Thursday, May 9, 2019

A Mother's Day Message For My Mom

Hello Everyone!

A yellow frosted cupcake for my mom. She loves the color yellow

Today's post is dedicated to my mother. Since Mother's Day is this upcoming Sunday, I thought it was a perfect time to post this dedication. I always put God first in my life, and next comes my mom. I'm a mama's girl, and my mom is my best friend. No mother daughter relationship is perfect, but for the most part I'm very close to my mother. It's kind of funny because a lot of people think my mom is my sister (my mom had me 20 exactly two weeks to the date before her 21st birthday. I look a lot like her, and she looks young).

Throwback picture of my beautiful mom from 2008

She has truly been a rock of support throughout my whole life. She has wiped away many of my tears, calmed my fears, celebrated my accomplishments, encouraged me throughout my failures and so on. My mom has been my biggest inspiration since I was a little girl, and I admire her very much. I don't have any children of my own yet, but I can only hope that I will be a great mother to my own children one day, as my mom is a great mother to me.

I remember specifically 2010 my Senior year second semester in college I started freaking out about everything. I had no job lined up after graduation in my field, I was ending a friendship with my best friend at the time, I wasn't sleeping well, I was forgetting to eat and I called my mom at 3 in the morning in complete hysterics meltdown mode. She calmly told me that everything was going to be alright and that she loved me. Sometimes you just want your Mom. I went to college in my hometown. For the few times a call wasn't enough my mom was there knocking on my dorm room to make sure I was okay.

Last year's Mother's Day gifts for my mom

Having depression for half of my life, and having anxiety the past 10 years has been very challenging. My mom has always been the one to remind me that I'm much more than my mental health issues. Sometimes even now I need to be reminded of that. She has told me that no matter what life throws at me, I can get through it.

Mother's Day Weekend 2018 when my mom cut her hair

My mom taught me at an early age that in life nothing is just handed to you, and life doesn't owe you anything.  You have to work hard for the things you want to accomplish in life.  She taught me to be independent, but if I need help it's okay to ask for it.
Honestly I'm glad my mom instilled these values of life within in me because it prepared me for the real world. When I need to hear the truth whether I ask for it or not, my mom is always going to be 100% honest. Even with some of the fears I have as an adult she always says I can do anything through Christ that strengthens me. Give my fears to God, pray about it, and go to sleep. It's very humbling to have Christ in my heart. It's also very humbling to knowing that my mom loves me unconditionally.

As Mother Day approaches, Mama I want you to know I celebrate you on Mother's Day and everyday of the year. I cherish all the happy moments, I push through the tough moments, and throughout it all you're always there showing love and support. I strive to continue to make you proud as your daughter. Your love, hugs, sacrifices, and strength throughout the years are greatly appreciated. Thank you mama for everything that you do. Words can't express how much you mean to me. You are a beautiful person inside and out. I love you so much 💛💛

Wishing my mother, and all mother's and mother figures etc. a wonderful day. Enjoy your upcoming day ladies!

May 2019 Posts

Hello May

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

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Red Rose Alley said...

Pilar, this special Mother's Day post for your mom is beautiful. Your mom looks so young and pretty in this picture, and at first I didn't know if it was you or her haha - you look so much alike. She sounds like a wonderful Mother, and I can relate to her being a young mom. I was only 20 when I was pregnant with Nel. Your mom taught you something very be close to Jesus. I love the color yellow also, and even love wearing yellow. This yellow cupcake looks scrumptious. How nice that your mom calms your fears, is there when you need her, and teaches you to be humble. That is something we all need to be.


Paola Lauretano said...

Your mom is very beautiful and you're so kind! I love this post!!!
Kisses, Paola.


Lisa said...

This just warms my heart. Your mom is beautiful.
I had my daughter at 22 and me and her are close like this. We have argued and I have done my share of yelling and she has done her share of slamming doors but we always end up best friends again. ha.
Have a wonderful Mothers Day Weekend.

PS: I want a cupcake now.

Anonymous said...

Nice Mother's Day post. Your mom is beautiful!

Jackie Harrison said...

You get your pretty looks from your mom she is stunning. This is such a sweet post hope your mom has a bless Mother’s Day.

PhotosbyCris Travel Fashion Lifestyle said...

