Sunday, December 25, 2022

Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas to Me!

Hello Everyone!

Happy Birthday to Me! Is it me or today doesn't feel like Christmas lol? Well as you can see from my into picture I started with cake at midnight Christmas morning.

I took this picture on Christmas Eve. When I was growing up we typically didn't put presents under the tree until Christmas Eve evening

Birthday Card 

I love taking photos of the Christmas Tree during the evening on Christmas Eve. The coziness of lights gleaming on the tree sets such a peaceful environment. 

Christmas Morning

Birthday Bags

Christmas Goodies

A few new starbucks cups. One for my birthday and one for Christmas 

When I opened my eyes this morning, I was blessed to see another birthday. Here's to 37 years old. Another year to shine my light brightly.
Happy 37th Birthday/Merry Christmas to me! Wishing you all a Merry Christmas 🎅🏽❤🎄


Annies Food Diary said...

Happy birthday to you and Happy holidays. Same here this years Christmas didn't really feel like Christmas.

Annies Food Diary

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Merry Christmas!

Red Rose Alley said...

Pilar, Merry Christmas! it is truly special that your birthday is on Christmas. It looks like you got a lot of goodies. I love your Christmas tree, and it DOES Look magical at night with the lights. I like how you chose the white wintery colors this year in your decorating. I'm going to have a dresser top filled with that for the new year. That birthday card is pretty, and a piece of chocolate cake at midnight is perfect for your birthday. We are the fortunate ones to have you shine your light yet another year. Thank you for this beautiful post, Pilar.


Marie said...

I hope you had the happiest birthday Pilar! It looks like you had lovely day! Beautiful birthday selfie!

Pam said...

Happiest bday. Love the trees. Everything looks so nice.

Mica said...

What a beautiful tree! Happy birthday to you! It looks like you got some wonderful gifts for the occasion :)

Hope you had a lovely Christmas and birthday celebration :)

Pilar said...

Thank you Annie! ❤

Pilar said...

Thank you! ❤

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Sheri! Your kind words warm my heart! ❤

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Marie! ❤

Pilar said...

Thank you Pam! ❤

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Mica! ❤

The Little Things

 Hello Everyone! Recently I received two gifts from my two of my friends. One is my bestie I met at work at my old job that works at my new ...