Monday, January 20, 2014

The Liebster Award Part 6!

Hello Everyone!

So I was nominated a 6th time for the Libester Award by Lauren@willsingformakeup. Make sure to check out her wonderful blog!! I really like doing these because it gives my readers a chance to get to know me better. Even though I've done the Liebster Award numerous times I think it's so kind for those of you have nominated me past and present thank you! I really appreciate it!!


The rules:

Link the blog that nominated you for the award

Choose 11 bloggers to nominate who have less than 200 followers

Answer the 11 questions given to you

Let the people you have nominated know that you have done soYou can't nominate the person that nominated you

Create 11 questions for the people you nominate to answer

Lauren's Questions:

What made you start a blog?
I never had much time in the past, but now that I'm able too I blog as much as possible! I wanted to share my ideas and interests with people.

What books are you currently reading, or what was the last book that you read?
I read the Bible last week. I needed some inspirational words :)

What is one makeup brush you cannot live without?
An eyeshadow brush!

Do you play any musical instruments?
I can play the piano a little bit.

What is your favorite nail polish?
Well my favorite brand right now is Sinful Colors

What is your favorite vacation destination?
I really don't have one, but I want to visit Las Vegas

Do you have a nickname, and what is it?

What is your favorite makeup brand?
High end: Fashion Fair
Drugstore: Revlon

What is your favorite thing to cook?
Stuffed Manicotti Shells

What is your go-to lipstick?
Lollipop by Revlon lip butter

What languages do you speak?
I can speak some Spanish.

I want to nominate anyone who wants to do this! Leave your link if you want me to check it out!

My Questions

1. What is your favorite season?

2. What is your favorite makeup look?

3. How old are you?

4. What is does your Winter style consist of?

5. Do you have a favorite beauty guru?

6. What is your favorite beauty item(s) at the moment?

7. Do you have any hidden talents?

8. What is your favorite holiday?

9. Perfume or body spray?

10. Are you a crafy person?

11. What is your dream job?

Thanks again Lauren for nominating me!


Thanks for stopping by! Follow ne on GFC and Bloglovin if you like my blog!


Amelie said...

Congratulations on being nominated for the 6th time!! I enjoyed reading your answer!


Anonymous said...

congrats on your award dear ! your blog is awesome :) xx

Unknown said...

It's so fun to read theses and get to know everyone better!! I agree I don't think I could live without an eyeshadow brush if I had to pick!

Jackie Harrison said...

Congrat doll well deserve I love your nick name Peaches.

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you for the kind words!

Pilar said...

I know right and I have to have eyeshadow brushes! lol

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

woot woot! 6 times!! :) You go girl!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

willsingformakeup said...

I enjoyed reading your answers! Thank you for your uplifting spirit! It really comes through in your blog. :)

Pilar said...

Thanks for the nomination and you're welcome! I try to bring and keep an uplifting spirit on my blog!

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