Thursday, October 3, 2024

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone, 

I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states including here in South Carolina. 

Last week I had a bit of weird schedule due to coverage issues so I ended up doing a 4 hours shift til close Thursday. When I went to work late Thursday afternoon it was a mess outside. Flooding issues, winds, and heavy rain. After I got off the weather starting to get bad again. Thankfully I got work and back home safely.

Late Thursday night my power went out and trees were down. I was without power until Sunday mid-morning. Spoiled food, hot apartment, no phone, and lack of sleep I'm exhausted to say the least. I also had to go to work on Monday and Tuesday for 12.5 hours both days. The lights even went out at my job Tuesday in addition to no phone or internet. Thankfully it only lasted about hour without lights because it starting getting hot. 

I think I saw on the News that 1.3 million South Carolina residents were without (and still without power)

It's be a rough couple of days, but nonetheless I'm very fortunate and feel blessed.

Monday, September 9, 2024

September is Sepsis Awareness Month

 Hello Everyone!

August 2023

Today I want to discuss Sepsis. This is a difficult and scary topic for me because I am a 3 times sepsis survivor with a year. On August 19 2023. My life was changed once again after losing my mom the month prior on the 4th of July.

I went to work that Friday did a 10.5 hour shift at my old job then I went home and collapsed in my doorway. Thankfully my bag broke my fall. I spent the weekend in and out of deliciousness until I talked with my aunt who insisted I call 911. By time 911 got to my house I had to be picked up and put on the stretcher. I passed out 3 different times in the ambulance with a fever of 104 and at the time I only lived about 10 minutes away from the hospital.

August 2023

By time I got to the ER I was in pretty bad shape, very sick, scared, crying, and confused. I will never forget the ER doctor held my hand and said that I was just really sick, but he wasn't going to let me die. Come to find out later if I had waited a few hours or the next day I probably wouldn't be here sharing my story. 

August 2023

As most of my regular readers know my mom died, but one of the main things that killed my mom was sadly she went into septic shock. I had never heard of sepsis or septic shock. I was trying to understand this cruel illness that ultimately contributed in taking my mom's life, but I didn't know a month later I would be fighting my own battle with Sepsis.

What is Sepsis?

June 2024

Sepsis is a life-threatening emergency that happens when your body’s response to an infection damages vital organs and, often, causes death. In other words, it’s your body’s overactive and toxic response to an infection. Like strokes or heart attacks, sepsis is a medical emergency that requires rapid diagnosis and treatment. Sepsis can lead to severe sepsis and septic shock.

June 2024

Your immune system usually works to fight any germs (bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites) to prevent infection. If an infection does occur, your immune system will try to fight it, although you may need help with medication such as antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, and antiparasitics. However, for reasons researchers don’t understand, sometimes the immune system stops fighting the “invaders,” and begins to turn on itself. This is the start of sepsis.

June 2024

I usually check my temperature daily. It's become routine. If I have a 100° fever I need to go to the ER.  After effect  I don't feel like I used too if I'm being completely honest. When I got out the hospital I suffered from nightmares, tiredness, and leg pain. Emotionally I tend to get frustrated and irritated. I usually can get a grip on these feelings, but there have been days that I would cry because I just want to feel like myself again before sepsis. Sepsis has taught me don't wait to get medical treatment. When I feel extremely sick or when in doubt, I'm going to doctor or emergency room. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Victoria's Secret PINK 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Collection

 Hello Everyone!

Today I have a nostalgic post. Victoria's Secret PINK is celebrating its 20th anniversary. 

I remember going to mall with my mom in Summer 2004, I had just graduated from high school and we went into Victoria's Secret. I saw this new selection of items called PINK and the sales associate was telling us about it. It was geared towards young women/college students and guess who was getting ready for college lol?

What better way to spend some of my graduation money than on items that I wanted to try?

Anybody else ready for Fall? I'm over this heat. I'm ready for football, hot chocolate, watching seasonal movies, and sweater weather (if South Carolina is lucky it will be a cool fall lol)

I loved that PINK had such fun bright colors and comfy clothing perfect for running errands, college etc. I can't count how many times I went to class in PINK Leggings, fur boots, and high bun during the Fall and Winter. You couldn't tell me I wasn't cute! I can't forget about the Victoria's Secret Love Spell perfume and lotion. I went through so many bottles of this scent through high school and college lol!

Fast forward 20 years PINK has released a limited collection of their collection. To be honest I wish PINK would go back to these styles. If you remember I used to do Victoria's Secret and Pink Hauls, but the quality of their items particularly their clothes and underwear has gone down in quality within the last few years. It's such a shame because the brand had such good quality of clothing.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Feeling Glamorous

 Hello Everyone!

