Monday, April 18, 2016

Inspirational Post: Things I've Learned Part 4

Hello  Everyone!

Today I bring you part 4 of my Things I've learned series. So let's get started! I wanted to say thanks for all the positive feedback on this series! I'm glad that you find these types of posts inspirational, helpful etc.

1. Stop giving people more chances than they deserve 

2. Piggybacking off #1 Stop letting people disappoint you. Sometimes you have to walk away.

3. Don't be afraid to start over

4. You run your life, don't let your life run you 

5. Other people's poor behavior and bitterness can be reflection of jealousy. Always be be mindful who you have in your inner circle.

6. Yesterday is history. Start focusing on more on your future.

7. Don't invite unnecessary drama into your life

8. I'm not picky. I just know what I don't want

9. Keep going your hard work will pay off

10. Keep your mind on what's important. Trivial things are a distraction 

11. Don't make long term decisions with short term people

12. Every set back is a set up for comeback 

13. Get your fire back. Don't let your passion or drive burn out.

14. Create your opportunity

15. You have to choose what's best for you and your life

16. What you think about yourself is more important than what others think you

17. When you think about quitting, remember why you started

18. Sometimes people have a tendency to make life harder than it has to be

19. Make peace with the past, so it doesn't interfere with your future

20. Sometimes all you need is a good laugh

To read my other Things I've Learned Posts click on my links below

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Sophie ❤︎ said...

Hi Pilar! These are some really great inspirational quotes! "I'm not picky. I just know what I don't want." So so true.

Have a lovely day!

-Sophie xx ||

Jackie Harrison said...

This is so helpful and well communicated great job Pilar.

Pilar said...

Thanks Sophie!

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie!

Marie said...

Very inspirational post!

Pilar said...


Unknown said...

I love all of these, and this post Pilar! I really like number 16. I feel like that's something I've always known but never really thought about until I just read that! It's hard to think ''what do I think of myself", because I think a lot of times we take from what others think of us and make it our own thoughts, which is hard not to do but also something we shouldn't do!

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

I love these posts, and they always seem to come at such a perfect time (for me, personally, anyway). I particularly like the one about finding your fire again. Very inspirational and something I really need to do!

Beauty Unearthly said...

Great post sweetheart...thx for sharing!

Unknown said...

These are amazing things Pilar. You pointed out so many great details. I used to be a people pleaser. Once I started speaking up for myself and doing things I wanted to do it felt amazing! :)

willsingformakeup said...

These are great, Pilar! I love how a lot of these are about not giving up. It's so important to keep going in life.

Ambi said...

This is such a inspirational post girl. I favorite is the number 1 quote. you made my day :) x

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! I feel #16 is so important! You're right, I think others can influence on how we feel and think about ourselves. I try to remove any negative people out of my life! I agree we shouldn't let others influence our thoughts!

Pilar said...

Thanks Margo! I'm glad these posts are helpful to you! When I think it's so important not to lose your fire because if you do it can lead to being unmotivated. I try to keep myself motivated!

Pilar said...

Thanks and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks Glenda! That's great that you spoke up for yourself and felt amazing!

Pilar said...

Thanks Lauren! That's true, you have to keep pushing forward in life!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ambi! Glad this post made your day!

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