Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Night Fun Post

Hello Everyone!


I thought I would do a quick little fun post inspired from my Instagram account. Tonight I had breakfast for dinner. You ever just like to have breakfast food for dinner? I know I do lol. What are did you have for dinner? or what are you having for dinner?

Another thing on my Instagram account was the picture I posted below which was taken last Summer. You may remember this from my Mermaid FOTD post. I was tagged for the #20beautifulwomen tag and this is the picture I selected to post. I just really like it and I look so happy on this picture.


Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Jackie Harrison said...

The breakfast looks delicious.

Marie said...

That food looks so yummy! Nice picture too!

Unknown said...

That breakfast looks so good!!!! I like to make breakfast for dinner sometimes too! I bought a waffle maker one time just for that haha!! And that picture of you is beautiful!!

Beth said...

The food looks so good! Breakfast for dinner is always a good option! Love the makeup look!

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! The food was so good! I need to buy a waffle iron! Usually I'll just buy Eggos lol. It's strange that I'll make homemade pancakes, and I haven't made a homemade waffle since I was in college!

Pilar said...

Thanks Beth! Breakfast for dinner is awesome lol! The makeup look is from last Summer!

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

I love love love breakfast for dinner, especially if it includes cinnamon rolls!

Pilar said...

Cinnamon rolls are so good!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I love breakfast ANYTIME! Oh that picture looks delicious Pilar. HaHaHa I love dollar size pancakes.

willsingformakeup said...

I love breakfast food! That looks so good!

Meal Prep: Chocolate Chip Overnight Oats

 Hello Everyone! Before I start this post I want to thank everyone for their kind words on my last post. I truly appreciate it. Since I'...