Thursday, November 19, 2020

Getting Started with Thanksgiving Prep

 Hello Everyone!

I don't know about you, but when I think about Thanksgiving in addition to being thankful, I think about the prep work I have to do, planning the Thanksgiving Menu, grocery shopping, etc.

This year I'm trying to get all of my groceries for Thanksgiving this week since the pandemic began food has been out of stock at most of the local stores. Some weeks are better than others. I've gone to at least 3 different grocery stores to get the things I needed. 

I'm noticing that people are starting to panic buy toilet paper again. I don't think they're limiting items in my area, but I did pick up 2 packs of toilet paper that were on sale and a pack of paper towels. 

I plan on making the apple filling for the apple pie this week and freezing the pie until next week. I think this is the first time I've made an apple pie for Thanksgiving. 

We usually have a small Thanksgiving dinner or we give out plates to friends, but this year since Covid is still on the rise, It will probably just be a quiet Thanksgiving consisting of my mom and I. If you're gathering with family and friends this holiday season, please be safe.

For the first time, I put the Christmas Tree up before Thanksgiving. I started decorating sometime last week. I'll have a post about the Christmas decor soon!


Marisa Cavaleiro said...

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving but I just did my Christmas decor!

Anonymous said...

I'm getting started with Thanksgiving preparations on Monday.

Susie said...

Pilar, You have been busy. :) I like apple pie better than pumpkin. You know I can not remember the last pie I ever made. Long time ago. I think I always used grandma Francis' short Wick's sugar creme pies. LOL. Blessings to you and your family this holiday, be safe. xoxo, Susie

Tanza Erlambang said...

you and all of Americans busy with thanksgiving day, then, followed by your cute Christmas tree.

Happy thanksgiving and have a nice weekend.

Marie said...

Homemade apple pie is delicious! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Ann said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I won't be putting up our Christmas tree this year,
I do it for the kids but
we won't have a party this year.
I just thought it would be too much work since its too tall
and there is just the three of us in the house.

Looking forward to see your Christmas decor.


The Exclusive Beauty Diary said...

Such a beautiful Christmas Tree and these apple look very delicious.

New Post -

Kinga K. said...

Cool ❤

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Planning ahead is always a good bet when it comes to the holidays especially during a pandemic. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving but have a good one Pilar <3

Red Rose Alley said...

I always smile when I see that you're stocked up on tp and paper towels. I got some today also, but lately because of Thanksgiving and everyone shopping, the paper towels have not been the brand I usually get, and not as sturdy. But we're fortunate to get what we can during this time, so no complaints here. The apple pie sounds Yummy. Always keep your grateful heart, Pilar. It's such a special thing to have.


Mellie said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! We put up our Christmas decorations two weeks ago... I thought we were ready for some cheer around here.

Pilar said...

I finished decorating the tree before Thanksgiving this year.

Pilar said...

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Pilar said...

I don't eat pumpkin pie at all lol. I did have a slice of apple pie. I hadn't made one in a long time. It was pretty good! Blessings to you this holiday as well! Be safe!

Pilar said...

Thanks,and have a good week!

Pilar said...

Thanks, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I changed things up a little for the Christmas decor.

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I agree planning ahead during the holidays is good. The pandemic has made things like grocery shopping a bit of challenge, but thankfully for the most part I get most of the items I need.

Pilar said...

Thank you for the kind words! Sometimes I have to get different brands of toilet paper and paper towels when the brands I usually get are out of stock. I agree I feel grateful for what's available. The apple pie was pretty good!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Putting up the Christmas Tree always puts me in a cheerful mood :)

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