Saturday, December 5, 2020

Hot Cocoa DIY Gift Basket

 Hello Everyone!

One of my favorite types of Christmas gifts (and gifts in general) are diy gifts. Whether it's a handmade blanket or a homemade pie these types of gifts are gifts that someone took the time to make and thats always special.

*If you decide to add Whipped Cream to your basket make sure you put in the basket last, and that it's ready to give the recipient. You don't want to leave Whipped Cream out of the refrigerator for long periods of time.

Items that I used

-  Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate 

- Jet Puffed Mini Marshmallows

-  Hershey's Milk Chocolate Chips

- Ghirardelli White Chocolate Chips 

- Holiday M &M's (Optional)

-  Reddi Wip Original (Optional) 

- Clear Craft Ornaments 3 (wash your ornaments.        before you fill them!! And let the fully dry)

- Mug

-  Bath & Body Works 3 Wick Candle: Hot Cocoa &         Cream

- Festive Christmas Decor/Figurines

- Cellophane Wrap (basket size) 

- Large Basket

I filled the 3 clear craft ornaments with white chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, and chocolate chips. The ornaments filled the cocoa items give the basket a nice festive touch. 

This basket is a Chocolate Lovers dream! There's instant hot cocoa, and other extra chocolate goodness included in this basket.

I added cute festive decor to the basket with this gingerbread man, a cocoa sign, and hot cocoa and cream candle.

This is another version of the cocoa basket with holiday M & M's.

I used a basket from target and place it in Cellophane along with a bow. I love using baskets from Target for making gift baskets.

It's time for hot cocoa!


Marie said...

You're so creative Pilar! I love the idea of a cocoa basket! Great job!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

This is such lovely and thoughtful gift basket Pilar! It's sure to make the receiver very happy :)

Anonymous said...


Lisa said...

This is such a cute gift idea! Love the basket too!
Now I want some cocoa.

Ivana Split said...

This is a great Christmas and festive gift idea! I love this idea of a cocoa basket. Thanks for sharing. said...

This is a nice gifting idea, so much can be done with this idea. I hope you have a great week ahead : ) xo

The Exclusive Beauty Diary said...

That DIY basket look amazing and it is great idea. Thank you for sharing.

New Post -

Red Rose Alley said...

What a thoughtful and wonderful gift basket. I never thought of adding whipped cream to my hot chocolate, sounds Yummy. Reddi-Wip is the best! I like the clear craft ornaments, that's a creative idea. I think anyone would love getting this sweet cocoa basket for a gift. It looks great, Pilar!


Pilar said...

Thanks you Marie!

Pilar said...

Thank you Rowena!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you Lisa!

Pilar said...

Thanm you Ivana!

Pilar said...

Thank you Juanita!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you Sheri!

unknown said...

I like this yummy chocolate gift basket. Swiss hot chocolate and milk chocolate is good. Thanks

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