Friday, August 14, 2015

Girl Talk: Tomboxes First Impressions Review

Hello Everyone!


This post is sponsored by Tomboxes. All opinions are 100% my own.

There are so many monthly subscription boxes out there today, sometimes it can be challenging to decide which box is right for you. I was recently contacted by a company called Tomboxes to write  a review about their company. Thank you Tomboxes for sending me these products to review!

What is Tombox?


Tombox is is short for Time Of the Month. This a monthly subscription box that includes pads or tampons, makeup, & jewelry in time for your monthly cycle. Each Tombox is shipped out every 28 days.

On the site you will be asked a few questions that will help your customize your Toxbox that include:

1. Skin
2. Style
3. Jewelry Style
4. Makeup
5. Health & Beauty
6. Eyes
8. Tampons
9. Subscription

These are the items I received for the August Tombox.

- Always Ultra Thin Overnight Pads 14 Count
I switch between using tampons and pads, but I decided to use pads for this month. As you can see, you get a full package of pads (or tampons if that's what you select)
- How cute is the beautiful box all the makeup products came in?!

A good bit of makeup products came in the beautiful box. Pretty Impressive 
- I wasn't too impressed with the jewelry for this month's Tombox. The earrings seemed a little flimsy and the bracelets look like hair ties with gold metal added to bands.
My Thoughts

I think this is an awesome idea for a monthly subscription box! You get to choose full sized name brand sanitary products (pads or tampons) that cater to your period. I didn't receive any candy, but I hear during the colder months is when you will receive chocolate candy. It makes perfect since to receive chocolate candy in the cooler months since chocolate would melt in the box during the Summer.

Another plus is that you can choose beauty products and jewelry. I love makeup, so I find this to be very beneficial! By my comments earlier you can tell I wasn't impressed at all with the jewelry for August's Tombox.

Even though it's called Time of Month Box, you don't have to buy pads or tampons. You get to customize your box. I think that's good because you don't have to worry about buying a box of products that you don't need or that you don't want in general. Depending on your customized choices your box can be low as $10.00 a month or up to $28.00 a month. For example, If you decide to double on your makeup & jewelry and add a pack of Gillette Venus Razors your subscription will be about $28.00. Honestly I think Tombox is a great idea for a monthly subscription box! I definitely feel that girls and women can benefit from having the products that are available in Tomboxes.

I highly recommend that girls and women check out their social media links

Facebook page:

To subscribe to Tomboxes: CLICK HERE

Have you tried Tombox? Does this sound like a box that would interest you?


Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Jackie Harrison said...

You right their is so many box subscription out there. This one gave you plenty of items for 28 dollars. I do not subscribe a least not yet maybe in the future.

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

I think its great that they give you a full pack of pads or tampons...especially if you forget to run out and buy some! What a cool box, thanks for letting us know about it Pilar!

Marie said...

Thanks for the great review! I didn't even know this subscription existed!

Pilar said...

I think this box runs about $16.00 to $20.00 I'm not sure of the price. I know this box doesn't value $28.00 since there is no double makeup, double jewelry, or Gillette Razors.

Pilar said...

Thanks and you're welcome Margo! I agree at least you're getting your money's worth with the pads and tampons being a full package, and they're named brand! I thought this was a cool box too!

Pilar said...

Thanks and you're welcome Marie! I didn't know about Tomboxes until about a month ago. I think it's good that a company like this exists!

Unknown said...

I like that you can choose name brands of the pads or tampons you want! I've been using the same brands for years so I'd be cautions if it wasn't a brand that I've tried before! I also think those bracelets a look like hair ties lol but the makeup you got looks nice!!! Is that a tan towel wipe you got? Great review Pilar, that's awesome you got to try this subscription!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! I'm glad that brand names are available for pads and tampons also! I would've felt a little skeptical using a brand I never heard of before. So it's not just me about how the bracelets look like hair ties?! lol. Other than the jewelry for August's Tombox, I was impressed with the contents in this monthly subscription box. Oh btw, that's actually an after sun moisturizer.

Anonymous said...

Nice review!

Pilar said...


Naturalle Drea said...

Interesting concept for a subscription box! Great review!!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I think this is an interesting concept for a subscription box too!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

There is definitely a box for everything! Thanks for sharing Pilar!

Pilar said...

Thank you, and I know right!

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