Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Movies and Cocoa

Hello Everyone!
 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
In continuing my spirit of Christmas lol, I wanted to share a few movies I watch each year. Oh how I love Christmas movies and cartoon specials. Hey, you're never too old to like cartoons lol. Even though these movies I have come on tv each year, but since I have them on DVD I can watch them whenever I want :)


1. A Christmas Story


This is my favorite movie. I had to buy this a couple of years ago. I know it comes on for 24 hours during Christmas Eve and Christmas day on TBS, but I rather watch it before then lol

2. Dr. Suess' How The Grinch Stole Christmas


One of my childhood favorites :)

3. Home Alone 2: Lost In New York


Nonstop Laughter! 

4. Four Christmases


I saw this at the movie theater when it first came out back in 2008. I thought it was pretty funny.


What's Christmas movie without an awesome cup of hot chocolate?! Yum!

What are some of your favorite holiday movies and/or tv specials?


Thanks for stopping by! Follow me on GFC if you like my blog!


Jackie Harrison said...

Like your idea great Christmas movies and hot chocolate.

Pilar said...

Thank you Jackie!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I haven't watched theses movies in so long! I did actually watch frosty the snow man a few weeks ago for the first time in years and it brought back so many memories lol!

Pilar said...

I saw Frosty the Snowman too a few weeks ago! I remember it came on a Friday night when I saw it lol. I agree it brings back so many memories! I haven't watch my How the Grinch stole Christmas DVD this season because it's been coming on tv a good bit lol

Anonymous said...

hi doll its me Ambi :) i don't know if you have noticed but our GFC followers has been removed :( i am trying to follow your blog so we stay in touch . are you on bloglovin ? please let me know doll .... its so annoying :( xx

Unknown said...

I just bought the set of all four Home Alone movies! We drank hot cocoa and watched all four in a row last weekend =) Love Christmas movies!



Pilar said...

Hi Ambi, I see GFC had been removed, I agree it so annoying this has happend! I just got a bloglovin account today. I'll make sure I add you! Btw, I added you on Google+ as well!

Pilar said...

That sounds like it was fun! I hope you enjoyed the movies and the cocoa! I've seen all of the Home Alone Movies except the last one.

Kristen said...

love hot cocoa. I have seen all of the home alone movies. I like Christmas movies in general.

Pilar said...

Hot Chocolate is one the best beverages! lol

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