Monday, December 11, 2017

Reflections 2017/Almost 32 Years Old

Hello Everyone!

The year isn't over, but today I wanted to write my reflections post. My birthday is on Christmas Day, and I wanted to write about that as well.

Reflections 2017 

What can I say about 2017....

It has been a good year. When I think of my trainwreck of a year last year, it doesn't even compare. I feel blessed, very blessed.

Pray more and worry less

I always put God first in my life, and with each passing year I like to think that I'm becoming closer to God. I've always had a relationship with God, even when I don't always understand God's plan. Having anxiety and depression can be very difficult, but I find solice in prayer and reading the Bible.  I'm learning to let things go beyond my control. It's a process for me not to worry all the time, but I'll get there. I can only speak myself, but I've try to live by 3 P's in life...Praying, Planning, and Prioritizing.

Change is good and sometimes neccessary 

You may remember that I mentioned in May that I moved again. I was living in a house where the landlord was just impossible to deal with and negligent of his property. Long story short, it was time to go. I'm at a place in my life if something doesn't make me happy or disrupts my peace, I'm learning to let it go.

Forgiving others to set myself free

I can admit that I struggle with forgiveness. I think the hardest part of forgiveness, or at least for me is forgiving people that never actually apologize. In your mind you know that you need to forgive someone in order to move on, but how do you tell your heart to forgive? That's a tough question to answer. I realized I have to let go of what and/or whos hurting me to find peace and happiness.

It's ok to take care of myself first...I matter too

I think when you care so much about others or things around you, it's easy to forget about yourself. It's ok to put myself and my needs first sometimes. I matter too. Since I have struggles with depression and anxiety I realized that I have to take of myself and my well being.

Blogging makes me happy

I celebrated 4 years of blogging this year! (July 27th). That's an accomplishment I'm proud of.  I set out to do something and I've stuck with it. I may share sponsored posts, and receive products for review, but I truly enjoy blogging.

Blogiversary Cupcake :)

I love that the bloggging community gives me an outlet to share my thoughts and share common interests with other bloggers! I think back on last year when I stopped blogging for over 2 months. I really missed it!

Almost 32 Years Old

Still no kids or a husband lol. I'm not focused on those things right now. Sure I want to be a mom and a wife someday, but right now is just not the time. One thing about surviving domestic violence, you learn to find and love yourself again. For the time being I'm happy being single and learning to enjoy life again.

I'm still not where I want to be regarding a career.  So many people feel they went to college to obtain a degree they're not even using. I feel like that too sometimes, but I remember that hard work does pay off. I'm uncertain where my B.A in Psychology will take me, but I'm sure I will use my degree in some way.

At one point I used to feel a certain type of way of turning another age. Birthdays used to be a reminder that I haven't accomplished some of my goals. I stopped looking at birthdays like that a long time ago. It can be discouraging to not meet deadlines I set for myself, but that makes more ambitious to strive for my goals.

I don't know what my next year of life has in store for me, but I'm looking forward to celebrating another year of life and embracing a new year.

December 2017 Posts

Christmas Tree Decorations 2017

Grooming Products by Clio

Come Along with Me: Christmas at Yankee Candle

Candy Cane Lane

Christmas Cookies

Christmas Related Posts

Projects with Pilar: Christmas Decor DIY's

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Beauty Unearthly said...

Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

Pilar said...

Thanks, and same to you!

Pam said...

Sounds like you are the right track with your life and things now. Congrats to you....

Lisa said...

What a great post. We have a lot in common! I have said a lot of the same things you just posted right down to the purple ribbon. You are a blessed and beautiful lady. Your journey is just beginning.

Marie said...

This is a great reflection post Pilar. I put God first in my life too. It sounds like you are at peace. It can be hard to find peace in a chaotic world. I think it was so brave of you to share your experiences with domestic violence. Not all DV sitiauions are physical abuse Thank you for discussing the mental and verbal aspects of DV. Wishing you a wonderful early 32nd birthday!

Adriana Leandro said...

Great reflection. You're brave because to share your moments and secrets.
Congrats to you.

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam! What a difference a year can make!

Pilar said...

Thanks Lisa for the kind words! I didn't know we had so much in common! I like to think that my journey is just beginning.

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! That DV post was the hardest topic I talked about on my blog so far. That's one reason why I wanted to bring attention to the topic since there are different forms of abuse. Thanks for the early birthday wishes!

Pilar said...

Thanks Adriana!

Jackie Harrison said...

Awesome reflection keep it up Pilar you share a Birthday with my Mom how cool.

LoveT. said...

Congrats for the Blog-Birthday! You look lovely. :)


Anonymous said...

Nice reflection post! Have a happy birthday and Merry Christmas!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Those are some very wise reflections Pilar! Happy early birthday :)

Red Rose Alley said...

What a wonderful post, Pilar, and your words were sincere and true. I'm glad you're happy where you're living now. And can I please have one of those cupcakes now? They look amazing! haha Keep your positive attitude and keep praying. It is truly important and a special thing to do.


nerline said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and reflections with us. I really don't want to miss your birthday. Good things come to those who wait. Don't rush it, dear. God has a plan for you.

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Wonderful thoughts on 2017! I hope 2018 is even better for you :)

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Have a great day my dear!
New post:

Doctor Anne said...

I was divorced at 31, then married again shortly before turning 34, heavily pregnant and had my first kid two months later. Now I have a loving and caring family with a wonderful husband and two healthy kids. Everything has its time. Your time will come.

Anne - Linda, Libra, Loca

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie! I remember you mentioned that your mom's birthday was the same day as mine!

Pilar said...

Thanks T!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena!

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! Those cupcakes from my Blogiversary were so good lol! I put sincerity in all my posts, but my yearly reflection posts are truly heartfelt. Praying is special and remaining postive is so important!

Pilar said...

Thanks Nerline, and you're welcome! That's so true about good things coming to those who wait, so I don't rush things. I've learned over the years to trust God's plan and be patient.

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley!

Pilar said...

Thanks, and same to you!

Pilar said...

That's so true about everything having it's time. Shortly before I turned 30 two years ago I didn't feel accomplished since I haven't met some of my goals. I have a very different outlook on life. Beautiful story about your family Anne.

Kristen Alpert said...

Love this post. I kept telling you to have faith in god. If you have that faith he will lead you down the path you are suooose to go and he will lead you to where you will find happiness. Not worrying about everything is a good start bc you can't control everything. I am always reminding my mom about that. And forgiveness isn't always easy but you need to forgive in order for you to move on. You are right that you need to take care of yourself and do things that you love. And you are a survivor. Hey maybe you will end up doing something with domestic violence by helpful by others in the same situation.

Pilar said...

Thanks Kristen for always being a good friend! I always keep faith in God. I think at times when life gets frustrating it can become overwhelming. You and my mama have said that you just have to have faith in God. It's so true you have to let go and let God. I am happier in many aspects of my life. I still have my struggles with anxiety and depression but I think I'm on the right path with dealing with those issues. Who knows maybe I will end up doing something regarding domestic violence. There are so many forms of DV that needs awareness. 2017 was a good year despite a few negative things, but overall the good outweighed the bad. I feel truly blessed. Here's to making 2018 an even better year!

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...