Saturday, January 18, 2020

Journey to Healthy Hair Feat. CURLS Poppin Pineapple Vitamin C Collection

Hello Everyone!

* Disclaimer: This posts contains PR Samples from Curls. Thank you Curls for sending these products for review. All opinions are 100% my own. Product and brand information provided by

For my last post, I reviewed Curls Poppin Pineapple Vitamin C Collection. Today I'm going to share my journey to healthy hair using Curls Poppin Pineapple Collection. I've had frizzy hair since I was a little girl, but last year I noticed that my hair became increasing dry and brittle in addition to my hair being frizzy. I have 4b/4c hair which means it's important that I use products that provide moisture for my hair.

- So So Clean Vitamin C Curl Wash
- So So Moist Vitamin C Curl Mask
- So So Smooth Vitamin C Leave In Conditioner

First I shampooed and used the hair Mask on my hair. I love that these products are so moisturizing. After I rinsed both products out of my hair, I added the leave In Conditioner and dried my hair. Since my hair is damaged from Iron Deficiency issues, I didn't apply extreme heat to my hair. I used a cool to warm setting on my blow dryer to help reduce breakage. My hair is typically very curly if don't blow dry my hair, but since I did use a blow dryer it give my hair a more afro texture with soft mini curls.

- So Do Def Vitamin C Curl Defining Jelly
- Hair Clamps
- Large Wide Tooth Comb (not pictured)
- Medium Hair Pick
- Hair Dryer

I've been trying the Poppin Pineapple Collection several times and I'm noticing my hair feels so healthy.

I have thick hair, but the I love how the Curl Jelly adds so much volume to my hair and decreases frizz.

I was going to do a twist out on my hair to create thick curls, but I want to continue to get my hair back healthy first. 

The finished product. I didn't used the scalp oil in this tutorial since I oiled my scalp a few days ago. I love how voluminous and defined my hair looks!

Don't forget to check out my Curls Poppin Pineapple Vitamin C Collection review! Curls products are sold online at and exclusively at Walmart.


Evi Erlinda said...

Your hair is beautiful and thick, Pilar.
So gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos! You have such thick hair!

nerline said...

Moisture is very important for 4b/4c hair. It's my first time learning about these products. On my way to check them out.

Pilar said...

Thanks Evi!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Nerline! Very true, it took me the longest time to figure out my hair type/curl pattern. Moisture is definitely key for my hair. These products have helped my hair so much.

Mellie said...

Very pretty pictures of you!

The Liberty Belle said...

Your hair looks thick and healthy. Thanks for the review. I just might give the products a try after reading it. May peace and joy always be with you.

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Se ven estupendos ! Espero tu opinión en mi última entrada! Feliz noche! 💓💓💓

Ivana Split said...

Your hair looks beautiful and healthy. Thank you for reviewing these hair products.

Marie said...

Thanks for sharing your hair journey with using Curls Pilar! Your hair looks so gorgeous, healthy, and thick!

Pilar said...

Thanks Mellie!

Pilar said...

Thanks! These products work so well on my hair! Same to you!

Pilar said...

Gracias Carolina!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ivana, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie, and you're welcome!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Gorgeous, your hair looks fantastic xx

Jackie Harrison said...

Great results these product gave.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Good for you Pilar! It's always awesome to find products that work well for us. Your hair looks so healthy and voluminous.

R's Rue said...

Great product.

Red Rose Alley said...

This is a different and cute look for you, Pilar. I'm glad you found a product for your hair that suits you. I'm always looking for one that decreases the frizz as well.

~Sheri was good to hear that you watched the Little House re-runs growing up. I still watch them today. Love that time in history. : )

Pam said...

You got it going on. I hope that the BP and the health are really improving. I was asked the first of the year what my word of the year was....not sure when that started but I don't do resolutions I thought coming up with a word is a great thing to do. My word this yr is HEALING. I am working to HEALING my heart and emotions. Looks like you are doing great.

Pilar said...

Thanks Kizzy!

Pilar said...

I agree Jackie!

Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! As I continue to use these products, I have noticed it helps with controlling frizz.

I grew up watching the reruns of Little House, but I still love them as an adult! Little House was a great show!

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam! I hope you are doing well! I think my blood pressure spike that day because I had been under so much stress. I'm trying to watch my stress levels. Healing is a good word. Healing is a beautiful thing, and I wish you much success as you go through the healing process.

Tarequl said...

Your hair style is beautiful and thick .
So gorgeous.

Pilar said...

Thanks Tarequl!

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