wellbeing.

Age typically comes wisdom and growth. I don't see life the way I did at 24 as I do now at 34. Sure I view a few things the same, but I also view things differently.

I ask myself quite often when it comes to decisions how will this effect my future or how will this better my future etc. If something or someone is not going add something meaningful to my life then I need to stay clear of it. I made a promise to myself that I would protect my inner peace more.

In the past I stayed in relationships and friendships long beyond their expiration date. It's okay to outgrow friendships. Some relationships should have never developed in the first place (only speaking for myself), but I'm sure someone reading can relate.

Emotional decision making can lead to negative results. For example if you're mad, you may say something out of anger that you don't mean and hurt someone's feelings. If you were to take the time to cool of you may have chosen to handle the situation differently. Honestly I think it's hard not to make some decisions without being emotional involved. We're all human, but I try not to let my emotions get the best of me when making decisions.


Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, I can relate, Pilar. Take it from someone who is a passionate person and have made many emotional decisions... it doesn't always turn out the way we'd like haha. But sometimes my emotional decisions have brought love and goodness. You are wise beyond your years, Pilar. Keep your focus and wonderful character. : )


Pam said...

I would love to say that I DO NOT allow emotions into my choices, or what I say but.....I am human! I am emotional! I feel with my mind as well as my heart! I was once told that I had knee jerk responses.....and yes, I do. There has been a few of those times the last yr. BUT...that is yet another story.

Anonymous said...

Nice insight

Ann said...

Nice topic to discuss.
I believe that we should never
decide an important matter
while we are angry and mad.


iamperlita said...

That is so interesting! I think I rely less on emotion than most people, but I think that might also come off negatively. To some it may seem like I am just being cold-hearted lol Thank you for bringing up this topic. Have a great weekend!

PerlaGiselle |


Tanza Erlambang said...

love your reasons and arguments

The Liberty Belle said...

Great post.

LoveT. said...

True Words, i can follow your thoughts.

lovely Greetings

yaya said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comment! I'm almost twice your age.. I'll be 67 in a few weeks..and I feel like it's taken me almost that long to not react to situations emotionally. I tend to stop and think, then react. Plus I feel pretty comfortable in my own skin and don't care so much what others think of me or my life. Enjoy each day! Life is short!

Marie said...

Very wise words Pilar! I agree with you, making decision's on your what's best for you wellbeing is so important.

The Dainty Dolls House said...

I try not to make choices based on feelings but sometimes it happens. I'm an empathic person and can feel emotions off others quite easily and sometimes their emotions cause me to react, so I have to guard myself a lot!! x

Miss Val's Creations said...

Making decisions is always tricky. Trying to find that balance of emotional and logical reasons can help but that is not easy since we are such emotional creatures. Toxic relationships are horrible for our well being and it does become easier to avoid then as we grow older.

Evi Erlinda said...

I always try to make an important decision logically, and sometimes I need somebody else to discuss about that.

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! :)

Pilar said...

I think it's human nature to react with emotions. Sometime I'll take a step back so I can think before I react.

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Ann. I agree!

Pilar said...

You're welcome! I think I balance the two emotion and logic. I don't think it's cold hearted when you're trying to protect your inner peace and wellbeing. Have a great rest of the week Perla!

Pilar said...

Thanks Tanza!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks T!

Mellie said...

I'm the opposite and have always been more logical than emotional. I tend to weigh the pros and cons and possible outcomes.

Ivana Split said...

Emotions can be tricky as many people are quite good at emotional manipulation. Sometimes we need to let our mind decide and think with a cool head.

Pilar said...

You're welcome, and Happy Early Birthday! I'm still learning not to react to some situations. I've realized a long time ago not everything needs a response. I'm trying to enjoy each day!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie!

Pilar said...

Very true, I think at some point we all make choices based on feelings. I think it's just human nature. I tend to guard myself a lot too!

Pilar said...

I agrer Val, and I think emotions play a large part in who we are as people. I've come across a few toxic friendships and relationships, and I've learned from them. You're right those relationships and friendships become easier to avoid as we grow older.

Pilar said...

I try to make important decisions logically as well.

Pilar said...

It's so important to weigh the pros and cons.

Pilar said...

What a great observation Ivana. People can become emotional manipulated if they're not careful or observant.

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