Monday, February 9, 2015

29 Things I've learned So Far

Hello Everyone!

Ever since I turned 29 in December, I've been thinking a lot about the things I've learned (and still learning) along the way. For today's inspirational post, here is a list I composed.

1. Prayer, Church, and reading the Bible can help through life's journey  (I'm not pushing my religious beliefs (Baptist) on anyone, just my opinion)

2. Things happen when they're supposed to.

3. You have to be patient. 

4. You'll see who's really there for you when it truly counts.

5. My mom is usually right. 

6. The tough things in life only make you stronger. 

7. No matter how much I deny it, sleep is very essential.

8. You'll ruin your 20's by constantly worrying about what you should be doing.

9. Your priorites change from your early twenties as you approach your late 20's.

10. Spoil yourself a little. You deserve it! 

11. Never settle for less than you deserve. This means anything in life.

12. If you're fortunate you'll have a few close people in your inner circle who are always there for you.

13. Never take things for granted.

14. Piggybacking off #13 don't let anyone take you for granted.

15. Use your voice and be heard!

16. Sometimes life can be the best teacher.

17. Cherish the people you love and let them know they're loved.

18. Take time out for yourself.

19. When you know better, you do better.

20. Life will have challenges, but life is also beautiful.

21. Let go of negativity...hence anger, bitterness, and frustration etc.

22. Learn to budget, you'll thank yourself later.

23. Some situations aren't worth a reaction.

24. Accept there are going to be things you can't change.

25. Engage in activities you enjoy and try to do them often. 

26. Don't take yourself and things in life so seriously all the time.

27. Don't compare yourself to others. 

28.  Some things in life aren't meant to be, but for every loss there is something better waiting for you.

29. Always know your worth.


Jackie Harrison said...

Mom are always right cool post.

Naturalle Drea said...

Great outlook on life. Yes, Mom is always right lol!! I believe that prayer and faith really help you through life and should be a foundation. And I have l learned so much about being patient and waiting on things to happen when they are supposed to.

Marie said...

Very insightful post! You make a lot of good points in this post. Religion is very important to me it helps me get through a lot in life, good as well as the bad. I agree, life can be the best teacher!

Shireen L. Platt said...

You are so right on all but no. 4 is very very true and I know it too well! You come across as a very wise person at the age of 29, your mum has definitely taught you well. xx

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

A Very Sweet Blog said...

These are definitely words of wisdom! Some I didn't learn until I was much older. Awesome post!

willsingformakeup said...

It's always great to share what you've learned!

Unknown said...

This is such a great post Pilar!!! I totally agree with all of these but number 4,9, and 24 especially stand out to me!! I hope you keep doing posts like this, because I really enjoyed this one!

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

Amazing post! I love this type of post from you, it really gave me a moment to reflect on my life! :)

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie! I find my mom is usually always right!

Pilar said...

Thanks Andrea! Isn't interesting how a mom is always right?! Religion is definitely an important part of my life! I think with patience comes a better understanding on how to deal with things in life.

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! I agree with everything you wrote about Religion and life being the best teacher!

Pilar said...

Thanks Shireen! I try to take a lot of wisdom from my mom! #4 is very true! I've learned that over the years!

Pilar said...

Thanks Kim! I've learned a few of these during my mid 20's!

Pilar said...

Thanks Lauren!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! I plan on writing more posts like this or similar in context in the future. Glad you enjoyed my post!

Pilar said...

Thanks Margo! I think this a post that people can reflect on some part of their life!

More Than Just A Pretty Face said...

I love this post! Everything about it makes me smile & makes me do a reflection on my 23 years of life!

Pilar said...

Thank you for kind words and for stopping by my blog!

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