Monday, December 30, 2013

It’s Better To Give Than To Receive: Gifts For The People In My Life:)

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

Now I just couldn’t leave out the gifts that I gave the people in my life that I love and that mean a lot to me :) Giving gifts to others is such a great feeling! It really warms my heart when I can do nice things for people.


For My Mom

- A Guess Wallet
- An Infinity Scarf made by me



My mom really wanted this wallet…and throwing around hints lol so of course I bought it for her. She also wanted a handmade scarf so I made her an Infinity Scarf, to add to her collection. She loved her gifts!

For My Bestie

- A Relaxing Foot Bath with Bubbles & Heat by Conair


So after having conversations with my best friend talking about how he has feet pain sometimes after work, I thought this would be a perfect gift for him. Everyone should take of their feet even men! That’s so important! I’m glad he liked his gift.

For My Other Best Friend

When I first started crocheting my other best friend and her mom have admired my work. I wanted to send them some stuff to show my appreciation and I know that my bestie wanted a handmade scarf. It gets pretty cold where she lives, so I hope these scarves and hat can keep them warm through the frigid weather. Since Christmas was so hectic, I wasn’t able to get their gifts sent on time :( No worries though, she and her family will receive their items VERY SOON! I sent a picture so they know what they’re receiving, I’m glad they like their gifts!


For My Best Friend: Pumpkin Scarf
For Her Mom: Cornmeal Scarf
For Her Dad: Coffee Hat

Well those are the gifts that I gave the wonderful people in my life :) Btw, I'm almost done with taking pics for my upcoming Christmas/Birthday post!


Thanks for stopping by! Follow me on Bloglovin and GFC if you like my blog!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Reflections 2013: My Year in Review

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas, and for those who don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. I wanted to write a quick update/preview post about my birthday and Christmas before I write today's post. I had a AWESOME day filled with love, laughter, and beautiful gifts! I couldn't have ask for a better day!! I will probably have my post up about Christmas/birthday later this week (after New Year's) because I haven't had time to take my pictures and organize my post yet. Don't worry it's coming very soon! Now with that being said on to my reflections of 2013... I wanted to write this before the New Year :)

I can’t believe that 2013 is coming to a close. In my opinion this year went by kind of fast! What can I say about this year? Well I thought I had a fairly decent year. I don’t have too many complaints about this year. I guess the only thing I wish had been different, are the number of times I was sick this year. My allergies and sinuses were really misbehaving…terribly!! lol I can’t help not mentioning that awful cold I had in January that lasted until mid February. Then in March I had food poisoning…that’s the last time I ate from Blimpies or ate a sub sandwich in general lol. Through it all I can smile and count my many blessings.

I think sometimes people forget how blessed we are, and tend to let negativity cloud our feelings and emotions. I know people can’t be happy 100% of the time, but I chose to remain positive and optimistic about life. I also think resilience is so important to overcome obstacles. As long as I have faith and prayer, I know I can overcome anything in life. You really can’t let life defeat you or at least you shouldn’t. I’ve learned in the past that negativity doesn’t solve anything…happy thoughts here :) I’m glad that I have supportive and loving people in my life that include my mom, my best friend from that I've known since I was 16 years old, and my other best friend I've known since college. I love these people so very much!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
Just a few pics of the awesome people in my life! I'll be mentioning them in my upcoming posts this week.

My mom and I :)


My best friend, I’ve known him since I was 16 years old :)


My other best friend, I've known her since college :)


Last but not least, I want to reflect on my blogging. This year I also started blogging. Blogging has really made an impact in my life! I love reading blogs and sharing my posts with you all. The feedback I have received has truly been so positive and inspirational! I look forward to continuing my blogging journey in 2014 and I look forward to reading and commenting on your blogs :) As I mentioned in my Thank You post, it’s so important that we encourage and inspire each other as bloggers.

In conclusion, as each New Year begins, it’s a brand new start for endless possibilities. May you all be blessed, prosperous, and safe! I wish you all a HAPPY WONDEFUL NEW YEAR!!!


Monday, December 23, 2013

Manicure Monday: Holiday Edition 2013 Part 3 AND Christmas Greetings!

Seasons Greetings Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
Here's my nail of the day. I wanted to share another nail look I've wearing this holiday season. 


