Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thankful Thoughts for Turning 36 Next Month

 Hello Everyone, 

Wow as I type this I still can't believe that I'm about to turn 36 years old on Christmas. Of course Christmas is over a month away, but I do want to share a few of my thankful thoughts today.

Obviously this year isn't over yet, but it has been quite a year so far. This Summer I took time off my blog. I needed a break. At the time I was going through some things and I wasn't able to focus much on my content. I realized that's okay to take a step back. I think it's very important to prioritize mental health. Since the pandemic began last year I began making my self care more of a priority. 

There have been times in my life that I have felt my faith being tested. Part of this year was one of those times. In life things may not turn out the way you plan, but you ultimately have control on how you react. Sometimes things throw you by surprise, but I've learned I can handle things better if I remain calm.

Despite a few setbacks I have so much to be thankful for. I try to focus on the good in life instead of the bad. I feel blessed that I have a loving mother who encourages and supports me in my endeavors. I'm blessed and thankful to have a home and basic necessities. During these times it's so important to be thankful not just for Thanksgiving, but everyday. I'm thankful for the brands that see my hard work ethic as a smaller influencer.

I always mention in my inspirational based posts that my religious belief are my own. As we near the holiday season and the end of the year I pray for the world. I pray for those who seek peace and happiness. I pray you have a wonderful ending to this year, and look forward to a bight and prosperous future.  


Red Rose Alley said...

Your Thanksgiving thoughts are wonderful, Pilar. You acknowledge how blessed you are with so many things. You have a loving and dear Mother who you can turn to in time of need.....and for the fun times too. She raised a very special daughter. I'm thankful for a blog friend like you.


Anonymous said...

Nice Thanksgiving reflection

Miss Val's Creations said...

This time of year is so important for us in remembering what we are thankful for. It is so true that we can control how we react. Stress and anxiety can be overwhelming but learning how to control it makes such a difference. I turn to yoga for that and it has made a huge difference for me. Simply learning how to breathe helps tremendously. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving Pilar!

R's Rue said...


Ann said...

To be thankful and grateful for all
the blessings on one's birthday is the best.
I wish you luck, love and happiness Pilar,
even when it's still a month away.


Ivana Split said...

Beautiful thoughts and writing. I agree we have so much to be grateful for. It's important to be grateful for things we have because it makes us realize that there is happiness in the 'now', that happiness is not something forever hidden in the future. By being grateful and appreciating the blessings we have been given, we open our mind for more blessings.
End of the year is a good time to reflect on it. You celebrating your birthday on Christmas, gives you another opportunity for some introspection and soul searching. I wish you all the best.

Kinga K. said...

Great thoughts ❤

Unknown said...

So beautiful reflections, you are so sweet Pilar, thanks for sharing!
Kisses, Paola.


My Instagram

Adriana Leandro said...

Beautiful thoughts.
We need to be grateful for everything we have.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Tanza Erlambang said...

great reflection ... all people have experienced of setback in life at some points.

Happy birthday...

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

I'm with you Pilar, not only your mother support you but I support you too! Big hug!

Heidi | The Frugal Girls said...

I so enjoyed your post that emphasized being thankful. A heart filled with thankfulness has a way of putting everything into proper perspective. I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving week!

Marie said...

So many wonderful thing to give thanks. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving Pilar!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Sheri! You're always so kind! Nel and Jess have a pretty good mom as well 🙂 I'm thankful to have you as blog friend!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you Val! I find various things help with my anxiety and depression. I haven't tired yoga yet. I heard yoga helps and it may also be good for my back problems. I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Pilar said...

Thank you Rue!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Ann! I wish you a wonderful and blessed holiday season!

Pilar said...

Thank you Ivana for the kind words! I agree. It's so important to find happiness in the moment. You have such a positive insights on life's reflections. Wishing you all best as well!

Pilar said...

Thank you Kinga!

Pilar said...

Thank you Paola, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thank you Adriana, and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Pilar said...

Thank you Tanza!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Marisa! Hugs!

Pilar said...

Thank you Heidi! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!

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