Sunday, September 16, 2018

Update: Hurricane Florence

Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to give everyone an update about Hurricane Florence. The past few days have been crazy! I've been sick from this sinus infection, running last minute errands, washing clothes, and packing. As you can see I've been pretty busy! If you follow me on IG, you proably already saw most of the pictures and info I shared. Since my area is prone to power outages and flooding, I decided to go with my mom to her job where they have generators. Here's my Hurricane Preparations 2018 post.

Wednesday September 12th 2018

This Walmart and other Wal-Mart's in my city were pretty crowded. Isn't it kind of hard to believe a hurricane was nearing? The weather was so beautiful Wednesday!

Since the stores were selling out of food consistently and we didn't want to eat the Hurricane snacks since they're for the hurrricane, we made a trip to Chick-Fil-A a for lunch.


I started packing on Wednesday night. This was my first update on instagram on Wednesday night. 

UPDATE: Hey Dolls, (September 12th

First I want to say thank you for everyone's thoughts and prayers. I truly appreciate your kind words, dms etc. I live in South Carolina and I'm used to the Hurricane preparations. Being a 2015 flood victim this storm does have me worried because they're saying the flooding can be worse and we may get a direct hit from Hurricane Florence. I'm praying for the best and if you're in an area that is being evacuated please leave. There is still time to evacuate the South Carolina coast, and lane reversals are still in effect until tomorrow. It's better to be safe than sorry. I live in an area that doesn't have to be evacuated, but is prone to power outages and flooding. I will be going with my mom to her job since they have generators. As you can see I've started packing to leave tomorrow. I currently have a sinus infection so I'm not feeling all that well, but thank you as for those who asked how I was feeling. Once again please be safe and God bless. I will try to keep you all updated during the next few days. Talk with you all soon! 

Thursday, September 13th 2018

All packed up and headed out to my mom's job.

We'll get gas whenever we leave my mom's job because the local gas stations were currently out of gas

The bridge before we got on the interstate. As you can see the other lane was crowded from lingering 5 o clock traffic and from the out of towners.

Very cloudy and humid

Sunday September 16th, 2018

On the way home this morning

Last night we were told my mom and her other coworkers could go home since the hurricane started to pass and the road was safe to drive on. Thank you to the administration and staff at my mom's job for their kindess and hospitality during the stay. 

We decided to run in Target this morning since it's close to my mom's job. It was just nice to get out from being stuck inside the last few days. When we got back home we did find out the lights went out a few times. It's been raining steadily and heavy at times. There were also some trees and branches down as well. I heard on the local news last night we could be dealing with issues from this storm for days. I'm praying there won't be any flooding or other issues. I'm glad to be back home. If there are anymore updates I'll write another post. Thanks again to everyone that checked on me. Stay Safe!

September 2018 Posts

BH Cosmetics Galaxy Chic Palette Tutorial

Hurricane Preparations 2018


Beauty Unearthly said...

Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

Glamour ZONE said...

I am happy to hear your okay. Kisses!

Marie said...

Glad you're safe Pilar! Thanks for sharing this update!

Lisa said...

Glad your ok. We stayed inside without internet or cable all day. It was so boring. And I abslutly did nothing but wonder about the house waiting on word as of when the cable would be back on. It never happend. We saw a coupld branches down but no trees yet. Just wet and soggy.
Thanks for the update

iamperlita said...

I am glad you were able to get through the hurricane! Natural disasters really freak me out and I am lucky in that we only experience a few earthquakes in California. I hope you feel better with your sinus infection! Take care hun <3

-PerlaGiselle |

Lynette said...

Sounds quite scary ! But glad you are okay. Hope you feel better soon.

Jackie Harrison said...

I'm glad we are doing well but my heart breaks for all the others as well as animals who had to deal with it.
The lost of life and all the damage.Is good to evacuate and to be prepared

Pilar said...

Thanks, same to you!

Pilar said...

Thanks Carole!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks Lisa! I'm glad that you're ok as well! It was pretty boring here as well being stuck inside for a few day. I'm blessed we were safe. Like I mentioned in my post the lights did go out several times, and the cable and internet were out too.

Pilar said...

Thanks Perla! Natual disasters freak me out too! I'm so grateful Hurricane Florence didn't do too much damage in my area. I'm starting to feel a little better! Thank God!

Pilar said...

Thanks Lynette!

Pilar said...

I agree Jackie, it's was so sad to hear about the fatalities from Hurricane Florence. Good point you make, animals have to deal with these issues too. I thought it was so great that if anyone had pets they could bring them too at my mom's job.

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Sounds so scary, I'm happy you are okay dear.

Happy Monday from me <3
Kisses <3
New outfit post -

Lisa said...

Hey Pilar! I tagged this post in my latest post.
Have a great day.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It couldn't have been fun to have to do all that with a sinus infection. Glad to hear the hurricane passed your area and you're back home safely Pilar! Do continue to take care and feel better.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm glad you're ok, Pilar. I was just thinking about you when hearing about what's happening in North Carolina. It looks like you're prepared and taking the necessary steps in case you need to evacuate. That's a pretty picture of the sun shining through your car window.

Take care, Pilar, and keep us updated. : )


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update!

Pilar said...

Thanks Rakhshanda! Happy Monday!

Pilar said...

That sound great Lisa! It's important to let the community know about these types of updates! Have a great week!

Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena! It wasn't fun at all doing everything with a sinus infection, but I managed! I spent the last day getting some rest.

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! It was very important to prepare especially last week when weather reporters didn't know exactly where Hurricane Florence was going to make landfall in North Carolina or here in South Carolina. I was so happy to capture that picture in the car. The sun was so bright!

Pilar said...

You're welcome!

Kristen Alpert said...

I was so glad to know that you and your mom was safe during the hurricane and that you guys didn't get much damaged either. Praying for those who did. Hopefully you guys won't get hit by another hurricane this year.

Pilar said...

I feel blessed the hurricane didn't do too much damage in my area. I'm praying for those who experienced damage etc. as well. I hope we won't have another hurricane this year!

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...