Have you ever taken a picture(s) that made you feel glamorous? With all the recent craziness of life going on in the past few months I felt it was time for a little pick me up.

Being in the hospital can be frustrating and stressful. I felt bad and tired. All the constant blood work and IV's to get better can be draining. 

After a few weeks out of the hospital and while I was on medical leave, I made myself get up and take a few photos. My Blogiversary was coming up and I wanted to take a few photos for the occasion. 

When you look good, you feel good. I may still be getting my strength back, but it felt good to get a little dressed up, do my makeup, and hair.

A little effort can go a long way in the way you feel. ALSO, Thank you for the kind words on blogger, Instagram etc for my 11th Blogiversary. You can read about it HERE

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Happy 11th Blogiversary to Beauty and More by Pilar!

 Hello Everyone!

Today is a special day, it's my 11th Blogiversary! Last year marked my 10th year, but I didn't really celebrate or acknowledge it because my mom died a few weeks earlier and I wasn't in the headspace to concentrate on my blog.

I know that my mom wouldn't have wanted me to miss such a milestone, so this year I'm making up for it with celebrating my 11th year blogging.

How does one celebrate 11 years blogging? Honestly I don't know lol. I will start by saying that blogging has been life changing and therapeutic for me. I have engaged with some amazing followers over the years and made blog friends along the way as well.

I originally want to do a fashion blog, but I had so many ideas hence the name of my blog. Beauty and More by Pilar. This is my little space on the internet that I share my love for beauty and all my other interests.

I may not have a mainstream blog and thats okay. I blog because I truly enjoy it. There have been a few times throughout the years I thought about ending my blog, but I would miss it too much.

I've shared the good times, bad times, and everything in between here on my blog. Mostly I wanted to create a blog that shows the realness of life. I wanted my blog to be a safe place where my readers could take some kind of meaningful.

Thank you all for joining me these past 11 years! I'm looking forward to continuing my blogging journey!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Meal Prep: Chocolate Chip Overnight Oats

 Hello Everyone!

Before I start this post I want to thank everyone for their kind words on my last post. I truly appreciate it. Since I'm going back to work next week from medical leave, I thought it would be a good idea to start on some meal prep/meal prep ideas.

I've been wanting to make overnight oats for a long time and I finally got around to doing so. I was glad they turned out pretty tasty.

1 Cup Old Fashion Oats

1/2 Cup Milk of your choice

1 Tbsp Honey

1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract 

1/4 Cup Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips 

Place in a jar with a lid. I use a 16 ounce Mason jar. Let Chill in the fridge overnight. I usually let my overnight oats set for at least 8 hours. I eat mine with 3 days. Some people choose 5 days, but to each its own.

Since I work 12 hours shifts I tweaked the recipe so I can eat this throughout the day

1 1/2 Cup of Old Fashioned Oats

1 Cup of Milk of your choice

1 TBSP Honey 

1 TSP Vanilla Extract 

1/4Cup Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips

As I mentioned I'm new to making overnight oats, but so far I can see me making this for breakfast, snacks etc. I like that the overnight oats are filling and a quick go. I'll probably try blueberries next time.

What are your favorite go to overnight oats?

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Where Have I Been?!

 Hello Everyone!

Surprised to see another post from me?! I didn't mean to take a three month hiatus, but once life happens. Working 12.5 hour shifts and everything else in between can be a little challenging to get everything done.

Back in April My landlord decided to sell the rental property last minute so I ended up moving. To be honest, I was ready for a change. I didn't like that I had limited time to move and working 12.5 shifts just to come home to pack, but thank God everything worked out for the best.

I moved into my new apartment during early May. I still haven't set everything up or unpacked everything and I've been living here for almost two months.

Fast forward to June, as you can imagine I was exhausted emotionally and physically. By the end of June I had a pulmonologist appointment and she wanted me to take a few days off. Going against doctors orders I ended up going back to work a day early due to feeling pressure from my job.

Well not 48 hours later I was in the ER. Guess what came back?!..Sepsis (3rd time) and pneumonia again, and a small blood clot in my lung. There was no doubt I was being admitted in the hospital's critical care unit. 

One year ago on July 4th 2023, I posted the most difficult post about losing my mom. A year later it still hurts. I don't think you ever get over losing your mom, but learn to adapt to life without them. She may no longer be here physically, but she's always here with me in my heart. She loved the 4th of July, so as I continue to recover from my recent hospital stay. I will celebrate and cherish the wonderful memories we shared. 💛

Lately my personal and work life have been stressful, but in moments I feel unsure, worried, and doubtful, I have to remember God is in control. Despite a few setbacks and challenges I'm still blessed. I have a couple of follow up doctor appointments this week, so per doctors orders I'm going to continue to get rest so that I can get better.

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...