Friday, December 9, 2022

Rockin Around the Christmas Tree

 Hello Everyone!

Happy December! (I know I'm over a week late!) It's officially my birthday month and Christmas is coming! If you follow me over the years, many of you know that Christmas Day is actually my birthday! 

I like to burn a candle while I'm decorating the Christmas tree, particularly Fresh Balsam.

I appropriately named this post after one of my favorite Christmas Songs, Rockin Around the Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee. Did you know that Brenda Lee was only 13 years old when she recorded this song during the Summer of 1958? She sounds amazing!

Decorating in progress...

I actually put my Christmas tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving and did a little decorating, but I just finished decorating last night. Between sinuses, emotional health, and overall busyness the tree decorating was delayed. 

I've had the same tree theme since 2020, Clear, Silver, and White. I just think those colors look so magical around this time of year. I'm not a person that changes my tree every year, maybe every few years.

These Russell Stover Truffles are so good!

This isn't the way I wanted to start off December's blog posts. I'm not sure if it's the cold dreary weather or if it's due to things not going right this week, but I have a case of Merry Moodiness. This has been one of those hectic weeks that I just want to take hot showers, drown myself in chocolate, and go to bed early. I mean really early, like 7pm early. I never go to bed this early unless I'm feeling sick, but as I mentioned it's been one of those weeks. Well this week is almost over, so I'm looking towards a better week next. 

Happy Holidays!


Anonymous said...

Nice Christmas tree decor!

Mellie said...

Your tree is so pretty. Happy Holidays to you!

Marie said...

What a beautiful tree Pilar! Those colors go so well together! I'm sorry that you're having a hard time emotionally. Remember whatever you're going through, you're going to get through it. Also, remember to take time out for yourself. Sending you many hugs!

Hena Tayeb said...

My dad was born on Christmas as well. 13 years old.. that is incredible!

Jackie Harrison said...

Great job on your Christmas Tree looks cute.

Marianela Beauty Tips said...

Nice Decoration, Thanks for sharing.
I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

ALLIE NYC said...

Wow your Birthday is on Christmas well Happy Birthday! December IS your month!Love the tree you did a great job decorating it. Same here I put it up the day after Thanksgiving but took my time decorating it. And NO I had no idea Brenda Lee was only 13 when this song was recorded wow.

Allie of

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you Melle! Happy Holidays!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie!

Pilar said...

Happy Birthday to your dad!

Pilar said...

Thank you Jackie!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marianela! Have a great holiday season!

Pilar said...

Thank you Allie!

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