Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Random Thoughts Before Bedtime

Hello Everyone!

A picture of me one night before I went to bed.

This post is very random, but this are the things that I had on my mind before I went to sleep last night.

1. It feels so good to have that bra off lol. Why are the cutest bras some of the most uncomfortable things to wear?!

2. I need to get so much done tomorrow!

3. Why am I still awake?!

4. I sure could go for a late night snack...then again I think I'll just have a bottle of water.

5. I wonder who else is up?

What do you think about before you go to sleep?

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Jackie Harrison said...

Lol you are to funny.... I know what you go through I bet plenty of us do. I usually try to clear my mind sometimes to much disturb sleep I pray before bed and that always help me get a good night sleep.

Unknown said...

I love this post, Pilar! I always have the most random thoughts before I go to sleep too! I actually was thinking about my blog and I had to sit up and write something down in my note pad for it so I didn't forget LOL! I always do things like that.

Beauty Unearthly said...

Lovely post dear!

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

Cute post!! I always have a ton of things on my mind before bed too!

Shireen L. Platt said...

OMG, no. 2,3 & 4 is in my mind every night! I am fine the whole day but once Iie down, these thoughts start trickling in. And I wonder why I am an insomniac, I don't know how to shut off my mind.

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

willsingformakeup said...

This is great, Pilar! A lot of nights I'm asking myself why I'm still awake too. Sometimes I have to write out a to-do list before I go to be just so I won't think about the things I have to do the next day. It really works!

Marie said...

Love this post! I agree with 1, 3, and 5!

Denise Lindsay said...

Haha love this post! Totally agree with number 1 that the cutest bras are definitely the most uncomfortable to wear, the feeling you get after taking it off at the end of the day is bliss! :D Also why do all these random things pop into your head while you are trying to sleep and not during the daytime when you are awake?! It's really annoying!

Pilar said...

Lol. I always pray before I go to sleep as well! Idk what it is about bedtime that I have the most random thoughts! I thought that people could relate to this post!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! I do that too! I have ideas that I'll write down so I'll remember them for my blog!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thanks Margo!

Pilar said...

I feel that way too! Some nights are better than others, but I wish I could fully get rid of insomnia! I only suffer from insomnia badly when I'm really stressed.

Pilar said...

Thanks Lauren! I like to write out to do lists as well! It does work!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie!

Pilar said...

Thanks Denise! I know right! Sometimes I'll go bra shopping and I'll say how cute! Then I think to myself this bra is going to be uncomfortable abd I still buy it lol! I wish I could have random thought throughout the day rather than at night! Falling asleep can be such a challlenge for me when I'm have things on my mind lol!

Love Your Selfie!

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