Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Let's Catch Up

 Hello Everyone!

It's been a little over a month since I took my blog break. I didn't take a lot of pictures to post since I wanted to focus on more on self care, but let's catch up!

I can't remember the last time I made chicken alfredo. I know it's been a long time. 

Easy Chicken Alfredo

Since I took my break as we all know there's a new president! Whatever your political views are, please remember to be respectful if you leave a comment!!

If you didn't know on Inauguration Day the hashtag #chucksandpearls were trending for Madame Vice President Kamala Harris. She has been photographed wearing chucks and pearls during campaigning etc. I think this was a great way to support Kamala Harris as she made history. 

A no makeup makeup look

I think the Winter has me creating more neutral makeup looks. 

Makeup Motivation

January 31st was National Hot Chocolate Day. A day for hot chocolate, yes please lol. It's been so cold and rainy in South Carolina lately. 

When I took my break, I was hoping to catch up on some rest, but I've been dealing with a sinus infection. If you're a reader of my blog, then you already know that I suffer horribly from sinuses and allergies. The past week has been rough with this sinus infection, but I'm making the best of it. I think the extreme temperatures tend to make my sinus and allergy issues worse. I'm glad to be back to blogging! I have numerous posts planned! Stay tuned! 


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

Red Rose Alley said...

So good to have you back with us again, Pilar. I'm sorry you're having sinus trouble again. Your hot chocolate sounds delicious, and I recently made myself some too. It seems January and February are good months for hot chocolate. Your recipe of chicken alfredo looks so good. You know, that's my favorite Italian meal? Oh, sweet blog sister, you look good with or without make-up. Such a pretty lady, inside and out.


Marie said...

Nice to see a post from you Pilar! I hope that you enjoyed your break! I'm sorry to hear your having sinus issues again. I hope you feel better soon! I saw the Chuck and Pearls hashtag on Inauguration Day! Loved it!

Mellie said...

Welcome back! Hope you feel better soon.

Lisa said...

Girl your beautiful with and without makeup. Your flawless.
Being on the other side of the fence, I never saw that Hashtag but it is cute.
Glad your back.

The Liberty Belle said...

You totally had me at 'National Hot Chocolate day.' I'll be ready for it next time.

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you Sheri! You're always so kind! I've been so cold and dreary lately I look forward to Spring! My allergy and sinus issues have been horrible, thankfully not everyday has been bad. I didn't know Chicken Alfredo was your favorite Italian meal! It's so good!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie! I had a nice break! I love the Chucks and Pearls too! I thought it was a nice way to show support as Kamala Harris made history!

Pilar said...

Thank you Mellie!

Pilar said...

Thank you Lisa for your kind words! As for the hashtag, I saw it trending early on Inauguration Day and I wanted to participate! Glad to be back!

Pilar said...

I hope you enjoy a cup of hot chocolate!

The Little Things

 Hello Everyone! Recently I received two gifts from my two of my friends. One is my bestie I met at work at my old job that works at my new ...