Saturday, September 5, 2020

Self Care/Pamper Routine: Period Edition

Hello Everyone!

* Disclaimer: This posts contains PR Samples from Vagisil. Thank you Vagisil for sending these products for review. All opinions are 100% my own. Product and brand information provided by

As I get older, I my feelings toward pms haven't changed lol. I'm irritable, depressed, cranky, bloated, I get acne breakouts, headaches the list seems endless lol. Even though I dislike this time of the month, I try to keep a positive attitude and have a self care routine to help myself feel better.

Vagisil Feminine Products

During that time of the month I like to feel extra clean and fresh so I use Vagisil during my showers. I've used Vagisil Feminine Washes for years, but this is the first time I used the Scentsitive Scents. The Peach Blossom scent smells amazing. I like that there's more of a peach scent rather than a floral scent.

I aslo like to use Vagisil Wipes to keep fresh. These are good to use during your period or in general. Just like Vagisil Feminine Wash, the wipes don't throw off your ph Balance. Side Note, these wipes are not flushable!

 I love taking a relaxing bath in general, but during the week before my period, a bubble bath (or two) is/are a must! This photo is from my Self Care: Pamper Routine

In speaking of baths, I recently tried this v-friendly bath bomb. I'm glad that this bomb doesn't contain any harmful or irritating ingredients. I will be looking for another one of these bath bombs, and the peach scent smells good just like the feminine wash.
I don't use scented sprays during that time of the month, but I used this dry wash for the last few weeks. This is a good spray to have on the go if you want to freshen up especially during these hot Summer days. This is a freshener, not a body wash

I don't use scented sprays during that time of the month, but I used this dry wash for the last few weeks. This is a good spray to have on the go if you want to freshen up especially during these hot Summer days. This is a freshener, not a body wash. 

Period Essentials

Since this pandemic began a lot of products have been hard to find including feminine products. I haven't purchased tampons in months, so I've switched back to using pads. I usually get a box of pantiliners as a back up wear with tampons, but as I mentioned tampons have been sold out in local stores.

I have been wanting to use more natural based feminine products  so when I saw these new Always Pure Cotton Pads in CVS. I purchased a box.

Acne Treatment

The heat, humidity, and pms my face breaking out most of the Summer. This time I'm having fine bumps that are on my forehead. Derma E Anti-Acne Collection helps so much with clearing my skin. This collection has been my go to holy grail collection this Summer, but I also use these products during PMS. You can read my review HERE


During the week before my period I get horrible headaches so I usually take Tylenol or Ibuprofen and try to get rest. Tylenol usually helps get rid of headaches and cramps.


During PMS, I try to have a variety of snacks, but I eat them in moderation. I like to have a variety because one day I might Popcorn and the next day I may want Graham Crackers. What I don't eat during PMS, I'll keep in the cabinet for general snacks.

Wishing everyone a safe and wonderful Labor Day Weekend!


Tanza Erlambang said...

lays and Cheetos are my favorite snacks......
great collections....

Lisa said...

Being on an IUD for birth control, I do not have to worry about periods anymore. Only occasional spotting. The peach scent sounds like something I would like rather than the floral scents. I have never seen the pure cotton pads but If I still used them, I would definitely use those. Wonder if they have them in panty liners? One day I hope for a nice tub to take relaxing baths in.

Anonymous said...

Informative post

Ivana Split said...

I get headaches because of pms too and cramps too. I usually take some ibuprofen.
These feminine products sound great. I don't remember the names of the brands I use, but it is definitely important to use specific products with the right ph balance.

Pilar said...

Thanks! Cheetos Puffs are the best!

Pilar said...

You know I never thought about if Always or any brand makes pure cotton pantiliners. That's something I would use too. I'm hoping more brands switch to pure cotton sanitary products since it's better your body and the environment. The peach scent smells so good it's a hint of floral, but the peach is the dominant scent. Vagisil has prettt good products especially their feminine washes. My tub is standard size, but I would love a large tub since I like to take baths!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Sometimes I have the worst headaches and cramps, but Tylenol or Ibuprofen helps. I agree, that's why I like Vagisil products. Vagisil has a wash specific for ph balance.

awhite said...

I'm so here for a good self-care routine! Mine has definitely gotten more involved since quarantine started!

Le Stylo Rouge

Marie said...

This is a great self care routine! Cheetos are my favorite! I haven't tried that scent from Vagisil. It sounds nice!

Pilar said...

I've gotten more involved with my self care routine since the pandemic started too! Self care is so important!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I love Cheetos Puffs! The Peach Blossom scent smells good!

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