Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Hello Everyone!

Today's post is going to be a little different than the topics I normally discuss. Since October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month this is what I want to focus my post on today. On the local new about a week ago, it was reported the state I live in South Carolina is ranked #1 in the nation for domestic violence. Disturbing right...most definitely! It's not the fact the South Carolina is ranked #1, moreover that this problem is ongoing in general.  It breaks my heart to know so many people are being abused and mistreated. I said people because men can be victims as well, anyone can be a victim of domestic violence.

In 2007, I was writing a paper on domestic violence (I chose the topic) and for one of my resources I called Sistercare. Sistercare is an organization and shelter in South Carolina that helps women (and her child(ren) in abusive relationships etc. Well I had a lengthy conversation with the one of the counselors, and she gave me so many disturbing facts and statistics as I will say again were just heartbreaking to hear. I knew most of the things she told me, but to think the problem is actually getting worse. At the time in 2007, South Carolina was #7 and now the state is at the top of the list.

Thankfully, I never grew up in an abusive home nor have I ever been in a physically abusive relationship. People should be aware of how others treat you, those are usually telltale signs of what's to come. It's been known that verbal and emotionally abuse can lead to physical abuse. The pain and suffering these victims endure is awful and even worse sadly many victims suffer in silence because of fear, shame, and embarrassment.

If you are currently in this type of situation, please get help and have a safety plan. Your safety (and your child(ren) are what's most important. There are people who are there to help you i.e., the police and/or shelters. If you know someone in this situation please be supportive, and not judgmental. I think sometimes people can come off as unintentionally judgmental when offering support.

Abusive victims shouldn't feel embarrassed or ashamed because it is their abuser who has the issues of anger control etc. I'm not one to attack anyone's character, but let's face facts abusers need help themselves hence counseling or jail time for their inappropriate violent actions. Well everyone I close this post with food for thought…a push or shove is never ok, love should never hurt.

For More Information

The Domestic Violence Hotline 1−800−799−SAFE(7233)


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Anonymous said...

Hi, I found your blog via All Things Glitter and Beauty and wanted to stop by and say hi!

This is a great awareness post.

Marie said...

This is a great post! Very informative and it's great you included links for references. You're right this is ongoing problem in society, and awareness is very important.

Pilar said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I felt it was important to include those links etc. incase someone needs it or to read up on the subject in general.

Unknown said...

Thank you for doing this post Pilar! It also breaks my heart to think of anyone going through this kind of abuse!

Pilar said...

I wanted to this post last week, but I didn't get a chance to write it. It really is heart breaking to know this issues exists. My hope is that more victims will stop suffering in silence. Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

Excellent awareness post, there needs to be more posts like this on the issue of domestic violence. I'm glad you wrote this.

Pilar said...

Thanks for stopping by! I feel the least I can do is show support and awareness for the victims of domestic violence.

Kristen said...

the issue of domestic violence is so important to be aware of, especially for young girls. domestic violence is a growing issue everywhere and I hope one day that the number of cases will decrease instead of increasing and that one day domestic will be nothing but a distance memory of ever existing.

Pilar said...

Domestic Violence is such a disturbing societal issue. I never can fathom the though of a person thinking it's alright to assult another person. Sadly thats what so many victims endure. In a perfect world the problem would be non existent. I'm with you on hoping that with awareness and more victims coming foward the number of cases will decrease.

Love Your Selfie!

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