Thursday, September 3, 2015

An Important Update About My Blog

Hello Everyone!

You may have noticed that I've been absent around social Media the past few days. So I'll let you know why. I just upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S4 to a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and during the file transfer the pics on my Picasa album on blogger was deleted. I'm not sure of what happened or why my Picasa album was deleted, but long story short, 90% of the pictures were deleted off my blog. I think it had to do something with Picasa because everything else during the transfer went perfectly. I had a complete blogger meltdown filled with anger and frustration to say the least. I was totally shocked that even though my pictures were already posted on my blog, that they would be deleted if Picasa was deleted. Typically I save most of my pictures. Since I've blogging for the past two years, I've taken a lot of pictures, and I didn't save every picture I took. Even if I retook all the pictures over, I don't have some of the items anymore. I'm so glad that most of my pictures can be found on my Instagram account!

At least none of my writing content was deleted which was a blessing.  Even though I was frustrated, it was no need to continue to cry over spilled milk. The day after most of my pictures were deleted, I decided to go back and replace some of the pictures I had back onto my blog.. I cleared my schedule to dedicate the day to re-edit my blog. It took majority of the day, but I accomplished my goal. My blog is very important to me and I wanted to do all I could to fix this issue. If you decide to back and review some of my posts you will notice that I only went back far as April 14, 2015 with my pictures. That was the day I returned back to my blog from taking a personal break and during the process of me getting ready to move. I figured that was a good place to stop since I was moving during the time I look at it all as fresh start.

All my other posts on blog prior to April 14, 2015 has my writing, inspirational posts, hauls, tutorials etc. it's still there, just not my pictures. For those of you that are new to my blog, you will notice that if you look at my old content you will see the disclaimer (along with my Instagram link) I provided the top of each post providing which will state:

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

I plan on working on an updated MAC lipstick collection, NYX Lip Pencils, swatches, etc. I'm not sure of the date, but those types post are definitely on my agenda for the future. I should be back to posting very soon, and in the meantime, I'm going to try to catch up on reading, and commenting on your posts!

Once again not all my pictures are lost since I have them on my other social media links that I've provided for you below:



On a more positive note, I love my Galaxy Note 4. It's an amazing phone!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Marie said...

That's too bad about your blog's pictures Pilar! At least you were able to save some of your pictures! You have a outstanding blog and I look forward to reading and viewing your new material! I hope you enjoy your new phone!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you were able to re edit your more recent posts! And I'm definitely looking forward to the updated Mac lipstick collection and the Nyx pencils too! I'm glad you love your new too!

Jackie Harrison said...

It happen to the best of us try to see if you could retrieve in back up file on the phone if you took pictures with your phone. Go under my files and click on images or download history. No matter what look at it like a fresh start.

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie for the kind words!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! I'm glad I was able to re edit my recent posts too. I decided that first when my pics were deleted to do updated lipstick related posts!

Pilar said...

Thanks for the suggestion Jackie, but that's the first thing I did when was check the download history on my phone. I exhausted all my options in trying to retrieve my older pics, but no luck. You're right I'm just looking at it as a fresh start.

E. Jones said...

I'm sorry to hear about your pictures there anyway that you could contact Google for some type of solutions?

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

OH NO! I'm so sorry Pilar that is so frustrating. I am currently experiencing a similar issue with my blog and I understand wanting to just break down. You are amazing for dedicating so much time and I am glad you are back.

Pilar said...

Thanks E. Jones. I did send an email, but I haven't heard anything back. I decided to move along with my blog. I just wanted to make sure I had my pictures from the past few months. I didn't want my blog to completely photo less.

Pilar said...

Thanks Margo. This situation was so frustrating! I'm sorry you're having issues with your blog. I hope everything works out for you all. My blog means a lot to me and I love blogging and interacting with you. I just put my frustration aside and re edited my blog. I'm glad to be back! My goal is to catch up on reading and commenting on blogs by the end of next week.

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Pilar, I would've felt the same way you did! That is crazy! You would think that once they were on your blog that is where they would stay. I'm glad you shared this, because I didn't know and I bet others didn't either. So sorry to hear this doll! Glad you could recover some of them. Keep moving forward. At least your written content is in tact. ((HUG))

Pilar said...

Thanks Kim! I would have never thought something like this would happen! I felt it was important to share what happend to me and to inform others as well! I'm going to definitely keep moving forward!

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...