Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dealing with Difficult People

Hello Everyone!

Since it's the beginning of a new week, I wanted to write an inspirational post on dealing with difficult people. We all know them…the always rude, negative, nasty having attitude types of people. The negative traits of these type people are endless.  Most people, including myself would find the easiest solution would be to simply avoid or ignore these types of people, right? Well not always…when you think about it difficult people are everywhere. Family members, coworkers, random strangers etc. can try to infringe their negativity on others. I find the best way to deal with difficult people is to try to make the best of the situation. That's not always easy, trust me I know! I've notice that difficult people are usually insecure and unhappy with themselves and their lives etc. so these types of people try to make life difficult for everyone else. I also try not to argue with these type people because most of the time it won't solve anything and it's really no point in getting overly upset on nonsense.

In conclusion try not to let anyone or anything ruin your day. Happy Beginning to another Week :)  How do you deal with difficult people?


Thanks for stopping by! If you like my blog, follow me on GFC (located on the right side of my page) and keep up with me!


Unknown said...

I turn My off switch on them and pretend they aren't there ;)

Pilar said...

I know right! I do that too :) That's usually my first instinct lol. During those times I can't, I try to make the best of it. Oh how I try!

Rachel Gourley said...

Great post! I smile and wave haha

Pilar said...

Thanks Rachel and lol!!

Jackie Harrison said...

I pretty good in ignoring and acting like they are invisible. New post up on my blog.

Unknown said...

This is a great post! There are definetly negative people everywhere but I always ignore them as well!

Pilar said...

I think ignoring is one of the more popular ways of dealing with difficult people. I'm headed over to your blog now.

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! Yeah the best option sometimes is just to ignore the negativity!

Liz Outh said...

Thanks for this very inspiring post Pilar! I've been facing this challenge lately and am so happy that I'm able to breathe again now that I've read this. You're absolutely right, there's no point in trying to argue or debate because it just won't get anywhere with them. I'm still learning to let things go and move on.

What a great post to start off the week! Love it! xoxo

Kristen said...

when people begin to become difficult I just ignore them and tune them out. I don't care what others have to say or care in general when they become like that. I don't people like that trying to bring me down nor do I let them ruin anything for me.

Pilar said...

I'm glad I could help Liz :) I'm happy that you got through your recent challenge you were facing. I know what you mean, about learning to let things go and move on. Thats one of the best feelings knowing you got through something challenging and didn't let it get you down :)

Pilar said...

Exactly!! When it comes to people who are difficult I try not to pay them or their negative comments no attention. I agree, I refuse to let difficult ppl bring me down or ruin anything.

Lily (Beauty With Lily) said...

Great post Pilar! It's always such a hassle to 'deal' with these types of people, and arguing with them makes things worse. Have a great week!

xoxo, Lily |

Pilar said...

Thanks Lily! I know right! I try so hard not to deal or argue with difficult people. You have a great week too!

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

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