Friday, November 1, 2019

Spiritual Journey/Thankful

Hello Everyone!

I know this year isn't over, but this year has taught me a lot...spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. 

I've had a few struggles with my faith. I've never let go of my belief in God, but my faith did waver at times. During the times while I was struggling with my faith, I prayed. I prayed even when I didn't know what I was praying for. I'm constantly learning that when I'm afraid, lost, scouraged, and during the good times I turn to God. The bible states our God is a jealous God. I think I saw that in more ways than one this year. I was depending on my own lack of understanding instead of trusting and waiting on God. You know that saying, "When you make plans God laughs."

When life gives you lemons, use them to make lemondade

When I say that I've experienced horrible things this year, I mean that in every sense of the word horrible. Through my emotional pain and suffering, it was sometimes to hard to believe this was part of God's plan. I would often ask myself how do I trust the process when I felt constant disappointment and discouragement. On this spiritual journey so far in my life I've noticed I lose things, but I also gain things back. Sometimes the worst emotional pain you experience can be your greatest blessing in the long run.

Yesterday there were tornados in South Carolina. This  picture was taken moments before it started storming badly. If I had to explain how I felt sometimes during the past few months it would be like this photo. Very stormy.

One day Last month when I felt like everything was wrong, and I mean everything was going wrong, A phone call changed my life for the better. I knew that it had to be a sign from God. I've heard so much throughout my life that there's going to be that one moment when you feel like all hope is gone and God is going to come in right on time. I've witnessed the power of God's goodness quite a few times in my life. I'm am forever grateful for all the times God guided me through the darkness. 

I believe that throughout all the negative things you may experience, there is always something to be grateful for in life. I'm thankful for so much. I write thankful posts every year during November, but this year I wanted to start the month off with this post.

My Thankful Throw Pillow from last year

- I'm thankful for the strength God gave me to get through some of the things I faced this year.

- I'm thankful for having a loving, supportive, and kind mother.

- I'm thankful for never giving up on myself and my dreams.

- I'm thankful for having a roof over my head, and having basic necessities. 

- I'm thankful for the opportunities that I have been given to continue to pursue my goals.

- I'm thankful for all of you that visit and support me here on my Blog and Instagram.

When I feel badly about things I try to remember that someone is out there praying and hoping for things that people sometimes take for granted.

Never forget this statment

I've always said on my blog that my relationship with God is my own. I'm not one to force my religious beliefs on anyone. What are you thankful for?

October 2019 Posts

Surviving Domestic Violence: Two Years Later

Skincare Ingredients

12 Skincare Ingredients You Should Avoid

What's Causing Your Acne Breakout?

Fall, I Love You Most Of All!

World Mental Health Day

Breast Cancer Awareness 

Hair Washing Day Feat. Palmer's Cocoa Butter and Biotin Hair Products

Clean Beauty at CVS

My Customized Stoney Clover Lane Bag!


Ivana Split said...

Such beautiful thoughts. You're right, we have so much to be thankful for.

Miss Val's Creations said...

It is so important to be thankful for what we do have in our lives even when it feels like everything is going wrong. I am so sorry it has been such a difficult year for you. Seconds after we received the tornado alert, our doorbell rang with trick or treaters! So we let them know to take cover. I guess we should be thankful we do not see the same catastrophic tornado damage here like some states see. Being unpredictable is so scary.

Anonymous said...

Very insightful post. There are so many things to be thankful for life. Great post!

Tanza Erlambang said...

I agree 100% with you....

Happy Halloween....

Susie said...

Pilar, I am sending a big warm hug to you. I have had you in my prayers. I do pray for our blog family. All of you have been there for Ted and I. You know when you say to think others are praying for you when you feel badly, they really are. I loved your thankful list. Some times, I ask God why does life have to be so hard at's my anger when I feel totally overwhelmed. Then I pray for forgiveness. LOL I know God loves me. He loves you Pilar. I pray your spirit will soar and that you will stay strong. You are a beautiful young lady with a good heart. Bless you and your family, xoxo, Susie

Evi Erlinda said...

Love your post!
I'm thankful for many things, also for all of you in the blogger loops.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Pam said...

Like me, I am hoping that things turn around for you this next yr. Hoping it does for me also. I know you are working on healing and I also know you are strong and you will get there.

Mellie said...

Hope things are looking up for you. Sending a hug your way!

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Un post Muy interesante! Gracias por la información! Feliz noche! ♡♡♡

Marie said...

What a beautiful post Pilar. It sounds like you've been through a lot this year, but you're overcoming things. I turn to God as well through good and bad times. I've notice if we sit still God can show us what we're looking and asking for. I wish you all the best in your journey of healing. There are so many things to be thankful for. Great post!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ivana

Pilar said...

Thanks Val. This year has been difficult, but I'm trying to remain positive and optimistic. We went to grab something to eat before things got bad outside and on the way back it started storming badly. There was a tornado in my area. Very thankful indeed! I heard it was supposed to be bad weather for Halloween night, I'm just glad the storms didn't last very long. I know some of the trick or treaters were disappointed, but safety comes first.

Pilar said...

Thank you

Pilar said...

Thank Tanza, have a great week.

Pilar said...

Thanks Susie. I know that you and Ted have face obstacles this year as well. I pray for the both of you too. I completely understand being overwhelmed. I have felt that way a lot this year. Some days are better than others, but like you said God loves us. Knowing that God loves me helps me get through life's challenges. Blessings to you and your family.

Pilar said...

Thanks Evi. Have a great week.

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam. I'm hoping and praying for positive change. I'm working even harder on my goals. I have faith I will get there in regards to healing. I know this has been a rough year for you as well. I'm hoping for good things for you as well.

Pilar said...

Thanks Mellie

Pilar said...

Gracias Carolina

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie. This year has taught me a lot. I agree we have to sit still and wait on God. God has shown me so many different things this year.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It sounds like your faith has given you a great perspective on things Pilar. I agree that that is always something to be grateful for and we need to better focus on those things especially when life isn't going the way we want.

Red Rose Alley said...

It's a wonderful thing that you are holding onto your faith, even in the darkest of times, Pilar. I loved your "thankful list," and I smiled at having the roof over your head. That's so true, and it reminds me of all those people that have been evacuated in the California fires. Oh no, tornados in South Carolina? I didn't realize you were getting storms already. Stay safe, Pilar. God is good, and He's always there for us, we just need to listen. And it sounds like you do, my dear friend. : )


Pilar said...

My faith has given me great perspective on things. I started realizing that when I was going through different things. I try to remember that even when life isn't going well, I should focus on the things I'm thankful for.

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri. My thankful list is very important to me. I pray for all the evacuees in California. I know that South Carolina had tornadoes in the past, but it was still surprising.

Lisa said...

It’s hard to understand how God works but he always comes through. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Mine looks like a spark but its still a light. Haha. Just hang on.

Pilar said...

I try to remember that during tough times. You're right even if it's a spark it's still a light. Light represents hope.

The Little Things

 Hello Everyone! Recently I received two gifts from my two of my friends. One is my bestie I met at work at my old job that works at my new ...