Monday, April 20, 2015

Coastal Scents Revealed and Revealed 2 Palette Review

Hello Everyone! 

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
Welcome to my 200th post!! :) Last year I wanted to know how Coastal Scents Revealed and Revealed 2 Palettes compared to my Urban Decay Naked, Naked 2, and Naked 3 Palettes. So when Coastal Scents had a sale, I decided to purchase both palettes.

 Revealed Palette 


 Revealed Palette Compared to Urban Decay Naked and Naked 2 Palettes 



 Revealed 2 


  Revealed 2 Palette Compared to Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette 



- Budget friendly 
-  20 colors in each palette
- Similar shades/dupes for Naked 
  and Naked 2 Palette (Revealed) 
  and similar shades/dupes for 
  Naked 3 (Revealed 2)
- Sleek cardboard, great for travel
- Nice pigmentation with most  
- Full sized shadows
- Blends decently 

- Some of the shadows are messy 
- A lot of fallout
- No brush 
- No mirror
- You have to use a light hand 

My Thoughts 

Overall I wasn't all that impressed by these palettes. That doesn't mean I think these palettes are terrible, I just feel Coastal Scents could have provided better quality. The major turn offs for me included all the fallout and messiness of some of the shadows. You really have to use a light hand when using these shadows. Now there are some things I like about these palettes such as the pigmentation. As you can see from the swatches, the color shows very well. Most of the shadows are dupes for the UD Naked Palettes. I think these palettes are good to have if you're on a budget or if your like me, you just want to try them out and have the palettes as a back up. I still like to put these palettes to use even if some of the shadows are messy lol. Personally I wouldn't pay the original $19.95. Like I mentioned I purchased these palettes on sale back in September 2014. The Revealed and Revealed 2 palettes are okay, but in my opinion they aren't as good as the Naked Palettes.

Coastal Scents recently released the Revealed 3. This is what the palette looks like if you haven't seen it.



* Both Images are Courtesy of Google

Thanks for stopping by my blog! 


Jackie Harrison said...

I like this palette is so awesome.

Unknown said...

Great review Pilar! Ive been super curious about these. I'm glad you did this review because now I think I'll pass on them since I have all the naked palettes. I get so irritated with messy shadows haha!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Hey Pilar! I'm so glad you did this review, because I was curious about them also. LOL That's why I love beauty bloggers. They really help you make decisions. The colors are pretty, but glad to know their weaknesses.

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

Great comparison post!! I have neither these nor the Nakeds which is always shocking to me haha, but I might get Revealed 2 and then the original Naked because I like the colors. Mix and match price points!

Shireen L. Platt said...

Shame that the quality isn't the best because the shades are gorgeous, Pilar! Love that you did a review on both palette, like Kim and Ashley, I too have been curious about these.

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

Naturalle Drea said...

I got a sample of the Revealed 2 palette and really liked the shadows.

willsingformakeup said...

So glad I read your review on these. I had some palettes from Coastal Scents a few years ago, and they were very good quality. I think sometimes companies like this just want to keep pumping out more and more palettes that they don't spend the time to get them just right. I like the colors, but fallout is a problem.

Marie said...

Great review! I noticed that the glitter shadows have a lot of fallout. It's shame because the shades are pretty.

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! I know what you mean! The glitter shadows are so messy which cause me to feel irritated! Not to mention the huge flakes of glitter! I think both palettes are ok, but these palettes could use better quality with some of the shadows.

Pilar said...

I agree Kim! There have been plenty of beauty reviews that help me decided which products were worth purchasing and trying. Hope my review gave you insight about the palettes!

Pilar said...

Thanks Margo! I think Revealed 2 is a good choice since I hear a lot of people say there's not much they can do with Naked 3 palette because most of the colors are rosw gold. At least with the Revealed Palettes you can save a few dollars. I really hope Coastal Scents revise some of their shadows in both palettes because other than the messiness and fallout they would be great palettes!

Pilar said...

Thanks Shireen! I really wish the quality was better because the shadows are gorgeous and dupes for the Naked Palettes.

Pilar said...

I received samples of each palette when I purchased both. To me the quality in the sample shadows were better than than the palettes.

Pilar said...

That is a good point you make Lauren! I noticed that too with some companies. Some of these companies market products without putting more effort into quality etc.

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! Those glitter shadows have so much fallout along with huge glitter flakes lol

Kristen Alpert said...

Okay I love the revealed palette's. I so need to get them. Congrats on your 200th blog. Here is going 200 more and beyond.

Pilar said...

Thank you Kristen for the kind words!

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