Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Liebster Award Part 4!!!!!

Hello everyone!

I'm so psyched that was a nominated a fourth time :) for The Liebster Award!!! which is an award for bloggers with under 200 followers. It helps smaller blogs get more readers and help them become a bigger part of the blogging community which is always good! I want to take the time to thank Ashley for nominating me a fourth time, and check out her awesome blog!! ashleysuemakeup

Here are the rules
1. write 11 random facts about yourselves
2. answer the 11 questions from the award giver then nominate another 11 bloggers
3. make up 11 questions for them to answer.It's a great way for new and undiscovered bloggers to meet new people and find some blogs that they want to follow."

11 facts about me

1. I love to crochet

2. One of my favorite fashion decades was the 1950's. I love the glamour.

3. I like to read Cosmopolitan and Glamour magazines.

4. When I cook/bake, most of my dishes are homemade.

5. Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday.

6. I'm a neat freak! Organization is very important to me.

7. I love photography, pictures can capture life's most memorable and significant moments.

8. I'm 27 years old.

9. I like to write.

10. My favorite makeup items are concealer, lip gloss, and lipstick.

11. I own two pairs of pearls, a single strand and double strand.

Ashley's Questions

1. Favorite all time makeup product?

2. Favorite hair products?
hair moisturizer

3. Favorite food?
Mac and cheese

4. Favorite fashion accessories to wear?
Earrings and necklaces

5. Favorite animal?

6. Favorite vacation spot?
Somewhere that has a peaceful setting.

7. Favorite place to shop?
Bath and body works, Victoria Secret, Old Navy, And Lane Bryant

8. Must have items in your purse?
Lipgloss, Lipstick, mirror, and hand name a few lol

9. Favorite book or magazine to read?

10. Favorite way to relax?
Taking a long bubble bath while listening to music

11. Favorite skin care products?
I have so many! At the moment I starting using Cetaphil Soap

I want to nominate anyone who wants to complete this :)

My Questions

1. Fall or winter?

2. What is your favorite makeup look?

3. How old are you?

4. What is your fall style going to consist of?

5. Do you have a favorite beauty guru?

6. What is your favorite item(s) at the moment?

7. Do you have any hidden talents?

8. What is your favorite holiday?

9. Perfume or body spray?

10. Are you a crafy person?

11. What is your dream job?


Unknown said...

My favorite way to relax is taking a bubble bath too!! :)

Unknown said...

YAY 4 is awesome lol bath time! me too :)

Pilar said...

Bubble baths are just so calming, especially after a long day lol

Pilar said...

Thanks :)

Liz Outh said...

Thanks for sharing hun! The earlier decades, 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's were amazing times. Wish we could travel back in time just to get a glimpse of what it was like! Mmmmm... I love mac n cheese! I can sit and eat it all day long... Seriously I really can! Have done it before and will again! Haha! xx

Pilar said...

I know what you mean! My favorite food used to be pizza when I was younger, but now it's all about mac and cheese lol I especially love mac and cheese when it's homemade!


LOVE Cosmopolitian TOO! :) GREAT POST

Liz Outh said...

OMG don't get me started on pizza because that is also my favorite STILL! lol! Ooooh I LOVE me some BAKED mac n cheese (O_O) lol! xx

Pilar said...

Lol! I guess pizza now comes in a strong second to mac n cheese! Lol

Pilar said...


queenhorsfall said...

great answers

Pilar said...


The Little Things

 Hello Everyone! Recently I received two gifts from my two of my friends. One is my bestie I met at work at my old job that works at my new ...