Sunday, September 27, 2015

I Love Fall Tag!

Hello Everyone!

My friends Ashley and Margo tagged me for the I Love Fall Tag. Thanks for tagging me ladies! Here are my responses. Two posts for Sunday?! Yes, that's right! To start off Fall week on my blog, I thought I would post two posts for today! You can check out my DIY Macaron and Lipstick Egg Lip Gloss Tutorial HERE

What is your favourite fall month?

What did you dress as for Halloween last year?
I didn't dress up last year

What is your favourite fall food?
Sweet potato pie

Do you have any fall traditions?
The only tradition I can think of is preparing a menu for Thanksgiving dinner

Do you have any Halloween traditions?
I usually watch scary movies on TV.

What music do you like to listen to during fall?
I listen to all kinds of music during all seasons of the year

What is your favourite fall outfit?
Leggings, Sweater, and Boots

Favorite scary movie?
I cant think of one at the moment lol

S’mores or pumpkin pie?

Hot chocolate or warm apple cider?
Hot Chocolate!

Do you like Pumpkin Spice Lattes?

What is the best thing about your town during fall?
The fair I guess even though I haven't been in years.

Tea or coffee?

Cats or bats?
Do you enjoy carving jack-o-lanterns?
I have never carved a jack-o-lanterns.

Do you enjoy visiting graveyards?
Absolutely NOT!

What is your favourite fall memory?
Going to the fair as a child

Gloves or mittens?

Do you enjoy the other seasons?

How do you plan to spend this Halloween?
I don't know. I'll probably just watch scary movies on TV.

In ONE sentence… WHY do you love fall so much?
The weather is cooler!

What is your favourite fall makeup look?
Neutral eyeshadow and dark lipstick or Dark eyeshadow and neutral lipstick

What is your favourite fall candle scent?
Right now, it's Farmstand Apple from Bath and Body Works

Do you enjoy cold weather?
I enjoy cooler weather not really cold weather.

What is your least favourite thing about fall?
Anything Pumpkin!

What is your favourite Halloween candy?
I don't really have one.

What is one thing you’d love to try during fall, but haven’t yet?

Apple Picking. I heard that it's really fun.

I tag anyone who wants to do this tag!

Here's the link once again to my Macaron and Lipstick Egg DIY Lip Gloss Tutorial

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Marie said...

Great answers!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you did this tag Pilar! I loved all your answers and I knew your least favorite thing would be pumpkin stuff lol!!

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

yay!! so happy you did this!! I've never been apple picking but I really want to!

Jackie Harrison said...

I also love apple picking and pumpkin great tag.

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thanks for tagging me! Too bad I didn't get a chance to add some pictures. Maybe I'll go back and a few pictures for this post! I just don't like Pumpkin. I feel like such an odd ball during Fall. I get strange looks when people hear I don't like Pumpkin lol!

Pilar said...

Thank you for tagging me! I've heard apple picking is so much fun!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Your answers were great Pilar! I love sweet potato pie also.

willsingformakeup said...

This is such a great tag! I love the cooler weather. I just wish it would come to Texas already!

Pilar said...

Thank you! Sweet potato pie is one of my favorite desserts!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I know what you mean! It was cooler in South Carolina last week and the other day it was a little humid outside! I'll be happy when the weather is consistently cooler!

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