Monday, April 15, 2019

April is Stress Awareness Month

Hello Everyone!

Honestly I'm a little surprised that I'm writing a post about stress awareness since I constantly feel stressed. I'm working on getting better at learning to handle stress better though. I wasn't even aware there was a month dedicated to stress awareness.

Take a long bath

Lately I've been taking showers, but I miss my baths! I might put that on my agenda this week, to take a long bubble bath. It's so relaxing!

Letting Go and Reconnecting 

One of the things I realized when I wrote my Rediscovery Post , I've been surrounding myself around people that uplift me and inspire me.
In order to control my stress level, I've learned to let things go. I don't harbor anger like I used too, I worry (due to anxiety), but I try not to worry incessantly.  I try to embrace and enjoy life.  I've noticed one thing that can cause stress is anger. Some situations aren't even worth getting yourself upset over. As I said before acceptance can help you heal. I keep my inner circle small in general, but sometimes it's good to reconnect with people.

Treat Yo Self aka...treat yourself

I needed a new phone phone. I was holding on to my Galaxy Note for 5 the longest time. I'm not one to go buy a new phone just because it's a new release. Honestly I needed a new phone over a year ago when my battery kept dying. I finally upgraded to a Note 9. I must admit I love my new phone. The representative even threw in a tablet. Which is something else I needed as well.

After I got my new phone I was feeling pretty good and I treated myself to a large Vanilla Milkshake from McDonald's. I know I many calories! It was so worth it and talk about delicious! Treat Yo Self! :)

Alone Time

Spending time around others is healthy, but so is spending time alone. I'm not really a person that I always have to be around people. Sometimes I like to spend time alone. No plans, no running errands, just staying in and enjoying a peaceful environment.

It may sound like I have it all together when dealing with stress, I don't lol. I'm truly a work in progress. How do you handle stress?

April 2019 Posts

My Life in March 2019

Lake Murray

Goose Creek Candle: Spring Favorites 

Here Comes Peter Cottontail



Pam said...

OH REALLY? I am on total STRESS OVERLOAD and have been for months. Not sure if, when or how things will ever get straighten out again or at least get me closer to the person I was.....Love when I find a way to take me away from the stress but then I open my eyes and its back.....

Recep Hilmi TUFAN | said...

Enjoy your new phone!

sonia // daring coco said...

I didn't realise there was a month dedicated to this. But I think it's great. People don't realise how harmful stress really is on the body (not just the mind). I'm in a constant state of stress, have been for many years now and can't really find a way to rid myself of it. I would love to be surrounded by people who uplift me constantly, most of the people I know have moved overseas sadly. Taking a long bath sounds amazing, I haven't had one in years mainly because I feel like it's such a waste of water and also someone once told me something about baths and I always remember this and it turns me off.


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Everyone deals with stress differently but it's something we probably all have in our lives to some degree. It's good that there is a month dedicated to raising awareness. I used to let stress bother me but I've learned to that it's just better to let go when it comes to things that are beyond my control. Going for walks and listening to music really helps me. I'm a fan of baths as well.

Lisa said...

Congrats on the new phone and tablet. It feels good to have a new one.
Alone time is what I like best too. However most of my alone time is spent doing chores. I like to work alone. haha.
My daughter is always stressed out. She doesn't know it yet but her Easter basket is going to be "stress" themed filled with relaxing goodies and chocolate.
Your doing good.

Red Rose Alley said...

This is a good stress awareness post, Pilar. And I love the idea of treating ourselves once in awhile. I do that as well, whether it's an item for the home or a Starbuck's coffee or a new blouse. I think it's important. Your vanilla milk shake looks Yummy. I'll have to try those sometime. Spending some alone time is a must for me. Being with family and friends is nice, but we can also learn and grow by being alone, and especially being alone in nature.


Inspire My Fancy said...

That's wonderful that your found such awesome ways to relax. I actually try to focus on what I can do about any stressful situations that may come up, that helps me take the stress away from the situations. I also visit places I love to help me relax!


Paola Lauretano said...

Interesting post and your idea sounds great!
Congrats on your new phone, Pilar!
Kisses, Paola.


Anonymous said...

Great tips for how to handle stress!

Beauty Unearthly said...

Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :)

Ivana Split said...

I didn't know that there was a month dedicated to stress awareness. Stress can definitely take a toll on us and have negative physical and psychological consequences so it makes sense to talk about it. I found that different things work for me, it's not always the same. I think that it is so with most people, something even simple activities that break our routine can be quite helpful. Sometimes we can rely on stress proof activities and sometimes we need to look for new activities. For example, in the past art used to make me feel less stressed but now it makes me more stressed. The reason for it may sound contradictory. Once I got better at art, I started having higher expectations and it makes the whole art experience quite stressful. Making art also costs time and money so that's another stress factor. These days I relax more with physical activity and music. It is good to look for ways to get rid of or to reduce stress. Another thing I like is going for walks. It is such a simple activity and it can be great for relaxing after a long day.

nerline said...

I had no idea there was a stress awareness month. This is such a wonderful post, Pilar.

Pilar said...

I have the same issue at times. I'll take my mind off things and then...BOOM it's back. It's a struggle, but when I feel like that I take a few deep breaths or do things that I enjoy. Even watching a funny movie or show can help relieve stress.

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

I agree Sonia, stress can be very harmful on the body. I have high stress levels as well. As I get older I have to pick and choose my battles. Some stress is worth getting upset over. For the times I have to deal with stress I try my best to keep things in perspective and not get overly upset. Taking a long bubble bath has help me when I feels stressed. Reading in the bath also helps me feel less stressed.

Pilar said...

I agree Rowena. I don't think there's escaping stress. I'm learning to stressing over things beyond my control. Baths are so relaxing.

Pilar said...

Thanks Lisa. I love my new phone and tablet. I do chores when I'm alone as well! I started doing that in college. A stress reducing theme sounds like a great idea for an Easter Basket. Thank you for the last comment. I'm trying my best :)

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri. I think it's good to treat ourselves every now and again. Definitely try the Vanilla Milkshake from McDonald's! It's so good! I usually don't get a large, but since it was a treat myself day, why not?! I think alone time is good. I agree having alone does help people grow and learn.

Pilar said...

Thanks Tania. Finding solutions to stressful situations helps a lot. That's a very good point you made. I also like to visit places to reduce stress

Pilar said...

Thanks Paola.

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcome.

Pilar said...

Ivana I agree with everything you have written. During the July until about early December I start taking crochet orders and it can cause a little bit of stress especially when I have a lot of orders and trying to make a deadline. I still love crocheting, but to balance it as a hobby and work I space my orders and I also crochet for fun. That helps take away some of the stress. I also try new activities if any old hobbies become stressful. I think it's good to have a variety of activities you enjoy.

Pilar said...

Thanks Nerline. I didn't know there was a stress awareness month either until recently when I was watching something about stress on TV.

The Little Things

 Hello Everyone! Recently I received two gifts from my two of my friends. One is my bestie I met at work at my old job that works at my new ...