- Sinful Colors Professional: Kissy (green color)
- Sinful Colors Professional: Out of This World (silver color)

The link for my previous Manicure Monday Holdiay Season 2013 are below


A early gift from my mom ♥

The week of Christmas is here!!! It feels so surreal that I will be 28 on Christmas Day! Well I'm ready for it :) I'm unsure of what I'll doing in the days leading up to Christmas/my birthday,  but I wanted to tell all my blogger friends I wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!  I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday thats brings you happiness and joy :) Thanks again to all my blogger friends who gave me early happy birthday shout outs in my previous post titled Reflections Of A 27 Year Old Woman. I really appreciate it :)

Seasons Greetings,


Thanks for stopping by! I'm now on bloglovin follow if you like my blog!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Reflections of a Current 27 Year Old Woman

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Wow, I can't believe that it's exactly one week to the date until Christmas!! Time is really flying by! I really love this time of year because everything is so pretty in the environment outside, all the decorations, the lights, and all the holiday events! I also love how the holiday season can bring some people together. I'm the type of person that I love to give gifts especially to the people that I love and care about. Whether, it's buying a gift for someone or making a tray/basket full of baked Christmas goodies, it makes me feel good to give to others :)

Now with that being said, I'm going to focus on the subject of my post today. I'm going to reflect on being 27 years old. For my blogging friends who regularly visit my blog, you may remember that I've mentioned that my birthday is on Christmas Day (I think it's pretty awesome that I was born on Jesus' birthday) For those who are reading this today, now you know as well lol :) Anyway, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and instead of dreading turning a year old like some people do (ok... in the past I've been guilty of dreading turning a year older) I'm embracing turning older. Seriously there's a silver lining in celebrating turning a year older. I think about how some people didn't get to celebrate their next birthday, for that reason alone I will be grateful this time next week. I have so many things I look forward to in the future; I may even go to graduate school so I can become a counselor. I hope to one day be blessed to have a wonderful husband and children. I may not be exactly where I want to be in life, but that's the great thing about life…it's a journey. The journey may not always be pleasant, but every experience good or bad you likely will learn something from it. I can honestly say that I've taken something from life's experiences thus far. Once again some experiences were good, some were not so good, but at the end of the day I kept a positive outlook, in my opinion that's what really counts :) God willing next week as I continue life's incredible journey, I will feel blessed, feel beautiful, and embrace turning 28 years old.

Happy Birthday to all the December babies! And Happy Holidays Everyone!


I just added the follow me on Bloglovin button on the right side of my blog, feel free to follow me!

Follow Me on Bloglovin and Google+

Hello Everyone!

It seems that blogger had decided to delete GFC or so that's what people have noticed on their page. My GFC followers are still on my page, but incase it will no longer be there I made a Bloglovin account to keep in touch with my followers

You can hit the follow me in Bloglovin button on the right side of my blog can follow me from the website...

Here is the link to follow me Bloglovin

I already follow many of you on Google+ but here's the link to that as well if you want to follow me!

Send me your link if you want me to follow you back!


Monday, December 16, 2013

Manicure Monday: Holiday Edition 2013 Part 2

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

For my second post of the day here's Manicure Monday. I didn't get the chance to incorporate black into my last week'series click here for part 1 We all know that black is a color that is versatile and classy. Gold is another color that is always worn during the holiday season.


Sinful Colors Professional: This is It


LA Colors Art Deco: Gold Glitter
LA Colors Art Deco: Black

Thanks for stopping by!


Christmas Movies and Cocoa

Hello Everyone!
 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
In continuing my spirit of Christmas lol, I wanted to share a few movies I watch each year. Oh how I love Christmas movies and cartoon specials. Hey, you're never too old to like cartoons lol. Even though these movies I have come on tv each year, but since I have them on DVD I can watch them whenever I want :)


1. A Christmas Story


This is my favorite movie. I had to buy this a couple of years ago. I know it comes on for 24 hours during Christmas Eve and Christmas day on TBS, but I rather watch it before then lol

2. Dr. Suess' How The Grinch Stole Christmas


One of my childhood favorites :)

3. Home Alone 2: Lost In New York


Nonstop Laughter! 

4. Four Christmases


I saw this at the movie theater when it first came out back in 2008. I thought it was pretty funny.


What's Christmas movie without an awesome cup of hot chocolate?! Yum!

What are some of your favorite holiday movies and/or tv specials?


Thanks for stopping by! Follow me on GFC if you like my blog!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Crocheting Project Holiday Edition: Christmas Stocking and Cup Warmers (Cozies)

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

In continuing displaying Christmas related posts, I wanted to share with you all my latest crocheting items!


Traditional Christmas Stocking


Omgosh, this project tried my patience! lol It took me about three days to finish this stocking. I wouldn't say it was extremely hard, I just had trouble making it look like an actual stocking in terms of shaping.  I tried my best and this is the finished result.

Christmas color themed cozies


Here are the pics of the cozies on my cup to show a better view.




This is a very special post for me, because this month marks the one year anniversary of how I learned to crochet!  At first I thought I would never be able to get the basics down, but I never gave up and I'm glad I can share this crocheting post in addition to the previous crocheting project posts with you all.

