Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Happy 3rd Birthday to my Blog!!

Hello Everyone!

July 27th :)...Today is a very special day for me, today is my 3rd Blogiversary! I know that I say this every year, but It's so surreal that I've been in the blogging community for 3 years! I still remember sitting at my laptop 3 years ago contemplating hitting publish on my very first post about sunglasses. I think in various ways blogging has a huge impact on my life and in some ways I find it very therapeutic. It warms my heart when I receive emails from my readers saying that my inspirational posts help you cope with life obstacles or how reading something positive and encouraging makes your day a little brighter. When I first started blogging I knew that I wanted to talk about a variety of subjects besides my love of  the world of beauty, hence my blog Beauty and More by Pilar was born.

For the people that I know I blog, ask me do you ever run out of ideas? My answer is always a quick no. Seriously I don't run out of ideas. I don't know what it is, but I'm always coming up with ideas and topics to discuss on my blog! I've always been so thankful about having things I like to share and discuss with you all!

Every year I write my thanks you's so let's get started

First I want to thank my mom. She has always supported my dreams and aspirations in life. Anytime that I felt discouraged or frustrated she is always my voice of reason to help me see things clearly. I love you mama! <3

My mom is super sweet! She had this for me for weeks and kept it from me until my blog's anniversary! <3

 I also want to thank my best friend. He's been a major supporter of my blog and the things I want to do in life. Like most guys he may not understand my makeup and candle addictions, but nonetheless he respects them lol. He as been a contributor to my Urban Decay Collection over the years. I love him too <3

Second, I want to thank all the companies that I have worked with throughout the years and currently working on collaborations. It means a lot to me that you value my opionions, thoughts, and ideas to share with my audience. I appreciate all the products that have been sent to me for reviews.

Last but not certainly not least, I want to thank my audience. I appreciate all your comments and more importantly the time you take out of your day to read and comment on my blog! I have made some wonderful friends though blogging.

To celebrate the 3rd anniversary of my blog, I decided to treat myself to a few things.

These are then 15 piece brush set that recently came out on Thanks for the amazing discount! Don't forget to use my code LOVEPILAR to receive a 10% off discount on your order! 

I've had these for a few weeks and I've been wantingto try these Maybelline 24 Hour Color Tattoo Eyeshadow for the longest time! I love their pigmentation! Look for a future review!

I felt like I couldn't end this post without some advice and encouragement for bloggers. Everyone has a dream and has to start from somewhere. Keep going because hard work, passion, and dedication pays off in the end.

As always thanks for stopping by my blog!  I love you all! <3

P.S. Yesterday was moving day. I've been super busy with packing etc. That's why I've been a little absent around social media. Hopefully I can catch up on your blogs over the weekend! :)


Unknown said...

Happy blog birthday Pliar! I wish many more happy blog birthdays to come for you <3
So excited you got the Lorac pro 3 palette! I hope you love it! Those brushes look super nice too! And yay for moving day!

E. Jones said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!!!! :)

Julie Anne The Saltlife Wife said...

Happy blogiversary lady!!!! ;)

Jackie Harrison said...

Happy blog Birthday continue the great job.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Yay! Happy 3 Blog Birthday and cheers to many more! What a lovely gift from your mom!

willsingformakeup said...

Happy Blog Birthday, Pilar! I've had my eye on that Lorac Pro 3. That's so sweet of your mom. Hope you enjoy it!

Elle Sees said...

Happy blogiversary to youuuuuu!!! I hear ya about the ideas--if anything, I have too many ideas. 600 in the draft folder :/

Pilar said...

Thank you Ashley! I've had my eye on that Lorac Pro 3 Palette since its been out! The brushes are so soft! I can't wait to try these items once everything is organized! I agree yay for moving day lol!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you Julie!

Pilar said...

Thank you Jackie!

Pilar said...

Thank you Rowena! That was super sweet of my mom!

Pilar said...

Thank you Lauren! Yes it was, and I can't wait to use this palette!

Pilar said...

Thank you Elle! I agree I have a lot of ideas as well! That's pretty impressive 600 ideas in your draft folder!

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Congrats on 3 years!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

BeautiliciousD said...

Congratz on 3 years ^^ x Love your blog

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Kelsey&Kenecha said...

Happy birthday to your blog!! :)


Pilar said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Blogiversary! Wishing you many more wonderful years of blogging!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie!

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