Friday, March 6, 2020

March is Women's History Month

Hello Everyone!

I'm sure that most of you know that March is  Women's History Month. Being a woman myself, I'm glad there is a month that recognizes  women and their contributions. Women's History Month also focuses on issues that women face in general such as various injustices, and monetary wages etc.

There are so many women that I admire. My mom tops the list. She is such an inspiration to me. I she has shown me how to be a strong, independent, and courageous woman. These are traits that I hope to instill in my own children someday. Another woman I admire is Mariska Hargitay. She is best known for playing Captain Olivia Benson on the long running show Law and Order SVU. Her character constantly fights for victims and women's rights. Did you know that Mariska Hargitay also is an advocate for women's rights outside of her character on Law and Order?

Everyone has a story, here is some of my story. I have shared various elements of my life on my blog over the years.

- I'm a believer of God...the almighty

- Im a daughter... to wonderful mother
  A Mother's Day Message For My Mom

- Im a woman... that knows my worth and works hard towards my goals

- I'm a friend...that shows my friends I care.

- I'm a suvivor of domestic violence...and I never
  looked back
  Surviving Domestic Violence: Two Years Later

- I'm a mental health advocate...who lives with 
 anxiety and depression
 May is Mental Health Awareness Month

In addition to Women's History Month, Sunday is International Women's Day. As you recognize the contributions of women etc, don't forget to celebrate yourself :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Women's History Month and Happy International Women's Day! Great post!

Red Rose Alley said...

Pilar, that first photo is the cutest picture of you. Really like that one. I appreciate your 'everyone has a story' list. I think the first one is the most important of all. It's wonderful that you are so close to your Mom and that you admire, respect, and love her. She raised such a wonderful daughter.


Ivana Split said...

what cute photos of you. Happy women's day. I like Mariska too. The character she plays on Law and Order is so strong and I know she does important work outside her character. I once saw on TV that she organized swimming with dolphines for women who were victims of abuse. It was so inspiring and moving to see.

Lisa said...

You look beautiful Pilar!
Mariska is one of my favorite characters too.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Happy Women's History Month and International Women's Day. It's important to celebrate how far we have come. This world wouldn't exist without women after all.

Jackie Harrison said...

Happy International’s Woman Day begins a strong woman is another stronger woman our mothers.

Marie said...

Happy International Women's Day Pilar! You have shown so much courage on your social media handles with bringing awareness to so many different societal issues. You have such a kind and caring spirit!

Evi Erlinda said...

You look pretty, Pilar!
Happy Women's Day!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Beautiful!! I hope you have a wonderful March & Women's month!! xx

Kinga K. said...

Women's power <3

Pilar said...

Thank you, and same to you!

Pilar said...

Thank you Sheri. You're words are so kind. I really appreciate it! My relationship with God is important to me. God has given me guidance in many aspects of my life. My relationship with my mom is very special to me. I try to do things that I know would make my mom proud and display values she instilled in me throughout my life. You're right, I admire, respect, and love my mom very much :)

Pilar said...

Thank you Ivana, and same to you. Law and Order SVU is such a great show with amazing characters, but Mariska Hargitay is my favorite. I love that her character is strong and the work she does outside of the show is so inspiring.

Pilar said...

Thank you Lisa. I recently saw online Mariska Hargitay posted that Law and Order SVU is renewed through season 24! I'm pretty happy about that! It's a great show!

Pilar said...

Same to you Rowena! I agree. We should celebrate how far we've come. Very true! Women are very important to the human existence!

Pilar said...

Same to you Jackie! Mothers are such strong and influential women in our lives!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie for your kind words. I think it's important to discuss various topics on my blog. I try to have a kind and caring spirit. The world needs more kindness.

Pilar said...

Thank you Evi, and same to you.

Pilar said...

Thanks you Kizzy, and same to you.

Pilar said...

Women's power!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Beautifully said Pilar. We all need to remember how wonderful we are personally. Happy Women's History Month!

Pilar said...

Thank you, and same to you!

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