Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Well, That Explains A Lot...

Hello Everyone!

At the doctor's office

Last Thursday I had a doctor's appointment for a regular checkup. I was actually going to reschedule, but I know that I have to make time for my overall health, and besides I needed to follow up with my doctor after July's ER Visit.

Waiting to be called back to get one of my weekly B12 Shots 

I'm glad I did go to that appointment. Come to find out that I now have B12 Deficiency and my Iron Levels were critically low. I already knew that I had Iron Deficiency Anemia, but my levels haven't gone up which was a concern to my doctor. For a while I did have energy and I felt well, but I did notice that recently I had been feeling more tired than normal and by the end of the day I felt like I was going to crash. I remember over a year ago, I woke up one morning and I had a horrible pain over my left eye and my vision in that same eye was completely blurred. I went to the eye doctor and he couldn't find anything wrong and my sight eventually went back to normal. That was so scary.

The Iron Pills I'm taking. Ferrous Gluconate (I have another pack that I already opened)

My doctor looked at my lab work from my ER visit in July and she noticed my hemoglobin was low, so she ran more lab work. If the doctor in the ER would have taken the time to actually care and look over my lab work he would've have noticed this... My primary doctor also noticed that I had gained weight lol and my period had skipped two months. Incase you're wondering like my doctor I'm NOT pregnant. All these all these issues were related to iron, anemia, and b12 deficiencies in addition to stress/depression (hence the weight gain and the two missed periods). Iron Deficiency can also cause heavy periods.

Another day at the doctor's office for a B12 Shot

Long story short in addition to my mental health my body is also somewhat a mess with dealing with these deficiencies I thought that the over tiredness was due to the early mornings and not sleeping well at night that doesn't help, but there was an underlying issue. It's funny how your body has a way of telling you something is wrong, but we sometimes ignore the signs.

Today's B12 Shot when I went to the Doctor's Office 

Now I have to take B12 shots, (My doctor wants me to come in everyday this week for the B12 shots, and then once a week starting next week), Iron Pills and continue to take Vitamin D pills. No more ignoring when I'm feeling tired or craving ice (Pica). I'm going to have to learn to get more rest. I know today's post was kind of long and detailed, but I hope that sharing my story will inspire people to get checked for B12, Iron, and Vitamin D deficiencies and get regular check ups in general.

Here are few of my health related posts

Soak up the Sun

Anxiety and Announcement

Mental Health Check-In

Also, South Carolina is preparing for Hurricane Dorian, but I should still be posting this week. Everyone in Hurricane Dorian's please stay safe and evacuate if you need to.

August 2019 Posts

My Life in July 2019

6th Blogiversary Gifts and PR Haul

Mental Health Check-In

My Life in August 2019


Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so glad you figured out why you have been so tired, Pilar. Yes, sometimes when I'm low in energy, I take iron tablets just for a few days, and I feel better. I'll mention to Jess as well, cause she's been having heavy periods.

I hope that the hurricane doesn't come to your area, Pilar. Stay well and be careful. You mean a lot to me. : )


PhotosbyCris Travel Fashion Lifestyle said...

Glad to see you are looking after yourself A lot of our mental health can be reflections of what is going on with our bodies always listen to your body Take care Be careful with the hurricane Much love too you xoxo Cris

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better and stay safe!

Trini Altea said...

Que tengas un buen comienzo y mes de septiembre

Lisa said...

My daughter just headed out to her yearly physical. She has been having all the issues here that you just mentioned. Shes gonna ask her doc about it. If I had read this post before she left, I would have told her to ask about the b-12 and Iron. I take a B12 pill almost every day, vitamin D and Magnesium. I have a vitamin D deficiency.
That B-12 shot will make you feel so much better.

Pam said...

Mental and physical health go hand in hand. I have known that but with my recent bouts with "LIFE" since the end of Dec it has really made that aspect come to light. My depression over not only mom's passing but how Murphys Law seemed to visit daily, my pain with my Fibromyalgia got worse, then with it getting worse my depression would spike more and more. Its a never ending circle. But I am glad that you doc found the vit D issue. My daughter in law had an issue a few years ago but it put her in the hospital cause she woke one morning and could not walk. Hers was so bad that it took forever to get over it. She had to do the shoots, PT and it took weeks before she could walk, then it was with a walker for a long time. From there to a cane. She was in her late 20s at the time. You are young enough now that you need to take time for you. Don't be like me and spend your life looking out after others (which is not bad) but make that time for you. Take care and please keep us posted.

Tanza Erlambang said...

hope, you feel better and better...

have a wonderful day

Evi Erlinda said...

Hi Pilar! Glad you're feeling better now :)
Take care good yourself!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

I'm glad they found out what was going on, I hope now you'll start to get better and better!! Take good care xx

Ivana Split said...

