Sunday, February 20, 2022

Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer: Full Bloom Spring 2022 Collection

 Hello Everyone!

*Disclaimer: This post is contains samples from Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer and YCC Agency. I would like to thank them for sending these products. All opinions are 100% my own. Product information, courtesy of

Last year I was introduced to Morgan Taylor Nail Polishes with their Sing 2 Launch of Nail Polishes, and I've love the brand ever since! These nail polishes for their current Full Bloom Spring Collection 2022 are so gorgeous and perfect hues for Spring! 

Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer

Spring is in the air and the Gelish and Morgan Taylor Full Bloom Spring 2022 Collection is here to welcome it! A selection of shades that celebrate all the fresh floral hues of springtime, Full Bloom offers a bouquet of eye-catching, colorful crèmes plus a delicate glitter that may be worn on its own or as an overcoat.

Morgan Taylor Polishes in 

I Lilac What I'm Seeing 
Pick Me Please
Feeling Fluer-ty

These pastel colors are so pretty for Spring! I wanted to use Plant One on Me with this manicure, but it came damaged. I put super glue on the top so I could display it with the rest of the polishes.  Plant One on Me is a beautiful pink shade for Spring as well!

Morgan Taylor Polishes in 

Bloom Service
Best Buds

I love wearing pastel colors during the Spring, but Bloom Service is a dusty teal that is simply gorgeous!

I decided that I'll probably wear press on nails until the Spring since my nails are always so brittle in the Winter. I usually grow my nails longer in the warmer months when they're healthier and less brittle. You can find these polishes on


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

These pretty shades are spring perfect! I'm really looking forward to the warmer weather.

Miss Val's Creations said...

So many beautiful shades to choose from!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful collection!

Hena Tayeb said...

So many gorgeous shades!

Marie said...

What gorgeous shades for Spring! I love that teal shade!

Pilar said...

I'm ready for warmer weather too! I love these shades for Spring!

Pilar said...

I agree!

Pilar said...

I agree!

Pilar said...

These shades are going to look beautiful to wear during Spring!

Pilar said...

I agree! Isn't the teal shade gorgeous?!

Lovely said...

Lovely collection! The colors look great on you.

Pilar said...

Thanks Lovely!

Ivana Split said...

Beautiful shades, love these nail polishes. The teal manicure is my favourite.

paola lauretano said...

Wow, so many beautiful shades here!
Kisses, Paola.


My Instagram

Adriana Leandro said...

Beautiful collection.
These shades are perfect.

Steffi Barbie said...

so many lovely shades :) your nails look beautiful :)

ALLIE NYC said...

My nails get super brittle too. I had not heard of this brand they sound excellent. Loving these colors and the ombre style doing all your nails a different color in the same color way.

Allie of

Pilar said...

Thanks Ivana! I love the yeal manicure too!

Pilar said...

Thanks Paola!

Pilar said...

Thanks Adriana!

Pilar said...

Thanks Steffi!

Pilar said...

Thanks Allie! I just decided to use false nails for the time being. I wish my nails weren't so brittle during the Winter. It's funny because I my nails are pretty healthy during the warmer months. My nails still feel a little brittle, but not as bad during the Winter.

Kristen Alpert said...

I have never heard of this brand but I love the colors. I will have to look for this brand and try the polish. Can’t wait for the next batch of colors from this brand. Where can I find this brand? Can I get this in store or just online?

Pilar said...

You can find these polishes on Amazon. I don't think this brand is sold in stores. I hope this info helps!

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