Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pilar in the Pantry: Spaghetti

Hello Everyone!
 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
Tonight I decided to make a Spaghetti for dinner. I haven't made this meal in awhile, so I figured why not put it on the menu for tonight's meal :) I used ground beef and Italian sausage in my Spaghetti. It was so yummy!


I had to top off my Spaghetti with parmesan cheese!


Well there you have it, this is what I had for dinner tonight. Has anyone ever noticed that when you let Spaghetti set overnight, it tastes even better the second day?


Thanks for stopping by! Follow me on GFC if you like my blog!


Lily (Beauty With Lily) said...

Yum! Looks delicious!! Yes, spaghetti tastes better on the second day...even my hubby thinks so!! :)


Unknown said...

Looks yummy!! I also think spaghetti tastes better the next day because all the sauce soaks in and it's so good!

Jackie Harrison said...

I love spaghetti so true leftover taste better the next day yummy post. New post up glasses review.

Marie said...

Thats looks delicious! Leftover spaghetti does taste better! Spaghetti is so good!

Liz Outh said...

Pilar!!! This looks omgggg... DIVINEEEEE. I haven't made spaghetti in a while. I think you inspired me to cook this tonight! LOL! I love to bake some cornbread on the side too *smacks lips* girrlllllll..... I can't wait for you to post up some mac n cheese!!!! lol =D

Pilar said...

Thanks Lily! I love leftover spaghetti! It really does taste better the second day!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! I agree I think thats why it tastes better the next day too! My mom says the same thing, that the sauce had time to set.

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie! I'll go check out your latest post!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie! Yes, I agree spaghetti is so good!

Pilar said...

Thanks Liz! Glad I've inspired you to make spaghetti! It will taste even better since you haven't made it in a while! Or at least that's how I felt! lol I haven't tried spaghetti with cornbread on the side, but that sounds yummy! I may make that next time! Omgosh I was thinking about mac and cheese the other day! When I make it, you know I will definitely put up a post ! Oh how I love to cook and bake :)

Nicole said...

I love the title of this post! Also I love spaghetti but who doesn't love pasta! Looks amazing girl!

Pilar said...

Thanks Nicole! I was going to do "Pilar in the Kitchen" series but since my name starts with a "P" I called it Pantry instead!

Kristen said...

OMG that looks good. now I want pasta.

Pilar said...

Thank you! I have to admit it was pretty tasty! lol

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