Sunday, October 6, 2019

What's Causing Your Acne Breakout?

Hello Everyone!

Most of us have had it at some point...acne and breakouts. Usually my skin isn't too acne prone, but lately I've been having frequent breakouts. Thankfully these are just fine bumps on my forehead, but they're still annoying none the less.

1. Dry Skin

Your skin need moisture, especially if you have dry skin. Moisturizing your skin not only keeps it healthy, but it may help reduce acne issues.

2. Oily skin

My favorite setting sprays from Urban Decay. Both setting sprays are oil free

Oily skin can can cause breakouts too. That's my issue. I have normal to oily skin, but when my skin is oily it tends to clog my pores and cause a breakout. I try to use oil free beauty products when my skin is oily.

3. Hormonal Changes

Three letters for me PMS... PMS is typically the only hormonal issue that I have that causes a breakout. The interesting thing is that almost every month I get acne on my cheeks. It's usually not too bad, but hormones can definitely be a factor that causes acne.

4. Keep Your Face Clean

Apparently acne isn't caused by dirt, but Please wash and cleanse your face. I would think that having a dirty face leaves you prone to bacteria and dead skin cells, all the things that can lead to a breakout. While I'm on the subject, you shouldn't be touching your face frequently...hence more bacteria from your fingers.

5. Your Cell Phone

My Screen Saver on my phone

I'm not going to pretend that I keep my cell phone screen clean a lot because I don't. I know that's pretty bad, but I'm working on doing better. People touch their cell phones so much throughout the day which makes your phone prone to bacteria especially if you hold your phone up to the side of your face.

6. Over Stimulating Your Face With Too Many Skincare Products

I learned this a few years ago when I first started using my Clarisonic  I think I was using the the Clarisonic too long during the cleansing of my face. I had this happened a few times. I think my skin had to get use to the brush head on the Clarisinic.  I don't use a face scrub everyday because that causes me to breakout as well.

7. Sleeping on Dirty Pillowcases

I'm starting to notice that the word bacteria is floating around frequently in this post. Sleeping on dirty bacteria filled pillows can also cause your face to breakout. Wash your pillowcases or use clean pillowcases when you cover your pillow(s).

8. Haircare Products

I've had this happen to me a few times when I try a new product on my hair. Sometimes the hair product(s) will work well for my hair, and irritate my face after I wash my face. When this happens I might see a breakout the next day.

9. Stress

I think stress is one of the main factors that has been been causing my recent breakouts. Thank God for Derma E's Acne Prone Skincare Products!

10. Medication

If your taking any medication make sure you read the side effects. Some medication increase the chances of you having acne.

11. Diet

Another factor for my breakouts. I think sugar is one my acne triggers. I noticed that Krispy Kreme Doughnuts caused some of my acne problems over the Summer.

12. Dirty Makeup Brushes

I'm pretty good about cleaning my makeup brushes on a regular basis. Cleaning my brushes, isn't one of my favorite things to do, but dirty makeup brushes harbor a lot of bacteria. Wash your makeup brushes weekly or least every two weeks. I also wash new brushes that I purchase etc.

13. Wearing Makeup During a Breakout

I usually skip wearing makeup altogether during a breakout. When you wear makeup during a breakout you risk making your acne worse.

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Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Pilar, I was blessed with my mother's complexion. At 83 years old, she hardly had any facial marks. Her face was always smooth and clear. I saw the McCafe coffee for sale at Big Lots and thought of you. I didn't realize they sold it at the store. I'll have to get some, cause it's so good. That's too bad that the Krispy Kreme Doughnuts caused some of your acne problems. That's another weakness of mine - I don't often get doughnuts, but when I do, it's a real treat.


Anonymous said...

Great tips!

Pilar said...

My mom has a beautiful complexion she has a few moles, but she has flawless skin. My skin isn't too bad, but this Summer well this year I've been having some acne issues. I think my acne issues are stress related. I didn't Big Lots sold McCafe Coffee either. I agree it's so good! I think too much sugar in general does cause some of my acne issues. I noticed that when I ate a few Krispy Kreme Doughnuts I started seeing acne on my face. I guess I needed a reminder to put the doughnuts down lol!

Pilar said...


Pam said...

I have been lucky, as a teen when others were having issues I never did. Now...I would have flare ups of acne just every now and again and usually when I would eat too many sunflower seeds!!

Marie said...

Thanks for sharing these helpful tips Pilar! Now that reminds me I need to wash my makeup brushes!

Pilar said...

I didn't have that many issues with acne when I was a teenager. I've had acne issues the past few months. It's mostly fine bumps on my face.

Pilar said...

You're welcome! Have fun washing your makeup brushes!

Evi Erlinda said...

For my case, I think because of hormonal change.

Pilar said...

I usually get acne during PMS. I try to use skincare products before PMS to reduce acne.

Mellie said...

I was lucky that my breakouts were minor during my teen years. I had slight issues when I was on birth control in my 30s, but now I only get the random blemish once in a blue moon!

Pilar said...

I didn't have too many acne issues until recently. It's mostly fine bumps on my face, but I'm currently using Derma E Acne Skincare products to help control the acne!

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