OAN: I'm counting down the days until Christmas just like many of you, except in my case my birthday is on Christmas day! Yes, I'm a Christmas baby :)

Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Manicure Monday: Holiday Edition 2013 Part 1

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
For today's Manicure Monday series I wanted to feature a few nail polishes and designs that I'm wearing this holiday season. What a perfect time to use my glitter sparkly polishes.


Sugar Sugar (not to be confused with Ruby, Ruby from my previous Manicure Monday post) Sugar Sugar has a beautiful sparkle to its color
- LA Colors Art Deco: Gold Glitter


- Sinful Colors Professional: Clear
- LA Colors Art Deco: White
- LA Colors Art Deco: Silver Glitter


- Spoiled by Wet n Wild: Xray Vision
- LA Colors Art Deco: Silver Glitter
- LA Colors: Art Deco: Gold Glitter


- (Top) Sinful Colors Professional: Gorgeous and LA Colors Art Deco Gold Glitter
-(Botton) Sinful Colors Professional: Gorgeous (I wanted to show the color without the design)


- Sinful Color Professional: Midnight Blue
- LA Colors Art Deco: Silver Glitter


- Maybelline New York Color Show: Keep up the Flame
(You probably noticed I gave my nails a little trim, this is the color I'm currently wearing)

What colors will you wear this holiday season? Also don't forget to check out my holday makeup look!! click here


Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to follow me on GFC!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holiday Makeup Look: Green and Gold

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
This week I'll be posting a few holiday themed posts. Today I want to focus on makeup. Here is a simple holiday makeup look that I did using green and gold eyeshadow :)



Products Used

- Covergirl Professional Super Thick Lash Mascara
- Wet n Wild Coloricon in Comfort Zone
- Avon Ideal Shade in Medium Shade


- Revlon ColorStay Aqua Mineral Makeup in Mediun Deep
- Fashion Fair Fast Finish Foundation Stick in Topaz


- Healthy Makeup Lipstick SPF 15 in Clear
- Estèe Lauder High Gloss Ultra Brilliance in Honey


- Estèe Lauder Powder Brush
- Avon Rounded Eyeshadow Brush
- LA Colors Eyeshdow Shader Brush
- LA Colors Eyeshadow Blender Brush
- Covergirl Queen Collection Eyelash Curler
- Foundation Sponge


What are some of your favorite colors to wear during the holdiay season?


Thanks for stopping by my blog! Follow me on GFC to keep up with me!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bath and Beauty Haul and Review

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

I'm a little late with this haul and review. If you remember a few weeks ago I mentioned that I was catching up with writing my hauls and reviews, I think I'm finally caught up now lol. I love writing these haul and review posts because I can share with you all my honest opinions on products. I also love reading bloggers reviews especially if it's an item I want to try. Reviews can be so helpful!

Shick Quattro for Women Sensitive Skin (Limited Edition)

I've been using these razors for years and I haven't had any complaints. These are the limited edition, so I'm unsure how long these razors will be in stores. These sensitive razors work just as well as the regular Shick Razors for Women. I can get a close shave without worrying about knicks. The razors have four blades and I like that the razors are made with a Hypo Allergenic formula. This package came with a bonus razor and a $2.00 off coupon that I will definitely use!

Clean & Clear Boost Mango & Papaya Morning Burst Body Wash

This body wash smells sooooooo good!! The bursting beads are suspended with exotic fruit extracts and leave the shower smelling wonderful. I have to agree with the description on the back of the bottle; this body wash cleans, refreshes, and gets me ready for the day. To be honest I've used this body wash during various times of the day, I don't limit my usage for just in the morning. I have so many body washes and soaps, and I truly didn't realize that until recently! I think I have a slight obsession lol

Cetaphil Antibacterial Soap

click here for review

Wet n Wild Eyeshadow: Comfort Zone

It's so hard for me to stay away from eyeshadow while I'm in the store! Once again I have purchased another palette. I've used this palette twice so far and the colors are so pretty! As for lasting effects, I touched up my eyshadow maybe after five hours of wearing it. I like the colors are very pigmented, but the only factor I dislike is all the fallout from the shadow when I apply it to my eyeshadow brush. This was my first time purchasing a Wet n Wild eyeshadow palette and I'm about 75% impressed. The major turn off was the fallout, but at least when I apply it on my eyelids it goes on smoothly. I'll likely continue using this palette because like I really love the colors.

Revlon Lip Butter: Berry Smoothie

click here for review

This is such a pretty color! I really love these lip butters!  

What beauty and bath products have you purchased lately?


Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to Make Pom Poms

Hello Everyone!

I have a little different post today. I'm going to do a written tutorial on how to make pom poms. It does include my crocheting, but I'm just adding pom poms to the top of a few hats I already made. Pom Pom's are so cute, and they make great crafting projects especially with the holiday season in full swing :)


Materials Needed:


Scissors (try to use sharp scissors because dull ones will make it more difficult for cutting the yarn)


Step one:


Wrap the yarn around your hand (preferably the hand you don't write with) until you have the desired amount you want your ball to be.

