Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Reflections of a Current 27 Year Old Woman

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Wow, I can't believe that it's exactly one week to the date until Christmas!! Time is really flying by! I really love this time of year because everything is so pretty in the environment outside, all the decorations, the lights, and all the holiday events! I also love how the holiday season can bring some people together. I'm the type of person that I love to give gifts especially to the people that I love and care about. Whether, it's buying a gift for someone or making a tray/basket full of baked Christmas goodies, it makes me feel good to give to others :)

Now with that being said, I'm going to focus on the subject of my post today. I'm going to reflect on being 27 years old. For my blogging friends who regularly visit my blog, you may remember that I've mentioned that my birthday is on Christmas Day (I think it's pretty awesome that I was born on Jesus' birthday) For those who are reading this today, now you know as well lol :) Anyway, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and instead of dreading turning a year old like some people do (ok... in the past I've been guilty of dreading turning a year older) I'm embracing turning older. Seriously there's a silver lining in celebrating turning a year older. I think about how some people didn't get to celebrate their next birthday, for that reason alone I will be grateful this time next week. I have so many things I look forward to in the future; I may even go to graduate school so I can become a counselor. I hope to one day be blessed to have a wonderful husband and children. I may not be exactly where I want to be in life, but that's the great thing about life…it's a journey. The journey may not always be pleasant, but every experience good or bad you likely will learn something from it. I can honestly say that I've taken something from life's experiences thus far. Once again some experiences were good, some were not so good, but at the end of the day I kept a positive outlook, in my opinion that's what really counts :) God willing next week as I continue life's incredible journey, I will feel blessed, feel beautiful, and embrace turning 28 years old.

Happy Birthday to all the December babies! And Happy Holidays Everyone!


I just added the follow me on Bloglovin button on the right side of my blog, feel free to follow me!


Liz Outh said...

I just love love LOVE how you are embracing your age Pilar!! I want to go ahead and wish you a very Happy Birthday and a very Merry Christmas lovely!

I am right with you hun about staying positive at all times. There's going to be bumps on the road but we must keep going! Stay strong hun. I'm so happy that we "met" through blogging because you are the sweetest girl ever! I wish you and your blog nothing but the best. I also want to wish you the very best on your future endeavors =D XOXO

Unknown said...

This is an awesome post! Turing a year old, you get to be a year wiser too right? Great opportunities and experiences come with aging and everyone should embrace that! So cute that your a Christmas baby as well :)

Pilar said...

Thank you Liz for the birthday wishes :) Things are going well for me, but I really wanted to reflect on all aspects in my life thus far. I feel like people should try to see the bright side of their circumstances. Life isn't going to be perfect, but life can be pretty terrific. It's all the attitude a person has that makes all the difference. I try my best to remain positive. I'm glad I met you through blogging too!! I wish you a Very Merry Christmas!! I want to wish you the best in your endeavors as well!

Pilar said...

Thank you Ashley!! Turning a year older definitely brings more wisdom. I've gained so much perspective as I've ventured through my 20's. I can't wait to experience what opportunities turning 28 years old has in store for me! I agree people should definitely embrace that. When I tell people my birthday is on Christmas, they find it interesting and ask me what it's like to have a birthday on Christmas lol :)

Unknown said...

I have a cousin who's a Christmas baby too haha! It's not very common I think!

Pilar said...

Thats awesome! I think I only know of two other people who share my birthday lol

Marie said...

Beautifully written post! Embracing your age is always a good thing. Your outlook on life is just wonderful! There will be trials in life, but having a positive as attitude helps you stay focused on what's important. Have a Merry Christmas, and have a terrific birthday next week!

Jackie Harrison said...

You do not look pass 18 doll great age its good to embrace your age and who you are awesome post Happy birthday and Merry Christmas enjoy both.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday and Merry Christmas dear ! May all your dreams come true :) xx

Pilar said...

Thank you for the kind words and the birthday wishes!! You're always so sweet! I try to keep a positive outlook on life :) I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!

Pilar said...

Thank you for the birthday wishes! Your comments are so kind :) I hope you have a Wonderful Merry Christmas!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes Ambi! I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas :)

Shalunya21 said...

Pilar, I love your positive attitude. After all it is the one thing you can control. It's not about where you think you should be, it's about liking where your at. I love your spirit. Your future is so bright because I know you will make it bright. I hope your birthday is amazing and your Christmas is filled with love and laughter. You, my dear friend, are such a blessing. Stay positive and stay beautiful!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Shalunya! Your words are too kind friend! and thank you for the birthday wishes! I try to keep a positive spirit about life, because there are so many great things to experience! I hope that you have Wonderful Merry Christmas, blessed with everything you dream of and happiness!

Unknown said...

You have written it so well!! Love your blog <3

Would you like to follow each other via bloglovin, gfc and g+? Do visit my blog and let me know!! :)

Pilar said...

Thanks for stopping by! I'll go check out your blog.

Margo said...

Happy early birthday! 27 years young babe! You look amazing!!

Pilar said...

Thank you Margo for the early birthday wishes and the kind words! It's so surreal that I'll be 28 years old in three days lol! I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!

Kristen said...

so true. you should embrace turning a year older because there are those who don't make it to there next birthday. however, a lot of people dread their birthdays and turning another year older. I know I do. But think of it this way. when you turn another year older make it a new beginning/chapter of your life and make the next year of your life even better then the last.

Pilar said...

Thanks Kristen! Now that I'm officially 28 I completely embrace it. I look foward to the next chapter in my life!

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