Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hair Care Products: Part 1

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
I want to focus today's post on my hair care products.  I usually try to wash my hair twice a week (the beginning of the week, and the end of the week) Right now I'm wearing my hair in an afro, so keeping my hair shampooed, conditioned, and moisturized helps prevents dryness.  My hair is thick, curly, and frizzy so I try my best to manage my hair especially during the spring and summer months…heat tends to make my hair go crazy!

Motions Lavish Conditioning Shampoo and Motions Moisture Plus Conditioner



I've been an avid user of Motions Hair Products for a few years. Since my hair is frizzy, I look for shampoos, and conditioners that won't make my hair dry. Both products work well on my hair.

BB Olive Oil with Shea Butter & UV Protection Hair Strengthener


After I shampoo and condition my hair, I pat my hair dry with a towel and let my hair air dry. I try not to use a blow dryer (unless I'm in a rush or being a little impatient for my hair to dry) because it adds more frizz to my hair.  While my hair is damp, I use BB Olive Oil hair moisturizer on my hair.  I use this a few times a week mainly at night, and wrap my hair up with a sheer scarf to lock in the moisture in my hair. By morning my hair is soft and shiny but not greasy.

Motions Oil Sheen & Conditioner Spray


When I don't use the BB Olive Oil Hair Strengthener, I use this hairspray by Motions. This is probably my favorite hairspray. Like the rest of the hair products I use, this hairspray also smells amazing! It keeps my hair looking fresh and shiny.  I like that both the hairspray and hair strengthener give my hair a shine without leaving my hair greasy.  

Overall, these products meet the basic needs for my hair without being expensive. Look out for my upcoming post and review about Organic Root Stimulator with Olive Oil Creamy Aloe Shampoo and Deep Penetrating Conditioner. These are two hair care products I've been wanting to try.

What are your favorite hair care products?


Thanks for reading!  If you like my blog hit the join this site button and keep up with me!


Raineys Crochet said...

Oh you have some great products here! I have heard olive oil type products are amazing for hydrating hair! My fav at the moment is my Lee Stafford shampoo and conditioner! Great post as always Pilar! xxx

Pilar said...

Thanks Lorraine! I have to agree, products that contain olive oil is really good for your hair! My hair stays hydrated after usage. I'll definitely will be discussing that in part 2 of my hair care products!

Marie said...

Good review! Motions is a good brand.

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

great post i am using this Hair Care Product from last few months i never face any kind of problem from the date of the purchase it

Pilar said...

Thanks! It's great your hair care product is working well for you! Sometimes finding a good hair product that works can be challenging. The products I use are good, I just struggle with frizzy hair! Lol

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