Sunday, April 18, 2021

Vintage Beauty Products That Are Still Used Today

 Hello Everyone!

There are so many skincare products and routines that are used today and it made me think about vintage beauty routines from the the 1940's-1960's etc. There are still many skincare products that were popular then that are still used in 2021.

These are a few beauty products that have stood the test of time and most of these products are affordable and cost under $10.00.

Ponds Cold Cream Makeup Remover Deep Cleanser

When I first started wearing makeup, Pond's Cold Cream was my holy grail to remove makeup. I've never been a fan of the scent, but this cream removes my all my makeup with ease. Sometimes I even use a few tissues to remove the cold cream like women used to do during their skincare routines.

I don't wear makeup that much these days, but when I do I started using Ponds Cold Cream again to remove my makeup. I see why this cream was (and still is) popular to remove makeup. My mom is still a fan of Pond's Cold Cream and my grandma used Pond's Cold Cream as well. Did you know that during the 1950s etc. some women also used Cold Cream as a moisturizer? *Special Thanks to Pond's for providing their Cold Cream for this post!

Noxzema Classic Clean Original Deep Cleansing Cream 

I remember when I was a teenager I used Noxzema as a face mask like many of the teenage girls and women during the 1950s. Friday or Saturday was my Noxzema mask night. I still use Noxzema from time to time.

I have noticed that Noxzema is more moisturizing than it was back in the early 2000's. I'm so happy about that. Noxzema is a great cleanser/mask, but I had to use a good moisturizer after usage to keep my skin from feeling dry.

Vaseline Original Unscented Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) has so many Placing Vaseline under my eyes to reduce puffiness has to be one of my favorite vintage skincare hacks. A little Vaseline goes a long way and my puffiness is gone. 

Women also used Vaseline as a moisturizer. I have put Vaseline on my face a few times during extreme cold weather, but I only use a small amount so my face won't become too oily. Also if you want super soft lips, try putting a Vaseline on your lips. I do this in the Winter especially before bed. My lips are so soft by morning. Did you know that women also used to add sugar to Vaseline to create a skincare scrub? That is a technique that is still used today.

Dove White Moisturizing Beauty Bar

Dove has been s staple in my home since I was a little girl. I always remember seeing Dove. I was only 6 when my grandmother died, but I remember that she had the smoothest softest face. My mom told me that my grandmother used Dove often and that her during her beauty routine. A cleansed face, and a moisturized faced.

I like that Dove Beauty is so gentle, and cleanses my face well. I think that Dove will always be a staple in my skincare routine. Did I mention that I love the way Dove smells?!

The evolution of beauty and skincare has changed in so many ways over the years. What are some of your favorite beauty/skincare products or hacks? What did your mothers or grandmothers use during their beauty routines?


Evi Erlinda said...

I still use them now :)
I also use hard soaps, such as Dial :)

Anonymous said...

Great vintage beauty products!

Unknown said...

I still use Dove soap!
Kisses, Paola.


My Instagram

Marie said...

Vintage beauty at its best! All these products are amazing! I miss using Pond's Cold Cream! Thanks for sharing Pilar!

Hena Tayeb said...

Never stopped using vaseline. I have multiples bottles in various rooms for some quick lip care.

ALLIE NYC said...

It is great to that some of the classics have stuck around there have been so many disrupters. I see some of these type of brands on Mad Men sometimes.

Allie of

Martyna said...

I love soaps from Dove:)

Red Rose Alley said...

I still use Dove White - won't use any other soap. ; ) I also love the original Vaseline. Works on so many things. We used to put that on our lips in high school, right before pictures, just to make us glow haha. Yes, these products go way back in time. They're great! Thanks for the memories, Pilar.


Pam said...

Cool post....yep, some of the oldies are still the goodies!

Lovely said...

I love Vaseline! I always have a tub in my draw.

Mellie said...

Noxema was my facial cleanser back in my teen years. I loved it! I still use vaseline on my lips. I can't be without a tube of it and have them stashed all over the house.

Pilar said...

Dial is a pretty good soap too!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Dove is one of my favorite soaps!

Pilar said...

Thank you, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

I keep a small jar of Vaseline around. It works well for a lip balms and other beauty hacks!

Pilar said...

Mad Mad was infamous for featuring these products! I miss that show so much!

Pilar said...

I love Dove too!

Pilar said...

You're welcome Sheri! I thought this post would bring back memories! I learned so many beauty secrets from using this products thanks to my mom!

Pilar said...

Thank you, and I agree!

Pilar said...

I keep Vaseline in my skincare and beauty setup!

Pilar said...

I used to always keep a jar of Noxzema! I still like using it! Vaseline is my go to to hydrate my lips especially during the Winter!

Nerline said...

You cannot go wrong with some good ol' Vaseline. I love this brand so much. Dove is a good brand, too.

Pilar said...

Very true, and Dove has so many great products!

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