Friday, February 1, 2019

What is Love?

Hello Everyone!

Since Valentine's is coming up, it made me think about what exactly defines love. Love is defined by Merriam Webster's Dictionary as: Unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another.

That's Merriam Webster's Dictionary definition of love, but in my opinion love is a complex term that isn't always easily defined.

Love is understanding...Understanding patiently beyond yourself

Love is kindness...Kindness is always free. We need more kindness in this world, but don't forget to be gentle and kind to yourself.

Love is forgiveness...No one is perfect we all make mistakes

Love is compassion...Compassion for others to hurt and struggle less

Love is on both good and bad times

Love is unconditional...We all have flaws, but that doesn't mean we should be loved any less for having flaws.

Love isnt... manipulation, lies, and constant disappointment. So many people look for various types of love in all the wrong places. Sadly you can end up paying a terrible price for searching for toxic love and acceptance.

There you have it, that's how I define love. How do you define love? Valentine's Day is a nice holiday, but remember to show love everyday.

 Also, I plan on taking a little break on my blog and Instagram. I've been going nonstop since the holidays. It's not going to be an extended break, just a break for a few weeks.  If anyone needs to reach me, contact me by email

Wishing everyone a blessed and happy February!!

January 2019 Posts 

My Life in January 2019


The Dainty Dolls House said...

Perfect post. I think many get the meaning of love so wrong and do many of the opposites of the things listed here which is why the state of the world is so messed up. Such a great reminder :) I hope you're having a great weekend lovely xx

Red Rose Alley said...

This is a nice post, Pilar. And I always enjoy seeing your decorations for the holidays. I especially liked what you said about love being unconditional. And Yes, KINDNESS. That's so important. Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day, Pilar, and a restful break. Do something special just for you. You're an amazing woman.


Marie said...

This is a beautiful written post about love Pilar. The world can be filled with such ugliness, but the world is also filled beauty and goodness. People like you are a reminder that there are still good people in this world! I hope you have a great break!

Lisa said...

Great love post. Enjoy your break!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your blogging break!

Pilar said...

Thanks Kizzy! I wrote this post about love because it's been on my heart lately. You stated my point...people are doing the opposite of the things I listed. The world doesn't have to be in this current state if there were more love and understanding. Wishing you a great weekend!

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri for always leaving kind words! I love to decorate for the holidays! I wanted to focus on love being unconditional since people can tend to forget that. I see so many acts of blindness and it's so sad. Kindess is free. We need more kindness in this world.

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie for kind words! I try to make a positive difference in this world. I try to focus on the beauty in life rather than all of it's ugliness. This world lacks love and I wish that would change.

Pilar said...

Thanks Lisa!

Pilar said...


Lisa said...

HEY PILAR! Before you go, go to my profile and jot down my email incase you ever want to talk or just say hi!!!
After all we are State Neighbors!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I agree Pilar. Love is all those things. I think that we should express love every day and not just wait until a day until Valentine's Day to show or say it to those we love.

Kinga K. said...

Very cute♥️

Susie said...

Pilar, I like your definitions of love. I believe people can learn from their mistakes and deserve second chances. So we must love enough to give that chance. Some time with rules. :):) Love is very powerful. I am thankful that God loves us. Blessings to you pretty girl, xoxo, Susie

Pam said...

Already into the second month of the new year....seems like Jan went fast but at the same time it went slow. So much to deal with in Jan so I am glad it is gone. Wishing I could say I was excited about this month. Your decor looks great.

The Liberty Belle said...

I agree with you regarding the complexity of love. Good post. I hope that you enjoy your short break and return fully restored.

Kelsey Martino said...

I define love as a expressing yourself in ways that show people how much you mean to them. Whether that be through kindness or compassion or any of the ways you listed in this blog post.

Enjoy your break!

A Shimmer, A Shadow

Pilar said...

Will do! You have my email as well :)

Pilar said...

I like Valentine's Day, but I agree love should be expressed everyday!

Pilar said...

Thanks Kinga!

Pilar said...

Thanks Susie! I believe in second chances too because everyone makes mistakes. We're only human. I agree there should be rules and boundaries so love isn't taken for granted. Blessings to you as well!

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam! I know that Janaury was a difficult month for you sending hugs and prayers for you. Wishing you a wonderful February!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Kelsey!

Ann said...

Nice and lovely post.
I guess love means different things to different people.


Pilar said...

Thanks Ann!

Beauty Unearthly said...

Excellent post (as always)!

Pilar said...


Gingi said...

This is simply a beautiful post, thank you for sharing dear! <3 -

Sajjao said...

Hi very good blog
Thank for sharing such a valuable information
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The Glossychic said...

Nice post, we all need to love and be loved, not forgetting our own self. Thanks for sharing.
The Glossychic
Wonder Cottage

nerline said...

This is so beautiful, Pilar. I took a little break from social media too. It's really good for the mind. Happy Valentine's Day!

Priya Hareesh said...

Enjoy your break..

iamperlita said...

You have to love yourself first though and it's so much easier to love others. Enjoy your break beautifuL! ♥
PerlaGiselle |

PhotosbyCris Travel Fashion Lifestyle said...

Happy Valentines Day beautiful I agree with you You defined love so well and the most important to me is self-love from there you will find true happiness and real love might find you simply because you love yourself first. It is a hard lesson that I learnt but I now give all my love to my children family and friends they are the ones who need the most and they will have it forever. One day I might find true love. Have a great break xoxo Cris

Midnight Cowgirl said...

What a wonderful reminder about what love is!

Priya Hareesh said...

You said so wonderful and so true things about love..

Pilar said...

Thanks Gingi, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks Nerline! I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day!

Pilar said...

Thanks Priya!

Pilar said...

Thanks Perla!

Pilar said...

Thanks Cris! I hope you had a great Valentine's Day! You defined love so well.

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley!

Pilar said...

Thanks Priya!

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 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...