Step Two:



Take a separate piece of yarn from the skein and set it aside. Just make sure the piece of yarn is long enough for tying. Carefully remove the yarn off your hand. (Try to keep it together) Now take the yarn you cut and hold your index finger and thumb in the middle of the yarn and tie a tie a knot. (I usually tie a double knot to secure it) Your yarn should look  similar to a bow.

Step Three:


Right side cut


Both sides cut

Take the scissors and cut one side the "bow" and then cut the other side.  It should look the picture above

Step Four:


Cut the yarn to down until it forms the shape of a ball. You may want to keep a plastic bag or the trash can near because this step can get messy. You can just toss the stray pieces of yarn in the trash as you go along.

Congratulations! You've made a pom pom!!

* Attaching the pom pom to the top of a hat *

I'm a little surprised that I didn't make pom poms for some of my hats before now. I guess I was being a little lazy at the time. Anyway this step is fairly simple.


All you have to do for this step is keep a small hole in the top of the hat and place the two loose ends through. From the inside of the hat tie the loose ends together until secured.  On
Side Note: I already completed this hat, so I took the crocheting hook to make a small hole to put the loose inside the top of the hat. Then I just followed the rest of the step.

Finished Products




Thanks for reading!  If you like my blog follow me on GFC (the follow this site button located on the right side of my blog)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thankful for Blogger Friends! Tag

Happy Monday Everyone!

I was tagged by Lauren@willsingformakeup for the Thankful for Blogger Friends Tag! She's a fairly new blogger and she has a lovely blog, check out her blog!


ABOUT YOUR BLOG (Please be specific in your answers, so we can all learn something!):

How long have you been blogging?
I started blogging on July 27 of this year

Are there any bloggers who helped you out/encouraged you when you first started your blog?
Yes, my readers who comment and visit my blog on a regular basis :)

What Social Media has given you the most traffic to your blog? Is there a platform that you don’t use?
I would say that google plus has been helpful for bringing traffic to my blog

How often do you post? Do you have a regular schedule?
I try to post least 3 times a week, but lately I've been busy.

Where do you blog?
In the living room or in my room

What camera do you use? What photo editing software do you use?
I use my Kodiak digital camera sometimes, but I usually use my Galaxy S2 camera

How did you come up with your blog name?
I love beauty related topics, but I also have so many other interests, so I called my blog Beauty and More by Pilar

Do you do any regular “series” posts on your blog?
Reviews/Hauls, Crocheting Series, Pilar in the Pantry, and Manicure Mondays

What draws you to a blog?
I love blogs that the author shows passion and dedication to the topics they choose to discuss, especially inspirational blogs

What turns you off of a blog?
I don't like blogs that constantly display negative energy ALL the time. If I came across that kind of blog, I likely wouldn't read it.

How many blogs do you subscribe to? Are they all beauty related?
A good bit! I'm unsure of how many at the moment.  No they're not all beauty related. The blogs I follow range from a variety of topics.

When do you generally read blogs?
In the morning or at night

What is your favorite type of post and why?
Inspirational posts! I love them because they are filled with positivity and encouragement!
I post inspirational posts on my blog as well :)

What is your least favorite type of post and why?
Anything that's snarky and rude.I'm glad I haven't come across that negativity thus far in my blogging journey.

NOW ABOUT YOU!! (If there are any you prefer not to answer, just skip!):

Where do you live? Tell us a bit about your city!
I live in South Carolina Downtown is so beautiful this time of year!

What about your home?
I live in an apartment

Single or taken?
Single, no boyfriend or husband at the moment

Do you have children?
No littles ones yet.

Do you have pets?

Do you have a "day job"?

3 words to describe yourself.
Kind, driven, optimistic

3 favorite movies
Gone With the Wind, all of The Godfather movies, The Wizard of Oz

3 favorite books
The Bible, great words of wisdom :)

3 random/ weird facts about you
- I don't like honey buns, I think they're gross lol.
- I've never been to the beach.
- One time I almost jumped out the car at an Arbys drive thru because a bee got in the car. I guess it was an impulse reaction since I'm afraid of bee's. The bee flew out the window so no worries. My mom still laughs about that lol

I would like to nominate these lovely ladies to do this tag!


Thanks again Lauren for nominating me!

I hope that everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!  Here's what my mom cooked for Thanksgiving dinner :) It was DELICIOUS!!


Pot Roast and Potatoes
Green Beans
Mac n Chesse
Mashed Sweet Potatoes


Thanks for stopping by :)

Love Your Selfie!

 Hello Everyone! During the month of February I want to focus on all things good and love. In order to show love to others you must first sh...