It is important to keep a close eye on your iron levels. I actually made the same mistake, I took the pills and I assumed that my iron levels got better while in fact they got worse and I ended up having multiple episodes of what looked like an anxiety attack (shortness of breath, a feeling of panic) but it turns out that my iron levels were so low that oxygen wasn't getting to my brain and that's what caused this feeling of panic. It isn't pleasant for sure. I had to have a part of my small intestine and colon removed because of Chron so for my body it is even harder to get iron and vitamin and the supplements don't always help. I also have a lack of vitamin D, I'm currently taking new iron and vitamin D supplements, I hope these help. The supplement brands I took in the past didn't help, I'm trying new ones. Have you considered an iron transfusion? I'm allergic to it but it is the best way to get your iron levels up if you aren't allergic.

If the doctor at ER took a closer look at your tests, he would have noticed that your hemoglobin was low. Thanks for sharing this, it is good to educate people. Some people assume low iron is harmless but once it gets really really low it can cause health problems...and besides if something is the way it shouldn't be and we can take supplements to fix it, why not? It is funny how we as humans in general often take all kind of supplements and self-medicate but when we our body does need something, it might take us a while to get to it. I have another check up coming next time, I hope the new pills I ordered from another country will finally help get my iron levels up. Take care and keep us updated dear!

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

I understand you, I have a lot of health problems I'm tired of doctors!!
I hope you get better soon.


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I'm glad you got some answers and hope that the B12 shots, iron pills and vitamin D supplements will help you to feel better Pilar. You should press your doctor to get to root of what's causing your iron deficiency anemia if possible. I was diagnosed with that during my last physical and they found that it was caused by an infection in my stomach which was cleared after 2 weeks of intense antibiotics. I'm not saying you have the same thing but don't give up on looking for answers because supplements can only do so much. Take care and be well.

Mellie said...

I hope you feel better soon! I always put off doctor's appointments, especially routine appointments. I know I shouldn't...

Marie said...

I hope you're feeling better Pilar! Hopefully the B12 injections and your other medications will help! Be safe during the hurricane!

The Liberty Belle said...

It's wonderful to hear that you are taking positive steps for your health. Proud of you.

Doctor Anne said...

Oh, that really explains a lot. Good thing you went for the follow up. Did she find an explanation on what caused the anaemia?

Pilar said...

Sheri you are too sweet! You mean a lot to me as well my friend :) I'm glad I went to that doctor's appointment. My symptoms starting making sense. I'm starting to feel a little better since I started taking the B12 shots. I start going once a week this week instead of everyday. Please tell Jess to read this post. I want to share my experiences with these nutrient deficiencies. It scared me to know if I went another week or so I could have possibly ended up in the hospital!

Hurricane Dorian didn't do any damage where I live. It was raining, but nothing serious like I heard the coast experienced.

Pilar said...

Thanks Cris. I didn't realize that my mental health was being affected by nutrient deficiencies. I have noticed that my depression and anxiety symptoms are not as bad since I started medication for those nutrient deficiencies. This experience has been an eye opener.

Pilar said...

Thank you

Pilar said...

Gracias Trini y tu.

Pilar said...

I hope you daughter found out why shes been having issues. Mention my post to her even though she's already been to the doctor. Awareness is so important. I'm still having days I feel tired, but I think the B12 shot is helping with my energy.

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam. I know this has been a tough year for you, but you have shown incredible strength. I know that was scary for your daughter in law. I hope that she is doing better. This year has taught me that I have to take better care of myself and pay attention to what my body is telling me.

Pilar said...

Thanks Tanza. Have a great week.

Pilar said...

Thanks Evi

Pilar said...

Thanks Kizzy

Pilar said...

I experienced shortness of breathe a few times, but I didn't know at the time it was related to low iron. I've been learning so much about these nutrient deficiencies within in last two weeks. It's good to bring awareness to the topic. I hope that the new supplements will help with your iron levels. I have considered an iron transfusion, but I hope that I wouldn't be allergies since I already have allergies in general. The iron pills are ok, but the pills make my stomach hurt (sometimes) I think it's a trial and error type situation. My doctor was saying if the pills cause me stomach pain we can explore other options.

I'm so glad that I have a good doctor that actually cares about her patients. She couldn't understand why that ER doctor didn't notice this. I wanted to educate people like you mentioned. These issues seem harmless, but can be dangerous if left untreated. Good luck with your check up! I will keep everyone posted!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marisa. I hope you're feeling better.

Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena. I'm hoping that I'll start feeling better soon. I have noticed that the B12 shots are working. My doctor is trying to get to the cause of my iron deficiency anemia as well as the other nutrient deficiencies. I think part of the nutirent deficiencies are due to heredity. Hopefully I'll know more soon. You take care as well!

Pilar said...

Thanks Mellie. I'm so glad I didn't canceled that appointment because I was lacking nutrients and I didn't even. Know it. Take care!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

I know. That follow up visit was so important. As of now the anemia is from heredity, but my doctor is also determining other possible factors.

nerline said...

You totally described the symptoms that I have been experiencing. I am glad it was detected early and your doctor is taking the steps necessary to get you better. Thanks for sharing doll.

Pilar said...

You're welcome Nerline. I'm glad my doctor detected these nutrient deficiencies. Now I'm on the path to getting healthier and feeling better.

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...