Sunday, February 9, 2014

What Valentine's Day Means To Me

Hello Everyone!

I know I've been absent from my blog for a week, but life happens lol and I've been working on some crocheting items for some customers, so between life and crocheting I've been kind of busy :)

Today I want to start off the week with one of a few Valentine's Day releated posts I'm going to share during the next few days. We all know many people celebrate Valentine's Day in various ways, and then there are some people who don't celebrate the holiday at all. Whether you celebrate Valentine's Day or not, I want to share with you all what Valentine's Day means to me.

I actually really like Valentine's Day, not for the gifts or romance necessarily. I like to show love toward the people in my life and show them how much I appreciate them. Love in general is such a beautiful thing. Love makes life worth living, smiling, and enjoying all the joy it brings. I also think that it's a great feeling to know you have people in your life that will love you unconditionally.

I think that we as people should show love and kindness, etc. all year, but I'm glad there is a day specifically for showing acts of love and kindness. I know for me showing or saying nice things to others makes me feel good. As Valentine's Day approaches I hope your day is filled with love, laughter, and happiness!!


Thanks for reading! Follow me in GFC and Bloglovin!


Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

This is so great Pilar, I agree with you--its just a day for general love that should extend all year!

Unknown said...

I've missed your blog posts! This is a great one like always and you have a nice insight for this holiday :)

Anonymous said...

i agree with you dear :) we should love all year long :) Brilliant post doll ! xx

willsingformakeup said...

Such a great message in this post! We have missed you dear, but that's so wonderful that you have been busy with orders!

Marie said...

This is a wonderful post and attitude to have toward Valentine's Day! You're absolutely right, the holiday is about showing love towards others in general. People should show love all during the year!

Jackie Harrison said...

Very well said love it and so sweet just like you and true Valentine's is more than romance I love God my mom sibling friends family in general and my pets. Great post.

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Aren't you an angel! We need more people in the world like you. What a beautiful message. It's so true.

Pilar said...

Thank you Margo!

Pilar said...

Thank you Ashley! I've missed posting! I'm going to try to post again this week, and I should be back on track sometime next week!

Pilar said...

Thank you Ambi!

Pilar said...

Thank you Lauren! I missed you all also! I may not have posted that much during the past week, but I kept current with reading/commenting on you all's posts!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie!

Pilar said...

Thank you Jackie!

Pilar said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and for the kind words!

Shalunya21 said...

Love is not exclusive to romance. Pilar, I love you for your open heart and gentle soul. You are beautiful at sprinkling love with your blog posts. Thanks for such an uplifting post my dear. Never stop being you!

Pilar said...

Thank you Shalunya and you're welcome! You are so right, love isn't exclusive to romance, I think more people should realize that. Love in general is what people should show more during the year.

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...