Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter!

 Hello Everyone!

Happy Easter to all that celebrate! Remember that He is not here, for he is Risen! 

Also, remember that you're never too old for an Easter Basket 🐣🐇🤍


Vanessa‘s Beauty Blog said...

Happy Easter 🐣

Red Rose Alley said...

Pilar, this is a cute Easter basket. Love the pink grass. I just saw the Russell Stover chocolate bunny, and was going to get it, but didn't. I hope you had a wonderful Easter. You're right, you're never too old for an Easter basket. : )


*Pilar, aren't you from South Carolina? I thing you'll like my post today.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I hope you had a wonderful Easter Pilar!

Marie said...

Happy Belated Easter Pilar! Nice Easter Goodies!

Jackie Harrison said...

Well you did good this Easter 🐣 love the basket.

Pam said...

Nothing wrong with pampering yourself....something I should have learned to do many, many years ago. Oh well....your profile pic looks so nice. Hoping you are doing well.

Malindha Erba said...

Happy weekend!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I hope you had a wondeful Easter!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful Easter too! The Russell Stover Chocolate Bunny was so good! Easter Baskets are always nice! I am from SC, I'm glad your daughter and granddaughter had a fun time in Charleston! I loved reading your post!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful Easter as well!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Pilar said...

Thank you! Nice to see you stopped the blog! I'm doing well. I hope all is well with you!

Pilar said...

Have a great weekend!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Ivana Split said...

All the best to you.

Heidi | The Frugal Girls said...

I hope you had a lovely Easter, Pilar! Your Easter basket looks AMAZING!!

Pilar said...

Same to you!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I hope you had a lovely Easter as well!

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