Saturday, October 24, 2020

Home Essentials

 Hello Everyone!

I mentioned a few months ago when the pandemic began that finding items in the store was challenging especially groceries. It's challenging finding some products, but I've been having more luck with finding home essentials. 

Before I start today's post I wanted to mention that I didn't know that Fed Ex delivered on Sunday. I received this PR Sample from Zoya for their Intriguing Collection: Holiday 2020.

Adulting is finding a new vacuum at a reasonable price and being happy about it lol.

I started taking the Hair, Nail, and Skin Gummies by Natures Bounty and I've seen positive results. I received a bottle from CVS, but once I finished those I caught a sale for the largest bottle. My nails are continuing to grow healthy.  I usually wear the disposable masks, so when CVS had more in stock I picked up a few more. Thankfully I've been able to find Toilet Paper and Paper Towels when I go out.

Adulting is also finding essentials you need in one trip and being happy about it lol.

A few years ago I purchased a set of these Cellar Ware dishes and I absolutely love them. I caught a good sale for this set. I just wish that I could've found another set of the appetizer plates.

Look familiar? As I mentioned these are the exact same dishes as the other set that I have. I also added a few single bowls.

My mom is so thoughtful she told me she saw this Time Magazine featuring Ruth Bader Ginsburg and she thought I would love it since I admired her and her career. My mom knows me so well :) 

Last, but not least I can't post a home essentials post without candles and a wax warmer. I haven't purchased candles or wax warmers in a long time since I have a good bit from my candle stash. I'm actually just getting back into buying candles more. For the past few months I've been using wax warmers, but I did miss burning candles!


Aleksandra Krajewska said...

good post dear :D

Lisa said...

I have always wondered if those gummies work. I have been tempted to get some. I may have to grab a bottle to try now.
I have not tried the disposable mask. I have a few cloth mask I wash and rotate. I will probably wear the disposable mask once I get a job and have to wear one all day. We still visit most places where they do not strongly enforce the mask. I have a feeling thats gonna change one day and it will become a law.

Anonymous said...

Nice products!

Ivana Split said...

Good that you were able to get some shopping done. I rotate between cloth and disposable face masks. Nice of your mom to pick up that Time magazine knowing you'll be interested in it.

Susie said...

Sweet girl, Pilar, you made me smile...because yes honey finding a vacuum cleaner you want and need is happiness. LOL I hope you keep stocking up on essentials. I fear it is to be a long winter. At least your home is going to be clean and smell good with those nice candles. Blessings to you and your mom, xoxo, Susie
p.s. So wonderful your mom got you that book.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Yes you know you're an adult when you're excited about buying a vacuum cleaner and stocking up on paper products ;p

Marie said...

The joys of adulting lol! That's great you were able to find the items you needed!

Evi Erlinda said...

I also put the disposable mask in my essential shopping list!

Tanza Erlambang said...

love to have new vacuum...
Yes, I agree with you and your mom that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has great career and contribution to society.

Have a wonderful day

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

I love candles too!!

The Exclusive Beauty Diary said...

i like your set of plates, look very modern and also candle must smell amazing.

New Post -

Red Rose Alley said...

So glad you found all the essentials you needed, Pilar. I just got the same brand of paper towels and toilet paper. Love that candle. It looks so nice and cozy. We had a power outage the other day, and my son lit five candles for me around the house. There's nothing like candles to calm and soothe.


Pilar said...


Pilar said...

From my personal experience, I think the gummies work well. I try to keep numerous pairs of the disposable masks around. I have the cloth masks which I like better, but disposable masks I can just toss when done whereas I have to constantly wash the cloth masks. Both have their pros and cons. There are masks mandates here which I'm glad, since Covid cases here have been on the rise again.

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

I've been rotating between the cloth and disposable masks too. I thought that was so sweet of my mom!

Pilar said...

Lol! I was so happy to find a reasonably priced vacuum cleaner! I started to stock on a few more products since people are starting to panic buy again. I'm thinking stores might start limiting products again. I'm glad my mom got me that book too! Blessings to you!

Pilar said...

Haha! I know right!

Pilar said...

Lol! I'm glad I was able to find products too!

Pilar said...

Most definitely!

Pilar said...

The Time magazine about Ruth Bader Ginsburg's life is interesting! She did so much in her life! Have a great week!

Pilar said...

Scented candles are so calming!

Pilar said...

Thank you, and Frosted Cranberry is one of my favorite scented candles!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I'm glad you were able to get some products too! That was sweet of your son to light the candles for you. I agree candles are calming and soothing!

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