Happy Mother's Day to your beautiful mom darling. Your post made me emotional. So beautiful! Yes moms are angels sent from heaven They will guide us and guard us and your mom is right Be strong you can do anything you want and everything is going to be okay xoxo Cris

The Liberty Belle said...

Your mother sounds like such a special lady. Happy Mother's Day to her and all the mothers in our lives.

Marie said...

This is a beautiful and heartfelt Mother's Day message for your mom Pilar! You look just like your beautiful mother! I hope she has a great Mother's Day!

Ivana Split said...

This is such a beautiful Mother's day dedication post and message. The values your mother has taught you are very important. It is great when we have a family member we can rely on. It is interesting how you say people think you're sisters, the same things happens to me as well. My mother had me when she was twenty two I think. People often assume she is my sister because she looks younger. There was even a lady who thought my older brother was her husband because of how young she looks. We've been pretty close for most of my life. With years we have grown apart a bit, but we still care about each other. I don't see her very often because I moved countries but we still talk fairly often.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

This is a wonderful dedication to your mom. It sounds like you have a beautiful relationship.

Midnight Cowgirl said...

This is so sweet!

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! She is a wonderful mother! I love and appreciate my mom so much! That's my mom's favorite picture of herself in the yellow, so I thought I would post that one first. So many people tell my mom how young she looks. You look young too! I'm glad that my mom taught me to have a close relationship with Jesus. I have gotten through many things by praying. She loved the cupcake! She even split the cupcake with me! It was so good! I'm so grateful that my mom helps calms my fears. That night I called her in college I was felt so distraught and afraid. Talking to her made everything better. I try to stay humble. I agree being humble is something we all need to be. Wishing you and your girls a Happy Mother's Day!

Pilar said...

Thanks Paola! Happy Mother's Day!

Pilar said...

Thanks Lisa! Like I said in my post my mom and I have a great mother daughter relationship, but no relationship is perfect lol. We always end up best friends again too! Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie!

Pilar said...

Thanks Cris! Throughout the years it's very comforting to know that even though I may feel lost etc, things always work out for the best. My mom has instilled so many great values over the years that I will carry with me throughout my life!

Pilar said...

Thanks! She is so special to me! Happy Mother's Day!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! A lot of people tell me I look just like my mom!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ivana! My mom has been my rock through good and bad times. I love her so much! I think when your parents look young or have you when they're younger people tend to think your siblings. I've gotten that a lot in my life. So many people mistake my mom for my sister lol. It sounds like you're close to your mom too. Even with the distance in different, you two still are communicating often. Talk help keep your bond as well.

Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena! I think that my mom and I have a beautiful mother daughter relationship. I cherish our closeness!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley!

Pam said...

GREAT POST....I know you made mom tear up over that post. Thank you also for stopping by the blog and leaving such a sweet comment. HOping you have a great week.

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam. My mom actually did tear up reading my post. You're welcome. I know today was difficult for you, but I kept you in my prayers. I hope that you found solice in the loving memories that you shared with your mom. I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day with your family. Have a great week as well!

Doctor Anne said...

I am very much a mamas girl too, and my mother is to this day that I have children of my own the one that I trust in and turn to for advice.

Natalia said...

What a beautiful post! Moms are truly heroes☺ I am so excited for my first Mother's Day this year☺

Beauty Unearthly said...

Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

ALLIE NYC said...

What a lovely post. Your mom sounds like she knows what she is doing and she did a great job raising you. And taught you well and valuable lessons. Any parent that teaches their child that life is easy is doing them a disservice.

Allie of

iamperlita said...

This seriously almost made me cry! Moms are the absolute best and how lucky you are to have such a beautiful person in your life! This was really sweet! I hope you had a lovely weekend!
PerlaGiselle |

Pilar said...

My mom has given me great advice throughout my life. My mom is the person I trust the most, I know she's give great advice when I have children.

Pilar said...

Thanks Natalia. I hope you enjoyed your first Mother's Day!

Pilar said...

Thanks. I hope you have a great week as well!

Pilar said...

Thanks Allie. I think my mom did an amazing job raising me and instilling important values in my life. I agree. Life isn't always hard, but life isn't always easy. I think that's a valuable lesson to learn, especially when you're younger.

Pilar said...

Thanks Perla. I feel very blessed to have my mom in my life. She is such an amazing mom. I hope that you enjoyed your Mother's Day!

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