Saturday, January 8, 2022

Winter Skincare Tips

 Hello Everyone!

I hope your New Year is off to a great start! Today I want to share a few of my skincare tips I use during the Winter months.

1. Switch up your skincare hydration routine

South Carolina is a state that has unpredictable weather, so our Winters can be mild. There are times that we have extremely cold temperatures. and it can dry my skin. To prevent this I try to use a hydrating skincare routine despite the temperature. 

2. Remember to use sunscreen

Even though it's Winter, your face is still being exposed to the sun. I've gotten better at applying suncreen on my face and neck  over the past few years. 

3. Use warm water, not hot water. 

I love taking a hot shower, but using really hot water can dry and damage your skin. So I use warm water to take showers and baths. 

3. Gently exfoliate your skin.

Since Winter can be harsh on the skin, I gently exfoliate. Vigorously exfoliating your skin can cause irritation. I try to exfoliate my skin at least twice a week to remove dead skin to help keep my skin heathy and glowing. 

4. Moisturizing and hydrate your body during and after showering/bathing

During the Winter months, I use Moisturizing body washes and hydrating body washes. Keeping the rest of your skin healthy is just as important as your face. In speaking of your face, don't forget to gently exfoliate your lips and use a lip balm.

5. Hydrate your body

As you hydrate your skin don't forget to hydrate your body as well. Drink water!

Before I end my post, Today a wonderful person was born! My mama! 🤍 Happy Birthday to my amazing beautiful strong loving kind mother! 🤍 I love you so much! 🤍


Aleksandra Krajewska said...

wow amazing post dear

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your mother! Great skincare post!

Hena Tayeb said...

Great products. I just bought the LaRoche Posey balm.

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday to your dear Mom, Pilar. I know how close you are to her. What a pretty present with the sparking juice, sitting next to your globe candle holder. Can't believe how pretty that is. Perfect for January. I hope your Mom had a most beautiful special day. She raised a wonderful daughter.


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Switching to hydrating products and not over exfoliating is so important to preventing dry skin during the winter. Hope you mom had a marvelous birthday!

Rajani Rehana said...

Mind blowing product

Marie said...

Happy Belated Birthday to your Mom! These are great Winter Skin Tips!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...


Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thank you Sheri! You're always so kind!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...


Pilar said...


The Little Things

 Hello Everyone! Recently I received two gifts from my two of my friends. One is my bestie I met at work at my old job that works at my new ...